Chapter 264: There is no antidote for this poison

After that, Tang Xiaowei went upstairs and locked herself in her room. She did not come down again for the whole day.

When it was evening, it was dinnertime. Louann came up to call her, "Miss, young master is back. Master said to let you go down. He wants to have dinner with the three of you."

Tang Xiaowei nodded and went downstairs.

Downstairs in the dining room.

When Tang Xiaowei arrived, she found Ling Shitian and Ling Yijue were already waiting for her inside.

She was a little embarrassed and hurriedly walked over. She pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Uncle Tian, Ah Jue, I'm sorry, I just went online and forgot the time."

Ling Shitian hurriedly smiled and said, "It's fine, it's fine. We didn't wait for long. It's just that you should go online less in the future; it's bad for your eyes."

Ling Yijue also smiled at her. "I heard from father that you went online to look up some information. You want to start school here tomorrow, right?"

Tang Xiaowei nodded and said to Ling Shitian, "Uncle Tian, don't worry, I'll try to go online less in the future." Then, she looked at Ling Yijue. Her tone was natural and calm. "I really want to continue my studies. After all, I haven't finished my studies yet. Although I want to learn how to make drugs, I can study on the weekends. So, I want to go back to school and finish my studies at other times."

"I'll accompany you. Speaking of which, I left my studies behind before. It's indeed time for me to go back to school now," Ling Yijue said solemnly.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

Ling Yijue was in the same class as her. He was only a few months older than her.

When he had graduated from high school, he had come to England. At that time, she had thought that he was studying abroad. It was not until she had met him that she realized that he did not continue to go to school at all. Instead, he had started to manage the company.

Now, when she heard that he wanted to go back to school, she was actually a little scared.

"Do you think it's strange for me to go back to school? Xiaowei, I'm not someone who has already graduated. I'm just like you. I just missed out on my studies because of some things." Ling Yijue saw her frightened look. He then revealed a smile to lighten the atmosphere.

After hearing what he said, Tang Xiaowei also felt that her reaction was too extreme.

Hence, she could only smile. "I don't think it's weird. It's naturally a good thing for you to go back to school and continue your lessons."

Ling Yijue's smile became even more profound.

Ling Shitian watched from the side and felt extremely conflicted.

He was happy that his little rose could be liked by outstanding people like Huangfu Qiye and Ah Jue. At the same time, he was worried about who little rose would choose in the future?

Also, from tomorrow onwards, little rose would definitely meet more boys when she entered the school. There might even be more boys who would like little rose.

Thinking about that possibility, Ling Shitian felt a headache.

He frowned and looked at Ling Yijue, instructing, "Ah Jue, remember to protect little rose after you go to school. Don't let anyone bully her, especially, do not let any boys get close to her."

Ling Yijue used to hate his adoptive father very much. However, recently, because he saw that his adoptive father treated little Wei very well, he no longer hated him.

Although he still hated what his adoptive father had done to him in the past, he didn't want to think about those things at this moment.

He nodded. "Don't worry, father. With me around, I won't let anyone touch her."

Only then did Ling Shitian feel relieved. Then, he hurriedly called out to Tang Xiaowei. "Xiaoqiang, don't be hungry. Eat quickly. These are all the things you like to eat."

Tang Xiaowei was indeed hungry, so she didn't say anything more. Then, she lowered her head and started to eat.

After eating dinner, Tang Xiaowei thought of a very important matter. Then, she went to Ling Shitian's study room to meet him.

When she came, Ling Shitian was dealing with some documents.

When he saw her enter, he put down the documents and looked at her happily. He asked with a smile, "Little rosette, why are you looking for Uncle Tian?"

Tang Xiaowei hesitated for a moment and asked, "Uncle Tian, did you inject a poison into Ah Jue?"

When Ling Shitian heard this, the smile on his face froze and his eyes turned cold. "He told you to come over and question me?"

Although he liked little rosette, he was more lenient towards Ling Yijue who liked his little rosette.

However, he had already set the rules for family matters and could not change them.

He worshipped vampires and wanted to have an existence like vampires. He also wanted his descendants to become that kind of creature.

Therefore, even though he had regained some of his popularity in front of Tang Xiaowei, like an old child, his nature was still as cruel, cold, and perverted as before.

Tang Xiaowei saw that his complexion had changed instantly, and it had become very scary.

In particular, his face had become even paler, and his lips had become redder. Also, because the lights in the study were so dim, Tang Xiaowei subconsciously felt that he was very similar to a certain species when she saw him like this.

She took a step back in fear. "Uncle Tian, he didn't ask me to question you. I wanted to ask you because I was drugged with a poison called the Devil from the Moqi family. He came to you to ask for the antidote, and then you injected the poison into me. So, now that the poison is cured, and I know you, I want you to cure the poison in his body."

When Ling Shitian heard this, surprise flashed across his face. He looked at Tang Xiaowei nervously. "You said that he came to me to get the Devil antidote because you were poisoned by the Devil?"

Tang Xiaowei nodded seriously. "Yes, that's right."

Ling Shitian began to ponder.

He remembered that Ah Jue said that someone wanted to poison him, and then the bodyguard beside him called Willam was poisoned to protect him.

He didn't expect that he was poisoned because of little rose.

Ah Jue was really very similar to him.

Ling Shitian felt a little touched in his heart.

Tang Xiaowei saw that Ling Shitian was in a daze, so she reached out and gently touched Ling Shitian's arm. "Uncle Tian, what are you thinking about?"

Ling Shitian came back to his senses. He looked a little helpless. "Little rosette, since he did this to save you, I can give him a reward. However, there is no antidote because when this poison was made, no one had ever made an antidote."

"What?" Tang Xiaowei was shocked and could not believe it. "How is that possible? Uncle Tian, are you lying to me?"

"Why would I lie to you? Everything Uncle Tian said is true. There is no antidote to this poison." Ling Shitian was extremely serious.

Tang Xiaowei began to feel a headache.

That day at the hot spring hotel, she had personally seen Ling Yijue's entire body in pain due to the poison acting up.

The way he acted up at that time seemed to be even more painful than when she was bewitched by the Devil poison.