Chapter 278: staring at Tang Xiaowei gloomily

However, when she was showering, her heart started to hurt again.

She squatted on the floor tiles in pain, the shower dripping non-stop.

Slowly, she noticed that drops of red blood kept appearing on the white floor tiles.

She reached out to touch her nose and realized that it was actually her own nose that was bleeding.

At the same time, she also felt like vomiting.

She was completely frightened and her face was extremely pale.

After a very long time, she finally endured the pain and washed herself clean before coming out of the bathroom.

After she came out, she immediately called Ling Shitian.

The call went through very quickly.

Ling Shitian's tone was a little tired, but he still asked her with a smile, "Little rosette, Uncle Tian has only been away for a day, and you miss Uncle Tian so much? Have you finished class? Have you gone home yet?"

Tang Xiaowei tried her best to calm her tone, "Uncle Tian, didn't you say that you like my mother? If that's the case, then do you know that she was sick in the past?"

There was no response from the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

Tang Xiaowei became nervous. "Uncle Tian."

"Little Qiangwei, why did you suddenly think of asking this?" Ling Shitian's tone became serious and even carried a hint of unhappiness. He did not like to mention Shangguan Yuyu because he could still feel the heartache when she was mentioned.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to be like this because the only person who could possibly know the reason for her mother's illness was probably Ling Shitian.

Her eyes quickly turned red. "Uncle Tian, I dreamt about my mother today. I remember that she used to vomit blood when she was sick. I...I also vomited blood today. I even had a nosebleed just now."

"Little Rosette, don't panic. Don't be afraid. Uncle Tian will be back in three days. Let's talk about it then, okay?" Ling Yijue did not expect such a thing to happen and also became anxious.

However, he really could not come back at the moment. He was extremely anxious, but he still needed three days to come back.

Tang Xiaowei choked with sobs and replied, "Yes, I know. Uncle Tian, don't worry. I was just a little scared because I just realized it."

"Don't be afraid. When Uncle Tian comes back, he will definitely think of a way." Ling Shitian's tone became more and more serious. "Don't make any more calls. Go and rest. If you are still in a bad state tomorrow, don't go to school either. Try to rest as much as possible, okay?"

"Okay, I got it." Tang Xiaowei acknowledged.

Ling Shitian didn't know what else to be busy with, so he hurriedly hung up the phone.

After Tang Xiaowei hung up the phone, she never went downstairs again. She didn't eat dinner either, and then went straight to sleep.

Ling Yijue sat in the castle for a while after she went upstairs, and then left the castle directly. He didn't come back for a whole night.

The next day.

Tang Xiaowei woke up and found that she was still in good spirits, so she planned to continue going to school.

Before going out, she found that she was the only owner of the entire castle, so she asked Louann.

Louann said gently, "Young master didn't come back last night."

"Okay, I got it." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

After eating breakfast, she asked Louann and the driver to drive her to school without any bodyguards.

At the school gate, the car stopped, and she walked in alone.

However, many people were staring at her and whispering to each other, as if she was a small animal in a zoo.

She didn't like this kind of gaze, but she didn't want to pay attention to these people, so she quickly walked into her class.

At that moment, there were still very few people in the class, but when everyone saw her come in, they all looked at her a few more times, especially a few girls who were dressed very seductively.

Tang Xiaowei held her book and sat down in her seat. She found that Ling Yijue's book wasn't there, so he probably hadn't come yet. It was also possible that he wouldn't come today.

She felt that it was strange. He didn't return to the castle last night, and he also didn't come to class today. Where exactly did he go?

"Hey, newcomer, where is the handsome Ling who came with you yesterday? Why isn't he here today?"

Suddenly, a tall white girl walked up to Tang Xiaowei's desk aggressively. She propped her hands on Tang Xiaowei's desk and stared at Tang Xiaowei arrogantly with a pair of big eyes with heavy makeup.

Tang Xiaowei raised her head and said with a calm expression, "You're disturbing me."

"I'm asking you a question. What do you mean?'' The girl didn't expect Tang Xiaowei to not only not answer her question, but also complain that she was disturbing her. She immediately stretched out her hand and wanted to hit her.

However, just as her hand reached out to Tang Xiaowei, it was immediately grabbed by Tang Xiaowei's hand.

Tang Xiaowei pinched the girl's wrist hard and quickly twisted it. The female protagonist immediately cried out in pain, "It hurts so much. Let go of me quickly. I won't disturb you anymore. Let go, let go..."

"Are you sure you won't disturb me anymore?" Tang Xiaowei looked at the girl coldly.

The others around originally thought that without Ling Yijue to accompany Tang Xiaowei to class today, she would definitely be bullied by the class bully, Lisa.

But now, the one who was bullied was Lisa.

Therefore, everyone quieted down and stared in their direction with astonishment and shock.

Lisa had bullied the entire class before. She had never suffered such grievance before.

Therefore, she did not want to delay any further lest more people see her lose face. She hurriedly nodded. "I'm sure, I'm sure. I will never disturb you again. Let me go quickly."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei let go of Lisa's hand. She snorted coldly, picked up the book, and looked at it expressionlessly.

Lisa took a few steps back before she stabilized her body. She rubbed her wrist and glared at Tang Xiaowei with anger and hatred. Then, she turned her head and walked to her seat at the back and sat down.

Although the surrounding people saw that Lisa was being bullied, they did not dare to ridicule her. Naturally, they did not dare to talk to Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, until the start of class, no one dared to come near Tang Xiaowei.

On Lisa's side, after her friends came, they surrounded her. They talked a lot and occasionally stared at Tang Xiaowei with a gloomy expression.

As expected, Ling Yijue did not come to school today. It had already been 20 minutes since the start of class, but Tang Xiaowei still did not see him.

She was a little worried about him, but not because she liked him, but because she thought of him as her brother and family, so she was worried.

She planned to call him after class to ask about the situation.

After that, she listened to the class seriously.

But in a few minutes, her head was suddenly hit by a ball of paper.

She was stunned for a moment, and then there was a low burst of mocking laughter from behind.

She turned her head around, only to see Lisa and a few girls who had come to find trouble with her this morning smiling cheekily. They deliberately made faces at her, pointed their middle fingers, and even mouthed silently at her.

Tang Xiaowei's face instantly darkened.

These girls did not know her at all, but because of a man, they kept pestering her.