Chapter 277: I can't believe I'm staring at this place

He didn't care if he was pressed down by her or not.

Tang Xiaowei felt that this position was too ambiguous and didn't match what she wanted to say at all.

She frowned. "You told me to sit properly. How can I say this?"

"I didn't cover your mouth. Why can't I say it?" How could Huangfu Qiye let go of her so easily?

"If you continue like this, I won't tell you anymore." Tang Xiaowei's frown deepened. She was completely in the position of pouncing into his arms. Her face was pressed against his chest. How could she say such heartless words?

Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to let go of her and let her sit properly. "Women are troublesome."

She didn't care about this sentence. Instead, she tidied up her clothes before turning her head to look at him.

However, she realized that his gaze had been fixed on her body, and it seemed to be on her collar.

She then remembered that she had just tidied up her collar. This pervert was actually staring at this place.

She hurriedly tidied up her clothes. "Don't look anymore. I want to talk to you about serious matters."

Huangfu Qiye leaned back, and a meaningful smile appeared on his handsome face. However, his gaze was still fixed on her. "Mm, go ahead."

She felt as if his gaze had seen through her entire body. She felt that his staring made her feel a little uncomfortable.

However, she did not bother about these things anymore. Instead, she said seriously, "You should still remember the three-year period that I said before, right? I..."

"I won't agree. Don't think about it!" Before she could finish, Huangfu Qiye stopped smiling and his face turned cold.

"I know you won't agree." She bit her lips helplessly. If he had agreed, he wouldn't have suddenly become her professor and come to her class to teach her homework.

"Since you know, why do you still mention it?" Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. Obviously, he thought she was stupid.

Her expression became serious. "Since you don't want to wait for three years, then I'll reduce the time. From tomorrow onwards, we won't see each other for a month. If you're still unwilling to let go after a month, and I'm willing to accept you, then we'll be together. If you're willing to let go..."

"I promise you, just one month. We'll get married after a month." Huangfu Qiye carried her in his arms excitedly. How could he possibly have the thought of letting go of her? He simply wouldn't. So, since she gave him a month, he would use this month to arrange some things.

"You really agree?" Tang Xiaowei asked carefully once.

She was carried by him and could only see the car window behind him.

Outside the car window was a row of trees that had been trimmed, and she was a little lost in her thoughts.

These trees could still survive after being trimmed.

She didn't know if her illness could be cured.

She gave him a month's time, and at the same time, she gave herself a month's time.

She found that although she kept saying that she wanted to stay away from him, she didn't have the courage to accept him, and hated that he hid the things that happened before the age of seven.

But today, she saw him coming to school at all costs, becoming a professor for her, and even fighting for her.

Also, she suddenly vomited blood, suspecting that she would inherit her mother's illness.

If she did not have much time left in her life, she did not want to delay them anymore because of the things that he hid from her.

For a month's time, he would not appear by her side for now.

She would investigate her illness properly. As for what she would do in the future, it would depend on whether her illness was serious or not.

"If you can turn three years into a month and I still refuse, then if you change it to seven or eight years, I will become an old man. Do you think I can refuse?" Huangfu Qiye gently pushed her away, his mood so good that it swept away the haze from before.

In front of her, he revealed a big smile, but he found that she seemed to be distracted.

However, he didn't care about these things. In the next second, he kissed her because of his excitement.


In the end, under Tang Xiaowei's insistence, Huangfu Qiye finally sent her back to the ancient castle and then left.

After getting out of Huangfu Qiye's car, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly ran to the ancient castle as if she was running for her life.

This made Huangfu Qiye, who was still in the car, angry again when he saw this.

However, he didn't stay in the castle for long, so he asked the driver to drive the car away.

On the other side.

After Tang Xiaowei entered the castle, she remembered that she was taken away by Huangfu Qiye. It seemed that she hadn't taken back her books, and Louann was still waiting for her at the school gate.

She had to call Louann and ask Louann to bring back her books, and she said that she had already come back.

After making the call, she had already walked into the hall of the castle.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she saw a group of people in white coats running around in the hall.

She hurriedly walked over and saw Ling Yijue, who was covered in injuries.

Ling Yijue's face was swollen, and blood was flowing from his nose and mouth.

This must have happened when he was fighting with Huangfu Qiye.

Tang Xiaowei had just felt sorry for Huangfu Qiye, but now she felt very guilty towards Ling Yijue.

After all, it was all her fault.

She put away her phone and walked over.

"Xiaowei, you're back?" Ling Yijue saw that she had returned and immediately pushed away the doctor and nurse beside him, wanting to stand up.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly walked over to support him. "Ah Jue, you're injured, don't get up."

"I'm fine, it's just a small injury." Ling Yijue had a nonchalant attitude, as if it really didn't hurt.

Tang Xiaowei felt even more sorry for him.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Ling Yijue endured the pain on his body and revealed a gentle smile. "It's really fine, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

"How could it not be my fault? I won't let him fight with you next time." Tang Xiaowei frowned.

No matter what would happen between her and Huangfu Qiye in the future, she would never allow Huangfu Qiye to hurt the innocent Ling Yijue like this again.

"Don't frown. I really don't feel pain. I'm very satisfied that you can care about me." Ling Yijue waved his hand, and all the doctors and nurses went downstairs. He reached out his hand and stroked her hair, feeling sorry for her.

Tang Xiaowei was shocked and stepped back. "Ah Jue, I... I only treat you as my brother now, I..."

"Okay, don't say anymore." Ling Yijue knew what she wanted to say. His face instantly darkened, and he stopped her in a deep voice.

Tang Xiaowei saw that he didn't want to listen and that there was nothing she could do to help him, so she could only sigh. "Alright, I won't say anymore. But I'm a little sleepy now, so I'll go upstairs and rest first."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Ling Yijue reached out his hand to grab her, but he felt extremely powerless.

He frowned fiercely and finally just sat back on the sofa without saying anything. His face was gloomy.

Upstairs, after Tang Xiaowei returned to her room, she immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower.