Chapter 263: She lost him

He kissed her so hard that it was difficult for her to even breathe. It was even more impossible for her to struggle.

Because the space in the car was not very spacious, and she was controlled by his hands and legs, she could not move at all.

In the end, she was like a little white rabbit, once again being kissed by him until her head was dizzy.

She simply did not have the ability to think and struggle anymore.

Until, when she quickly recovered, he kissed her again and again, each time becoming more and more overbearing.

In the end, when she returned to the Ling family's castle, her lips were almost broken, and her entire person was weak. He was the one who carried her out of the car and went back.

After entering the castle, she realized that Ling Shitian did not go out today, but Ling Yijue did.

Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied with this scenario. Under Ling Shitian's gaze, he put Tang Xiaowei down. Then, he held her hand and walked to Ling Shitian.

"Mr. Ling, since you are now Xiaowei's foster father and she respects you, let me tell you that I want to marry Xiaowei. The wedding will be arranged soon. I will choose an auspicious day and marry her." Huangfu Qiye went straight to the point. His tone was overbearing but sincere.

Ling Shitian felt uncomfortable when he saw Huangfu Qiye carrying the weak Tang Xiaowei in.

Although he had investigated thoroughly and knew that Xiaoqiang and Huangfu Qiye used to be lovers, he had seen the surveillance footage that Huangfu Qiye had brought and knew that Huangfu Qiye had never wronged Tang Xiaowei. In fact, he even loved her deeply.

However, he just couldn't bear to see the foster daughter that he had just acknowledged get married so soon.

Thinking about how Huangfu Qiye had been living in the country for a long time, if Xiaoqiang Qiye married him, then she would have to live in the country in the future. This, Ling Shitian couldn't bear anymore.

"No, little rosette is still young. She can't get married yet." Ling Shitian immediately rejected.

Tang Xiaowei had also regained some strength at this moment. She pushed Huangfu Qiye away and said seriously, "Uncle Tian, you're right. I'm still young. I don't want to get married at all. I want to continue to attend school, so help me arrange it. I want to go to school tomorrow."

"Really? That's great. Uncle Tian will immediately arrange for the best school for you." Ling Shitian was overjoyed when he heard that.

He was worried that little rose would agree to marry Huangfu Qiye because she liked him so much.

Luckily, there wasn't her wish.

Thus, Ling Shitian called David over happily. "David, go and arrange it. You must choose the best school for miss so that she can go to school tomorrow."

David nodded and went to arrange it immediately.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief.

She planned to go upstairs to rest.

However, Huangfu Qiye grabbed her wrist tightly. "What did you say? You're not willing to marry me? Tang Xiaowei, I want you to marry me; do you hear me?"

He had wanted her to marry him from the start, but it had been delayed until now. He really couldn't wait any longer.

If he waited any longer, he was worried that there would be more trouble in the future.

Especially last night. She had originally forgiven him and promised to accompany him for one night, but after that, she suddenly ran away. Today, her attitude towards him was especially cold.

He felt a faint sense of fear, as if he was about to be abandoned by her.

This feeling was really f*cking annoying!

"Let go of me!" Tang Xiaowei was really afraid of him.

"Let go of little rose!" Ling Shitian also roared angrily. He even wanted to come over and beat up Huangfu Qiye.

However, Huangfu Qiye did not even look at Ling Shitian. Instead, he stared at Tang Xiaowei with utmost seriousness. He asked her word by word, "Do you really think that you don't want to get married at your age and want to go to school, and you're only willing to marry me after you graduate three years later?"

He thought through everything and felt that this was the most likely possibility.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know what he was thinking, but she didn't think that he was like this. However, if she nodded and agreed, he might temporarily let go and stop bothering her.

Therefore, she didn't care if she lied to him or not. She just nodded and didn't say anything.

Seeing her nod, although she didn't say anything, Huangfu Qiye knew that he had guessed correctly. His gaze dimmed.

He slowly let go of her hand. "Okay, I promise you. If you want to continue studying, I won't stop you anymore. I'll wait for you to learn enough before you marry me."

Tang Xiaowei secretly thought, 'Was he really sure that she would marry him in the future?' She wasn't sure!

However, she knew that she couldn't say these words now. Otherwise, if she provoked him, he would definitely not let her off easily.

After Huangfu Qiye let go of her hand, he took a deep look at her, then immediately turned around and walked out of the outer castle.

Tang Xiaowei froze on the spot.

He had been living here for the past two days.

She had subconsciously thought that he would also be living here in the future.

However, she did not expect that he would suddenly turn around. She could not control herself and her gaze followed his back.

When he reached the door, she still did not look away.

However, he suddenly stopped and turned around. When he caught her looking at him, his mood was clearly better. At that moment, he was more than ten meters away from her. He revealed a meaningful smile and said, "I'll go back first. See you later."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then she nodded subconsciously.

Then, Huangfu Qiye really left.

She could no longer see his back, only hearing the sound of the car starting from outside. Then, the sound grew further and further away, and it seemed like he had completely left the castle.

Tang Xiaowei was still standing in a daze.

She realized that she actually felt a faint pain in her heart.

It was as if she had lost something.

She was very clear about what she had lost.

She had lost him.

However, this sense of loss was no longer as deep as before. When she remembered the things that he had hidden from her, she did not care anymore.

She gritted her teeth and suppressed this bitter disappointment.

"Xiaowei, you still like him, right?" Beside her, Ling Shitian's voice that had seen through everything suddenly rang out.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. She turned to look at her foster father, Uncle Tian, because she did not want to talk about this topic. She tried to change the topic. "Uncle Tian, I have to go to school tomorrow, so I have to go upstairs now to surf the Internet and look up information. After all, I have already missed out on a lot of homework."

Ling Shitian originally wanted to enlighten her, but seeing that she had changed the topic, he definitely did not want to talk about this matter.

Especially after hearing the conversation between her and Huangfu Qiye, even if they were to get married, they still had three years left. Thus, Ling Shitian thought that little rose would be able to stay by his side for another three years and was somewhat happy, so he did not ask any further questions. Instead, he nodded his head kindly.