Chapter 276: "My hand hurts, help me take it off. "

It was because she had not expected him to suddenly lose his temper. It was also the first time she had been yelled at so fiercely by him.

She bit her lips, and the color of her lips gradually turned pale. "I'm not fickle. If you're not willing to wait for me, you can leave now."

"No matter what, you just misunderstood that I poisoned you, and then you stopped loving me. So, in the one month you spent with him, he found the antidote for you, and you fell in love with your ex-boyfriend, right?" Huangfu Qiye had endured things for a long time. Today, he finally couldn't hold back and said everything he suspected.

Tang Xiaowei was slightly stunned.

A few seconds later, she knew what he was talking about.

However, she really didn't fall in love with Ling Yijue again.

Although she thanked him for helping her find the antidote, she still felt ashamed of him. After all, he was injected with blood charm because of her.

However, she would repay him for these favors, but not with feelings.

However, now that Huangfu Qiye was so angry and so aggressive, he simply wanted an answer.

She thought very clearly that she could not accept him at all. Although she felt that she still liked him, she did not have the courage to accept him.

What was even more terrifying was that she realized that she had vomited blood today. If she would not live long in the future, she should not give Huangfu Qiye any hope.

"I did not fall in love with him, but I do not love you anymore. So, do not pester me in the future." She tried her best to make her tone as calm as possible, as if she did not care at all.

However, because of this sentence, her heart began to ache faintly.

"Are you sure you're not in love with him?" Huangfu Qiye seemed to have deliberately ignored the last sentence of hers. In any case, he had always been confident. She had confessed to him before, so how could she not love him.

He was only worried. He was afraid that she would fall in love with someone else at the same time as she fell in love with him.

If it was someone else, he would naturally not be so worried.

However, Ling Yijue was, after all, her former boyfriend.

Tang Xiaowei did not notice Huangfu Qiye deliberately ignoring the last sentence of hers. She nodded. "Okay."

"Okay, then I'll let him go. I won't hit him in the future. Now, you come back with me. I'm dying from the pain. Come and bandage me up." Huangfu Qiye's temper came and went quickly. After saying that, he held her hand and wanted to pull her away from here.

Tang Xiaowei began to struggle. "What are you doing? Didn't I say that I don't love you anymore? Why are you still pulling me?"

"Do you think I'll believe you?" Huangfu Qiye turned around. His eyes were like bright stars, and he looked at her with a crafty smile.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

She had already said that, yet he still didn't believe that she didn't love him.

That's right, she did still love him a little, but she really didn't have the courage to be with him. Couldn't he just obediently let go of her, forget about her, and give her a quick death?

Without waiting for her to answer, Huangfu Qiye had already forcefully taken her away.

On the other side, Ling Yijue didn't realize that it was her, so he closed his eyes in a daze. The bodyguards beside him were also too anxious about his injuries, so they immediately took him away and didn't notice Tang Xiaowei.

Because of Huangfu Qiye's injury, he couldn't continue to have classes at school today.

Anyway, there was no class after P.E. class.

Tang Xiaowei was held by his hand and dragged all the way to the parking lot.

The next second, she was stuffed into the car.

"Hey, I'm living in the ancient castle now. I don't want to go to your place." As soon as she got in the car, Tang Xiaowei guessed where he was going to take her.

He left the ancient castle yesterday, so he should have a place to live here.

However, since she had decided to separate from him, she naturally did not want to go to his place.

"Here you go." Huangfu Qiye did not care what she said. He handed her a box and ordered the driver in front, "Go back."

Tang Xiaowei took the box and looked at it. It was a medical kit.

She understood what he meant. She remembered that he had asked her to help him bandage the wound on the field just now.

She looked at him.

He was only wearing a thin shirt at the moment. Perhaps because he was going to fight, he had taken off his coat.

The white shirt was now covered in blood. Just by looking at the appearance of the shirt, one could tell that his injury was not light. It must have been very painful.

If that was the case, why did he have to beat up innocent Ling Yijue?

She found that she was angry at him for being unreasonable and overbearing, but she could not watch him get injured and not treat his wound.

"Take off your shirt," she said helplessly and then went to open the medical box.

"My hand hurts. Help me take it off." Huangfu Qiye's hands moved, and his gaze indicated that she should look at his arm.

There were a few bruises on his arm.

"You deserve it!" Tang Xiaowei saw him like this and thought that he was blaming himself for fighting with Ling Yijue. She reached out to help him take off his clothes and couldn't help but ridicule him.

"I deserve it?" Huangfu Qiye had just said that his hand hurt, but at that moment, he suddenly reached out and pinched her chin.

"I already said that there's nothing between us, yet you still want to fight with him. Now that both of you are injured and I'm a sinner, don't tell me I can't say anything about you?" Tang Xiaowei snorted and glared at him.

After glaring at him, she withdrew her hand. "Looks like your hand isn't very painful. Aren't you still able to move? Then you can take it off yourself."

Huangfu Qiye stared at her stiffly for a few seconds. In the end, he withdrew his hand angrily and tore off the shirt on his body. He tore it into pieces and threw it to his feet. His face was frighteningly dark, and he didn't say anything more. He even turned his head away, not even looking at her.

Tang Xiaowei realized that his temper was really too bad.

After bandaging him up, she had to leave. She definitely didn't want to follow him to his residence.

Therefore, she also quieted down and began to wipe the blood stains, apply medicine, and bandage him.

Soon, she finished everything. She started to pack up the medical box and wipe her hands clean.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Huangfu Qiye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took the medical box from her hand and held her hand tightly.

She raised her head and looked at him. "Huh?"

He had been angry and silent for about half an hour, and now he could not hold it in anymore?

"What do you want to eat tonight? Didn't you hear?" Huangfu Qiye had just calmed down his anger, and he had a faint sign that it was going to rise again.

"Huangfu Qiye, I don't want to eat anything. I just want to talk to you about one thing. Tell them to park the car by the side of the road." Tang Xiaowei didn't answer his question.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye looked at her seriously for a few seconds before saying a word.

Then, the car stopped by the side of the road. The driver and Yuan Qi in front of them were driven out, leaving only the two of them in the car.

"Say it." Huangfu Qiye pulled her into his arms domineeringly.