Chapter 271: Why are you crying like this?

The two of them did not stay at the school. Tang Xiaowei thought that she had fallen behind in her homework recently, so she prepared to go to the library to read and review her homework.

Ling Yijue came to the school to protect her. If she went to the library, he naturally had to go as well.

So the two of them, as well as Willam and Jack, also went to the library.

There were actually quite a lot of people in the library.

But there were also many seats, and it was very quiet inside.

Tang Xiaowei did not go to look for any books. She directly found a seat and sat down. Then she took out a book from her bag and began to write.

Ling Yijue didn't want to do anything but look at her.

"If you're bored, you can go back to the castle or go out for a walk. You can also lie down and sleep. Don't keep staring at me. I feel very scared." Tang Xiaowei felt his gaze. She wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't. She could only smile. She planned to remind him in a joking way.

Although Ling Yijue was sometimes overbearing, he wasn't as thick-skinned as Huangfu Qiye.

When he heard Tang Xiaowei say this, he immediately felt a little awkward.

He cleared his throat and said, "I'm going to find a book to read. I'm not going out."

"Oh, that's good too." Tang Xiaowei nodded and smiled. Then, she stopped looking at him and shifted her gaze to the textbook.

Ling Yijue got up and left. Willam also followed him.

However, he waved his hand and did not follow Willam anymore. Willam had no choice but to come back and sit down. Originally, Willam and Jack wanted to stand, but this was the library. Everyone was sitting here. It would be strange for the two of them to be so tall and still stand. Therefore, Ling Yijue asked them to sit down.

Not long after Ling Yijue left, Tang Xiaowei felt a little sleepy after reading for a while.

It seemed that she woke up too early this morning, and it was too quiet here. Moreover, she had just eaten lunch, so she felt so sleepy.

She leaned on the table and covered her head with a book, intending to take a nap.

Opposite her, Willam and Jack looked at each other. They did not dare to say anything or look, so they could only stand guard.

After a while, Ling Yijue returned.

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei was asleep, his expression became gentle.

He let Willam and Jack go out, then he sat next to Tang Xiaowei, took off his coat, and gently covered her shoulder.

After that, he quietly stood by her side.


Tang Xiaowei felt as if she had returned to her childhood.

She didn't remember how old she was, but it was definitely before she was seven years old, because at that time, she was still living with her parents.

Her parents were very loving.

Her father, Shangguan Li, and her mother, Shangguan Yu, stayed at home with her every day, and she was completely pampered like a little princess.

However, many times, her parents would suddenly disappear from the villa, and she couldn't find them even if she searched the entire villa.

She remembered that her parents would always disappear every few days, each time for a day.

And she was brought along by the housekeeper.

Her parents would only appear a day later, but her mother's face was very pale, as if she was seriously ill.

She was so happy to see her parents that she wanted to hug them. Only her father hugged her, and he sternly asked her not to hug her mother, saying that she was sick.

At that time, she didn't know what had happened, but she was worried about her mother.

But after that, her father and mother disappeared more and more frequently, and she heard her father say that her mother was sick more and more often.

Until one time, her father and mother disappeared again. She wanted to find out why her parents disappeared, so she tricked the housekeeper to buy ice cream for her, and then began to run around the villa, looking for people.

Finally, she heard her father's voice coming from the room at the door of a strange attic on the top floor of the villa.

She quietly walked over and found that one of the doors was not closed. She saw through the crack of the door that her mother was vomiting blood, and her father was hugging her mother in pain, silently crying.

She was scared at that time, and immediately fell on the carpet.

People only vomited blood when they were injured and sick on TV.

And her father always said that her mother was sick. So, her mother vomited blood because she was sick?

At that time, she was still called Shangguan Qiongwei. She was very afraid of losing her mother, so she couldn't care about anything else and started crying loudly outside the door.

Hearing her crying, Shangguan Li and Shangguan Yuyu were both shocked.

Then, Shangguan Li appeared at the door and looked down at his little daughter who was sitting on the carpet and crying.

"Qionger, why are you crying?" Shangguan Li squatted down and picked her up.

Tang Xiaowei felt more and more uncomfortable as she cried. She wanted to tell her father that she didn't want to lose her mother and that she had to take good care of her mother and accompany them in the future.

However, no matter how hard she tried to speak, she could not make a sound. She could only cry incessantly.

Then, the scene in front of her began to change.

Her father carried her downstairs and handed her over to the other maids. Then, the next day, her mother's condition improved. Her mother and father took her out to play again.

When the scene reached this point, she still felt her heart ache. She could not be happy at all.

Then, the next second, she suddenly realized that her entire body was in pain. She was lying on the ground in pain at the scene of a fierce car accident. There were several cars in front that were all scrapped and smoking. Meanwhile, her parents seemed to be still in the car. Their bodies were covered in blood and they seemed to be in a coma.

She reached out her hand and realized that it was very small. There were bloodstains on it, and she could not touch her parents in the car in front of her.

She was even more afraid and in pain. This clear feeling of losing both her parents struck her heart. She could only feel that her heart was in so much pain that it was as if she did not want to live anymore. Her tears kept pouring out.

And at that moment, she seemed to hear someone calling her.

"Xiaowei, Xiaowei, what's wrong? Wake up quickly..."

The voices in her ears grew louder and louder. She slowly couldn't see the car in front of her and her parents clearly. Then, she woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was still in the library. However, she couldn't see anything clearly. When she touched her eyes, they were full of tears.

Beside her, Ling Yijue was looking at her worriedly.

"Xiaowei, did you have a dream just now? Why are you crying like this?" Ling Yijue saw that her eyes were red, so he hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it to her.

Just now, he found that when she had been sleeping, she suddenly burst into tears.

He was so worried that he had no choice but to call out her name.

He did not know what she had dreamed.

Tang Xiaowei took the tissue in a daze, but she felt that something was not right.

She did not answer Ling Yijue. Instead, she suddenly stood up, pursed her lips, and walked out with red eyes and a pale face.

"Xiaowei, where are you going?" Seeing her like this, Ling Yijue was even more worried. He hurriedly got up and chased after her.