Chapter 118: I still haven't seen Huangfu Qiye

"Not yet. How about you?" She was no longer panting, and her tone became lighter.

She had never known that she could be in such a good mood when talking to him on the phone.

However, hearing his tired tone, she began to guess that he must be very busy in France this time.

Then, would he be surprised by her sudden visit?

Or, her previous fantasies might not happen after seeing him.

Before she came to France, she was confident that he would be pleasantly surprised when he saw her.

But now, after coming to France, she began to lose her confidence.

"It doesn't matter if I eat or not. You haven't had dinner yet, so go downstairs and eat. I'll call you tomorrow and rest early, okay?" He sighed and then hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei looked at her phone. He had already hung up the call.

For some reason, he had hung up the phone twice today. That first time, she didn't feel anything. After all, she was still in another country at that time.

But now, she had already gone overseas to see him.

But he was very tired. He did not want to talk to her and hung up the phone directly.

She suddenly felt a little timid and did not dare to see him anymore.

"Yuan Shan, ask the driver to stop the car." There was still a smile on her face before, but now the smile had faded.

When Yuan Shan heard her order, she hurriedly asked the driver to stop the car and then turned around to look at her carefully. "Miss Tang, what's wrong? There's still an hour before we can reach the winery where young master lives. We haven't reached our destination yet."

"I..." Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and looked a little helpless. "I want to rest for a while before I go."

"This..." Yuan Shan frowned in embarrassment.

For the entire day, she mustered up her courage and did not tell young master that she had brought Tang Xiaowei to France on her own accord.

Now that they had finally arrived in France, she could not wait to send Tang Xiaowei to her young master's side as soon as possible. No matter how young master would punish her, she could be considered to have protected Tang Xiaowei safely.

But now, she was only an hour away from sending Tang Xiaowei to her young master's side. Why did Tang Xiaowei seem to be unwilling to go?

"Miss Tang, are you feeling unwell?" Yuan Shan asked worriedly when she saw that Tang Xiaowei's expression was pained.

Tang Xiaowei gritted her teeth. She knew that Yuan Shan was suffering, so she stopped torturing her. She closed her eyes and said, "I'm fine. Drive. Remember to wake me up when we arrive."

Yuan Shan then heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay."

And so, the car continued to drive.

An hour later.

The car stopped at the entrance of the winery.

Yuan Shan called Tang Xiaowei softly from behind, "Miss Tang, we've arrived."

Tang Xiaowei slowly opened her eyes and looked out of the window. She realized that they had indeed arrived at the entrance of a European-style building.

As she had said before that she wanted to give Huangfu Qiye a surprise, Yuan Shan had asked the driver not to drive the car in. She had only parked the car at the entrance of the winery.

This was the first time Tang Xiaowei's heart had started beating violently. It was as if her heart was about to run out of her chest.

She tried her best to calm herself down before pushing open the car door and getting out.

It was still very cold outside. She put on her coat and wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck; only then did she feel a little warmer.

There were security guards guarding the entrance of the winery. Yuan Shan had already gone forward to communicate with them and was now walking back. "Miss Tang, let's go. I'll accompany you in. In order not to expose our arrival, the others will stay outside for now."

Tang Xiaowei nodded and felt that Yuan Shan's actions were just right.

Hence, she walked into the winery with Yuan Shan.

However, the winery was very quiet at the moment. Although the surrounding lights were turned on, it was obvious that the winery was very empty. There was almost no one in it. Other than a few quiet servants who occasionally walked around, there was no one else.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei walked around the winery, but she did not see Huangfu Qiye.

The winery occupied a very large area. Other than the room where the guests were received and the cellar where the wine was stored, there was also a small factory next to the cellar. Behind the winery, there was a row of villas. These were the guest rooms that could be provided for visitors.

Behind the guest room was a large forest of grapes and a large sea of flowers.

This place looked really beautiful during the day.

Tang Xiaowei saw the posters of the entire winery in the hall where the guests were received. She subconsciously wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to go to the forest of grapes and the sea of flowers to take a look.

Finally, she was a little tired from walking, but she still did not see Huangfu Qiye.

In order not to tire herself out, because she was afraid that her exhaustion would affect the child inside her, she found a chair and sat down. Then, she suggested to Yuan Shan, "Yuan Shan, why don't you go and ask the people here to see where your young master is? If you keep looking blindly, I'll be so tired that I won't be able to walk, and I won't be able to give him a surprise."

Yuan Shan nodded repeatedly. "Alright, then Miss Tang, you can rest here for a while. Don't wander around. I'll be right back."

Yuan Shan thought that there were many security guards inside the winery, and there were also many bodyguards outside the winery. If Tang Xiaowei wanted to escape, she definitely wouldn't be able to escape, so she left with ease.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know what Yuan Shan was thinking. If she knew, she would definitely be extremely depressed.

She already said that she wouldn't escape, so why didn't anyone believe her?

However, it was also because she had always wanted to escape, so in Huangfu Qiye's heart, as well as the hearts of the people around him, no one believed that Tang Xiaowei really wanted to stay.

Tang Xiaowei sighed and sat alone on a chair in the hall.

However, the chair was made of wood. It was a little hard and a little cold.

She got up and walked over to the sofa to sit down.

The sofa was better. It was soft and warm.

She had just sat down on the sofa when the unusually quiet hall was suddenly disturbed by the sound of footsteps coming from the front door. Then, an anxious and elderly female voice came in. "Second miss, please walk slowly. Don't fall down. Eldest young master won't leave suddenly. He's still in the winery. What if you fall down in your hurry?"

The elderly female voice had just finished speaking Another spoiled woman's voice sounded. "Mother Lin, don't say anymore. Right now, I only want to see brother Ye. This time, grandfather has already promised to help me fulfill my wish. If I don't see brother Ye soon, what if he leaves later? He..."

When the young woman mentioned her brother Ye, her tone became gentle.

However, she wanted to continue speaking when she entered the door. After entering the door, she saw a beautiful girl wearing a white one-piece dress, a white down jacket, and a scarf sitting on the sofa in the hall. She immediately shut her mouth and stared at Tang Xiaowei who was sitting on the sofa in surprise.