Chapter 129: Miss Tang is about to leave with another man

Tang Xiaowei's shoulders were suddenly grabbed by someone. She raised her head and realized that this rather handsome young man in front of her looked somewhat familiar.

But now, her heart was as dead as ash. She couldn't remember who this familiar-looking man was at all.

But when the other party saw that she didn't look well, he became worried. "Tang Xiaowei, are you sick?"

"You are?" Tang Xiaowei reached out to push the man's hand away. Although she was in a bad mood and didn't have any strength in her body, she didn't like to be touched by others.

So after pushing the man away, she took two steps back.

When the man heard this, although he was a little disappointed, he still smiled and introduced himself. "We were high school classmates. Have you forgotten? My name is Zhou Yufeng. After I graduated from High School, I went to France to study abroad. I didn't expect to meet you here today. I heard that you went to university in China, so are you here for a vacation. I'm very familiar with this place. Why don't I take you around?"

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment. In high school, there was indeed a boy named Zhou Yufeng in her class, and Zhou Yufeng had indeed gone abroad after high school.

She remembered that this person was indeed her classmate.

And she didn't want to go back to the winery now, and she didn't know this place, so she nodded. "Okay, then I'll have to trouble you for a tour."

Zhou Yufeng didn't expect Tang Xiaowei to agree to his suggestion. He just wanted to give it a try.

After all, when he was in high school, he especially liked Tang Xiaowei. However, because of Ling Yijue, that very handsome and powerful boy, all the boys in their school who liked Tang Xiaowei did not dare to pursue Tang Xiaowei because of her boyfriend.

Although Ling Yijue looked sunny and handsome, as long as anyone dared to pursue Tang Xiaowei, they would be secretly taught a lesson by him.

Therefore, Zhou Yufeng had liked Tang Xiaowei for a long time, but he did not dare to say it out loud.

Now, seeing the girl he liked in a foreign country and seeing that Ling Yijue was not by her side, Zhou Yufeng would be a fool if he did not try and seize the opportunity.

Therefore, Zhou Yufeng walked beside Tang Xiaowei and gently told her about the things that happened in school in the past. The two of them slowly walked forward.

Behind them, Yuan Shan called her young master. Unfortunately, the person who picked up was Yuan Qi. Huangfu Qiye did not want to pick up the phone at all. Yuan Shan could only tell Yuan Qi, "Find a chance to tell young master that Miss Tang stayed outside for a day after she left the hospital crying. Moreover, she did not look well the whole day. Now that the sky is dark, she does not want to go back."

Yuan Qi was also helpless, "But young master chased me out of the ward. He also stayed in the ward for a whole day and is unwilling to see anyone."

Yuan Shan was about to let Yuan Qi report it directly. She had to go no matter what price she had to pay when she suddenly saw a young man chatting with Tang Xiaowei. Moreover, the other party's hand was grabbing Tang Xiaowei. He was still smiling and she didn't know what he had said to Tang Xiaowei.

Yuan Shan was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, Tang Xiaowei had already left with that man.

Yuan Shan was shocked and hurriedly said to Yuan Qi, "Immediately go and tell young master that if he doesn't come, Miss Tang will leave with another man."

"What?" Yuan Qi was also shocked when he heard that.

However, Yuan Shan did not have the time to continue chatting with Yuan Qi. She directly hung up the phone and rushed forward. She pushed Zhou Yufeng away and blocked the way in front of Tang Xiaowei. She angrily roared, "Who are you? Are you courting death by getting close to Miss Tang?"

Zhou Yufeng was originally talking about some interesting things that happened when he was in the same class as Tang Xiaowei. However, he did not expect a fierce woman to suddenly appear behind him. Moreover, this woman seemed to be very difficult to deal with. She even angrily shouted that he was not allowed to get close to Tang Xiaowei.

Zhou Yufeng was stunned for a moment before he asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

Then, without waiting for Yuan Shan to answer, he carefully looked at Tang Xiaowei and asked, "Tang Xiaowei, who is she?"

Tang Xiaowei only wanted to find a quiet place to sit down and ignore everything.

Originally, Zhou Yufeng appeared and said that he could take her around. She told him that she wanted to find a quiet place to stay for a while, and Zhou Yufeng agreed.

But now, Yuan Shan suddenly appeared and was fierce. Tang Xiaowei immediately thought of Huangfu Qiye.

Yuan Shan was Huangfu Qiye's subordinate and his bodyguard.

Thinking of him and everything about Huangfu Qiye made Tang Xiaowei feel uncomfortable.

She pushed Yuan Shan away and said to Zhou Yufeng, "Classmate Zhou, let's go. I don't know this person. Take me to a quieter place now."

She really wanted to find a quiet place to hide.

Zhou Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that. It turned out that the girl he liked did not know this woman who had suddenly appeared. He was worried that this fierce woman who had suddenly appeared was Tang Xiaowei's sister or relative. He was afraid that the other party would not allow Tang Xiaowei to continue shopping with him.

However, he had overlooked a problem. If Yuan Shan really did not know Tang Xiaowei, then Yuan Shan would not have said anything about Miss Tang just now.

As for Yuan Shan, she widened her eyes in disbelief. She had actually heard Miss Tang say that she did not know her just now?

What was going on?

She had been protecting Miss Tang for a very long time. Miss Tang had also called her name before. Why would she suddenly say that she did not know her today?

She anxiously stood in front of Tang Xiaowei and asked her nervously, "Miss Tang, what's wrong with you? I'm Yuan Shan. Why did you say that you don't know me?"

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei hated Huangfu Qiye because of his love and hate. Therefore, she naturally hated the people around Huangfu Qiye.

She did not look at Yuan Shan. Instead, she suddenly grabbed Zhou Yufeng's hand and said, "I don't know her. Let's leave quickly."

After saying that, she was about to leave. Zhou Yufeng was secretly happy. He held her hand tightly and prepared to take her away.

In fact, Tang Xiaowei subconsciously held Zhou Yufeng's hand. However, when Zhou Yufeng's hand held hers tightly, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She wanted to pull her hand back, but she did not succeed. Zhou Yufeng held her hand very tightly.

He held her hand and prepared to leave.

When Yuan Shan saw that the situation was not right, she stopped being cautious.

She was originally a bodyguard, so her martial arts ability was naturally not weak.

At that moment, although she was a little angry that Tang Xiaowei took the initiative to pull the hand of a man other than her young master, Yuan Shan wanted to teach this man who was holding onto Tang Xiaowei a lesson.

She suddenly clenched her fist, and without any warning, she fiercely punched Zhou Yufeng.

"Kid, do you want to die?" To actually dare to touch her young master's woman, this man who suddenly appeared really did not want to live anymore!

Yuan Shan's fist and angry roar scared Zhou Yufeng.

Zhou Yufeng's nose was bleeding from being hit, and he almost lost his balance.