Chapter 128: I'm afraid that I'll cry when I see him

As for the child, I might not be able to keep him.

However, I think that I have to leave him.

I think that the child might be aborted.

Her heart was in so much pain that it felt like it was being cut by a razor blade. Her tears rolled out in large, disobedient droplets.

She was afraid that Yuan Shan, who was in front of her, would see her crying.

She was afraid that Yuan Shan would ask her why she was crying and she would not be able to answer. She could only lower her head and use her hands to cover her aching chest to catch her breath.

She had never felt such heartache before.

Could it be that she had unconsciously fallen in love with Huangfu Qiye, and that was why she was in such pain and helplessness when he hated her?

Her heart hurt even more when she thought of this possibility.

She closed her eyes and almost did not dare to accept the fact that she had fallen in love with him.

How did she fall in love?

How could she not know when she fell in love with him?

She just felt uncomfortable. Just the thought of his cold and gloomy expression and his sarcastic reply made her feel as if she had been stabbed many times by him.

Tang Xiaowei curled up in her seat, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Wasn't she still in love with Ling Yijue before?

Why was she in love with Huangfu Qiye now?

She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to leave this place completely, so badly that she wanted to leave the place where Huangfu Qiye was.

She didn't know how she fell in love with Huangfu Qiye.

But she knew very well that ever since Ling Yijue started to pursue her, her heart had slowly started to want Ling Yijue.

And then, Huangfu Qiye began to appear in her life, and unknowingly, Huangfu Qiye had also appeared in her heart.

Her heart was originally split into two halves. Half of it was Ling Yijue, and the other half was Huangfu Qiye.

But now, the half that contained Huangfu Qiye's heart had gradually grown bigger, while the other half that contained Ling Yijue's heart had slowly shrunk.

Only now did she realize that she had unknowingly fallen in love with Huangfu Qiye.

However, Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue were the same. When she was willing to give her heart, they both chose not to have her.

She realized that her luck was really bad. Every time she was willing to give her heart, the people who were clearly pursuing her suddenly changed and did not want her anymore.

It was the same twice in a row. She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. Then, she wiped away her tears and did not allow herself to continue crying.

"Yuan Shan, let's go to a nearby bar." She knew that drinking while pregnant was not good for the child, but now she just wanted to get drunk and numb herself.

Although she really wanted to leave Huangfu Qiye's side completely from now on, she did not have the energy or the mood to plan a route to leave.

Moreover, she was currently abroad. She did not have money, and her family was still in another country. Therefore, even if she wanted to leave his side, she would have to wait until she returned home.

Yuan Shan did not know that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant, but she also knew that she could not send Tang Xiaowei to a bar to drink.

A bar was such a chaotic place. Unless she wanted to be beaten to death by young master, she would not agree to send Tang Xiaowei to such a place.

"Miss Tang, I can't send you to such a place. You should choose another one."

Tang Xiaowei really wanted to drink. Since she couldn't go to a bar, then she could go to a restaurant. There should be alcohol in a restaurant, right.

But she didn't say it out loud. She said calmly, "Alright, then I'm hungry. I want to go for a meal. Let's find a restaurant and stop the car."

Yuan Shan heaved a sigh of relief and replied, "Okay."

Then, a few minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of an authentic French restaurant.

Tang Xiaowei ordered a lot of food in the restaurant. Although she really wanted to drink and get drunk, she didn't order any alcohol in the end. She just drank water and ate.

She almost treated herself like a puppet. Her expression was desolate and her eyes were lifeless. She only knew how to eat in small bites. Even though she was full in the end, she did not stop.

Her heart was in pain and she was in a mess. She did not know what to do to calm herself down.

She did not know what she should do in the future.

She suddenly wanted to disappear from this world.

Yuan Shan had always been by her side, observing her carefully. When she realized that the Tang Xiaowei today was really different from the Tang Xiaowei in the past, Yuan Shan began to think about how she had become like this.

Then, Yuan Shan recalled that before she left the hospital, Tang Xiaowei had left crying.

So, was it because her young master had done something to Tang Xiaowei in the hospital that made her sad?

However, thinking about it and worrying about it, Yuan Shan did not dare to ask Tang Xiaowei.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei could not eat anymore, so she stopped moving. However, she had no intention of leaving. She had been sitting in her seat in a daze, occasionally drinking some water.

She stayed in the restaurant for the whole day. When the restaurant was about to close, the waiter reminded her a few times, but she did not respond. Yuan Shan then carefully called out to her, "Miss Tang, it's already dark. You've stayed here for a whole day. Now that the restaurant is about to close, why don't we go back? Young master will be angry if we go back late."

Tang Xiaowei did not hear the first part of what she said, but hearing the words, "young master" made Tang Xiaowei, who had been in a daze, come back to her senses.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at Yuan Shan in a daze, then looked at the nervous waiter beside her. Only then did she stand up and prepare to leave.

However, after sitting for a long time, her legs were numb. As soon as she stood up, her legs became weak and her head felt a little dizzy.

However, she still endured it and did not say anything. She silently walked out of the restaurant as if she had lost her words.

Yuan Shan had already paid the bill. At that moment, she also hurriedly followed Tang Xiaowei's footsteps and left.

Tang Xiaowei did not want to return to the winery at all. She did not want to see Huangfu Qiye. Although he was still in the hospital in the morning, she did not know if he had returned to the winery at this moment, so she did not dare to go back. She was afraid that she would see him once he had returned.

She still could not control herself. She was afraid that she would cry when she saw him.

She did not want to cry in front of someone who did not love her.

This would only make him continue to laugh at her.

She walked out of the restaurant with her head lowered. She did not get into the car and leave. Instead, she walked silently to the side of the street and walked aimlessly.

Yuan Shan followed behind her. When she saw that she did not get into the car, she reminded her, "Miss Tang, it is already very late. You should get in the car and we will send you back to rest."

Tang Xiaowei did not answer her nor did she turn around to look at her. She just lowered her head and continued walking forward.

Yuan Shan saw her like this and was extremely anxious. Then, she took out her phone and was about to call her young master.

At that moment, a young man suddenly walked in front of her. He was walking in a hurry and was about to bump into Tang Xiaowei. However, just as he was about to bump into Tang Xiaowei, he suddenly stopped and grabbed her shoulder. Surprised, he said, "Are you Tang Xiaowei? Oh my God, how did I meet you here? Are you here on a trip to France?"