Chapter 272: She vomited blood

Tang Xiaowei rushed into the ladies' room in the library.

Ling Yijue anxiously followed her to the entrance of the ladies' room and had no choice but to stop.

It turned out that she was going to the ladies' room. She had just run away without saying a word, which really scared him.

He leaned his back against the wall of the corridor outside the ladies' room and waited.

There were many girls who passed by, staring at him with eyes full of hearts, unwilling to leave. Soon, there was a group of beautiful girls surrounding him.

At that moment, in the women's washroom.

The scene was extremely horrifying.

After locking herself in the cubicle, Tang Xiaowei opened the toilet and suddenly vomited.

"Urgh!" She felt a pain in her heart when she was dreaming. Her heart hurt.

After waking up, she found that her heart was still in pain. This pain was not because of her dream about her parents. Instead, it was as if her heart was sick. It was a pathological pain, and she really wanted to throw up. That was why she hurriedly ran into the bathroom.

So, she suddenly vomited blood. She began to think of the scenes she had dreamed of. Those were the real scenes she had seen when she was young.

So, could it be that there was something wrong with her body? Could it be that she inherited her mother's illness?

However, she did not know what illness her mother had back then. She had only seen her mother vomit blood once.

The amount of blood she vomited now was not large, but it still scared her.

Especially at this moment, her heart was still in constant pain.

She squatted down on the ground in pain and pressed her hands tightly on the location of her heart.

She did not know how much time had passed, but after a long, long time, she finally felt that the location of her heart was no longer that painful. Only then did she stand up.

However, after squatting on the ground for a long time, her legs were numb.

She stayed in the bathroom for a long time until her legs were no longer numb. Only then did she wash her hands and come out.

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom door, she was blocked by a wall of people.

She raised her head and saw Ling Yijue, who had a worried expression on his face.

"Xiaowei, you're finally out. I thought you fainted inside. I was just about to get someone to come in and check on you."

Tang Xiaowei didn't have any strength in her body. Her face was as pale as a piece of paper. "How long have I been in there?"

"More than half an hour," Ling Yijue answered truthfully. It was because he had waited for more than half an hour that he felt strange. Why did she stay in there for such a long time?

"I just lost track of time when I was playing with my phone." She revealed a faint smile as an explanation.

Ling Yijue did not doubt her words. He nodded and reached out to hold her hand. "Let's go. The afternoon class is about to start."

Tang Xiaowei really did not have the strength to walk now, so she did not push him away. Instead, she let him help her and walked out together.

After leaving the library and returning to the classroom, they realized that the class had started a few minutes ago.

The classroom was packed with people, and the lecturer seemed to have arrived.

Ling Yijue held Tang Xiaowei's hand and walked into the classroom.

However, as soon as they entered the classroom, Ling Yijue and Tang Xiaowei were both stunned when they saw the lecturer.

It was actually him...Huangfu Qiye.

Before going to bed last night, they thought that he had promised to meet again three years later.

Who would have thought that he had actually become her teacher at this moment?

Today, he was wearing a grayish-white suit and a pair of glasses. The hair on his forehead was neatly combed up, revealing his beautiful forehead. He looked very artistic and young.

With his appearance, he was definitely not here to be a student. Moreover, he was four years older than Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue, so it was impossible for him to be willing to go to school with them.

Therefore, he was definitely here to be a lecturer.

Before Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue could say anything in shock, Huangfu Qiye, who was on the podium, pushed up his glasses and stared at their hands with a sinister gaze. He said in a deep voice, "Class has already started. Those two students who are late, the boys stand outside. The girls go and sit down."

As soon as he finished speaking, the girls who liked Ling Yijue in the classroom began to act coquettishly and shout.

"Ah, professor, you're too biased."

"It's the first day for prince charming Ling to come to class. It's okay if he's a little late. Professor, please let prince charming Ling go."

However, other than those who supported Ling Yijue, there were also girls who were charmed by Huangfu Qiye.

"Professor, you're so handsome. Not only are you handsome, but your way of handling things is too overbearing."

"Professor, I've decided to give up prince charming Ling and become your fan. I support your decision."

"But professor, that girl is late, too. She should be punished, too, shouldn't she?"

Huangfu Qiye's cold gaze swept over the person who said he wanted to punish Tang Xiaowei.

The girl originally thought that she would be very happy if the professor looked at her, but she didn't expect the professor's gaze to be so cold. She was so scared that she shut her mouth and was suddenly unable to speak.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye look at the two people standing at the door. Their hands were still holding each other's.

The more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were an eyesore.

The anger in his eyes was getting more and more out of control!

"What? Didn't you hear what I said? You are my students now. Do you want to ignore the professor's words?"

Tang Xiaowei's heart was no longer in pain, and her physical strength had recovered a little.

She had been silent just now, but she was shocked by Huangfu Qiye's sudden appearance and him becoming their professor.

Hearing Huangfu Qiye's voice at that moment, she hurriedly let go of Ling Yijue's hand and walked to her seat.

Ling Yijue originally did not want to pay attention to Huangfu Qiye, because when he saw him appear, he knew that he must have used some method to come in and become their professor.

However, this was a school, and he really didn't want to avoid fighting with the professor, so he could only snort coldly and walk out of the classroom.

Seeing that their hands were separated, the girls in the class who liked Ling Yijue heaved a sigh of relief. However, some of the girls felt that it was Tang Xiaowei who had caused Ling Yijue to be punished by standing, so they all glared at her angrily.

Tang Xiaowei didn't have time to pay attention to her now. She only felt that the man on the podium had the most terrifying gaze.

He stared at her as if he wanted to eat her up.

His eyes were obviously filled with anger.

She could only lower her head and did not dare to look at him.

At the same time, she was also curious. He actually found her here and was even able to become a professor. What kind of childish actions did he have to do before he was willing to let go?

Now, she realized that her heart would hurt, especially after she dreamt that her mother was sick and she started to vomit blood. She did not want to have anything to do with Huangfu Qiye.

She was really afraid that she didn't have much time left to live.

She thought that she wouldn't be able to live for more than two years, but the poison was finally cured.

However, it was very likely that she had inherited her mother's illness.