Chapter 130: Tang Xiaowei, are you crazy? ! !

However, he really liked Tang Xiaowei. He was afraid that he would pull Tang Xiaowei if he fell, so he hurriedly let go of Tang Xiaowei's hand.

After letting go of Tang Xiaowei, he also clenched his fist. However, he did not make a move. Instead, he glared angrily at Yuan Shan. "I don't hit women. However, who exactly are you? Are you crazy? Tang Xiaowei already said that she doesn't know you, yet you still pester us like this."

Yuan Shan sneered. She originally wanted to say that Tang Xiaowei was her young master's woman, but before she could finish her words, she saw from the corner of her eye that Tang Xiaowei seemed to ignore her and this man. Instead, she lowered her head and silently walked away.

At that time, Yuan Shan really felt that Tang Xiaowei was really too abnormal today, so she couldn't be bothered with Zhou Yufeng. Then, she hurriedly ran in the direction where Tang Xiaowei left. "Miss Tang, what's wrong with you today? You have to go back to the winery with me now. You can't continue to wander outside."

Tang Xiaowei's expression changed when she heard this. Finally, she opened her mouth and said, "Yuan Shan, this is my classmate. There's nothing between us. Don't hit him. He's just helping show me the way. I just want to find a quiet place to stay for a while. Can you just not stop me?"

After she finished speaking, she did not care what Yuan Shan was thinking, nor did she listen to Yuan Shan's reply. It was as if she had returned to the state where she had lost her words before. She lowered her head and silently walked forward.

Yuan Shan was anxious, but she did not know what to do. She could only follow closely by Tang Xiaowei's side.

Zhou Yufeng did not leave either. He followed closely behind.

He knew Tang Xiaowei, but he did not know Yuan Shan. Tang Xiaowei had just said that she did not know Yuan Shan either, so when he met the girl he liked in a foreign country, there were people who appeared out of nowhere by her side. Zhou Yufeng was naturally worried about leaving just like that.

He wanted to stay behind to protect Tang Xiaowei.

Unfortunately, Yuan Shan's fierce look just now still somewhat scared Zhou Yufeng, so he did not dare to act rashly. He could only follow closely behind Tang Xiaowei like Yuan Shan did.

After Yuan Shan found out that Zhou Yufeng was only Tang Xiaowei's classmate, she heaved a sigh of relief. After all, Tang Xiaowei didn't show any signs of liking this man when she heardTang Xiaowei's explanation just now.

Anyway, as long as Tang Xiaowei didn't have any loving relationship with these men, Yuan Shan was much more at ease.

Tang Xiaowei walked in front, followed by two people.

Suddenly, a car in front of Mengran crashed toward Tang Xiaowei as if it had gone crazy.

However, Tang Xiaowei was deep in her thoughts and didn't notice it at all.

However, Yuan Shan and Zhou Yufeng, who were behind her, saw it.

Although Yuan Shan was shocked, her expression was still calm. She hurriedly reached out to grab Tang Xiaowei's left hand, trying to dodge to the side. "Miss Tang, be careful!"

On the other side, Zhou Yufeng was also very worried about Tang Xiaowei. He reached out to pull Tang Xiaowei, and just happened to pull Tang Xiaowei's right hand. "Tang Xiaowei, quickly dodge. There's a car!"

Tang Xiaowei heard their voices and the sound of the collision coming closer and closer, and she came back to her senses.

However, both of her hands were being pulled by someone while Yuan Shan and Zhou Yufeng pulled her to both sides. She could not leave with any of them at all and could only stand there helplessly.

Only at this moment did she feel fear.

She was so scared that she froze on the spot. She did not have the strength to leave anymore, nor did she have the strength to think about other things.

Seeing that the crazy car was getting closer and closer to her, she went from not noticing it at the beginning to waking up in shock and then to fear. Now, she was in a dumbstruck state.

Was she really going to die and disappear from this world today?

However, when the car was still a few meters away from her, a pair of hands suddenly reached out from behind her and forcefully pulled her into an embrace. She was pulled back forcefully by the person behind her. Yuan Shan and Zhou Yufeng could no longer hold her back. She was also pulled back a great distance by the person behind her. In an instant, she was even further away from the car. The car then crashed in another direction and stopped moving forward.

She was also safe.

However, she still felt as if she was in a dream.

Even though she was in a dangerous situation just now, she was safe now.

She still couldn't come back to her senses.

"Tang Xiaowei, are you crazy?" The man's angry roar rang in her ears. Her shoulder was shaken hard, and the skin on her shoulder was pinched until it hurt.

She was grabbed by someone and turned around, facing the person who had suddenly appeared to save her.

Only then did she slowly come back to her senses. She raised her head and looked at the fierce man, Huangfu Qiye.

Why was he here?

She bit her lip and took a deep breath before saying, "Thank you for saving me. I was just so scared that my legs went weak."

Not only were her legs weak from the fear, but Yuan Shan and Zhou Yufeng were both holding her hands. Otherwise, she would not have stood there foolishly and waited for the car to hit her.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her with a gloomy face. He had just heard from Yuan Qi that Tang Xiaowei might leave with another man. He had lost his temper on the spot and immediately rushed over.

However, just as he arrived, he saw Yuan Shan and an unfamiliar man each holding onto Tang Xiaowei's hand. Not far in front of Tang Xiaowei, there was a car that was on a random collision course with her for some unknown reason.

He thought that Tang Xiaowei wanted the car to crash because she did not want to live anymore, so Yuan Shan and the other man went to pull Tang Xiaowei.

So he immediately got out of the car and carried Tang Xiaowei away from the back.

Moreover, he even yelled at her.

Now, after hearing her explanation, Huangfu Qiye finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he remembered another serious problem. He looked gloomily at the strange man who was still standing next to Yuan Shan.

It was this man, wasn't it?

Tang Xiaowei actually carried him on her back and wanted to leave with this man. Let's see how he will deal with her!

Huangfu Qiye didn't say anything. He pulled Tang Xiaowei's hand forcefully and walked in the direction where the car had just stopped. "Follow me back!"

Tang Xiaowei was dragged along by him and stumbled. She didn't refuse because she knew that it was useless to refuse.

Behind her, Yuan Shan also wanted to follow her back, but she found that Zhou Yufeng also seemed to want to leave with her. Yuan Shan warned coldly, "Kid, if you don't want to die, don't pester Miss Tang anymore. In the future, if you see Miss Tang, stay far away from her. Otherwise, I will definitely cut you!"

Yuan Shan's fierce look did not seem like she was joking.

"You..." Although Zhou Yufeng saw a man suddenly appear and save Tang Xiaowei, he felt that the man who suddenly appeared looked very scary, so he was still very worried about Tang Xiaowei. However, this woman, Yuan Shan, was indeed too scary. She had just beaten his nose until it was bleeding. Now that Zhou Yufeng was threatened by Yuan Shan, he did not dare to move.