Chapter 279: "This feels so good. "

Tang Xiaowei sneered. She bent down and picked up the ball of paper that they had thrown at her. Then, she accurately threw it back at Lisa's laughing face. Then, she pointed her middle finger at her.

Lisa was hit back. Seeing that the person she wanted to bully was not scared, Lisa did not smile anymore.

She stood up angrily and wanted to grab the book on the desk and throw it at Tang Xiaowei.

Many of the surrounding students had forgotten to listen to the class seriously. Instead, they were staring in their direction. Everyone looked like they were watching a show.

At that moment, the teacher on the podium suddenly turned around. He wanted to find a student to answer the question, but when he turned around, he saw Lisa standing up. The teacher immediately pointed at Lisa. "Your name is Lisa, right? You will answer this question."

Today's teacher was here to teach advanced mathematics. His temper was very bad, and almost all the students were afraid of him.

Lisa suddenly had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer.

However, her answer was simply wrong. The teacher frowned and pointed at the door. "You didn't pay attention to the class at all. Since you don't want to listen to my class, then go out."

Hearing this, Lisa was so angry that she wanted to explain. However, she felt that she would be embarrassed if she did so. Then, she threw away her book and walked out of the classroom in a huff.

After she left, her friends calmed down a little. Then, the classroom quieted down and everyone continued to learn.

Tang Xiaowei also heaved a sigh of relief.

After the morning class, Tang Xiaowei prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat alone.

However, just as she was about to leave the classroom, she saw that the other students in the class were chased out. Meanwhile, Lisa brought a few girls dressed like gangsters into the classroom and blocked Tang Xiaowei's path.

Tang Xiaowei put her books away and stood up. She glanced at these girls with a slightly cold gaze.

These girls should be around her age, but they looked like they liked to play and liked to fight and bully others. Their gazes were not friendly at all.

"Are you the one who bullied my sister Lisa?" One of the girls, who looked ordinary but had a fierce aura, walked up to Tang Xiaowei and said fiercely.

Tang Xiaowei wanted to sneer.

She did not bully Lisa. At first, it was Lisa who ran over arrogantly and questioned Ling Yijue why he did not come to school like she was an ant.

She felt disturbed, so she had to chase away the annoying flies.

After that, Lisa threw the paper ball at her first and even mocked and insulted her with the other students. She only threw the paper ball back. Was this bullying?

"How do you want to solve it? Tell me." Tang Xiaowei knew that these people wanted to bully her, so they would not let her go easily. Since that was the case, she would solve the problem once and for all so that she would not feel troubled in the future.

"By saying this, you are admitting that you bullied my sister." Lisa's sister's face turned cold. Then, she reached out her hand and wanted to grab Tang Xiaowei's collar. She wanted to push her to the ground and beat her.

However, when she reached out her hand, she did not grab Tang Xiaowei's collar. Instead, Tang Xiaowei grabbed her collar. In an instant, she was pressed down by Tang Xiaowei and fell to the ground.

"You dare to bully my sister? I will kill you." Lisa thought that her sister would help her teach this new transfer student a lesson. However, she did not expect that this new transfer student would have a man by her side to help her. They were all so powerful.

So, Lisa and the other girls beside her rushed up, wanting to hold down Tang Xiaowei and beat her up.

But they never expected that Tang Xiaowei's body was very flexible.

She dodged everyone's attacks. While protecting herself, she also knocked all five of them to the ground.

Ten minutes later.

Tang Xiaowei stretched out her hand to support herself on her desk and panted.

In front of her were Lisa, her sister, and their other three friends.

These five people looked as if they wanted to beat her to death just now, but now, their faces were swollen from Tang Xiaowei's slap, and their bodies were in so much pain that they couldn't stand up.

Tang Xiaowei looked at them and felt very happy. She felt refreshed.

She wanted to call Ling Yijue even more.

The reason why she only spent some effort to knock these girls down and didn't get hurt was because the taekwondo lessons he arranged for her in Ling Yijue's villa during the detoxification half a month ago were very useful. The taekwondo teacher taught her very well. At that time, she had been studying hard, so now that she was fighting with ordinary people, she would almost never lose.

It seemed that in the future, she would have to learn these kung fu skills to protect herself. This way, she did not need to rely on anyone to protect herself. It felt great.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei did not care about the few people on the ground. She went to the cafeteria in a good mood and ate two lunches before going to the library.

In the classroom.

Among the girls who had been beaten up, Lisa's sister punched Lisa in anger She scolded, "Lisa, you idiot. You asked me to help you beat someone up. Don't you want to find out what kind of person the other party is? That oriental girl was so powerful just now. Why didn't you say so earlier? Now I've been beaten up. It hurts so much."

However, Lisa did not care whether her sister had hit her or not. She gritted her teeth. Her eyes were full of anger. "Sister, don't worry. So what if she can beat us up now? I'll find someone more powerful than her. When I have the chance, I'll definitely kill her. This girl attracted the attention of the man I like the moment she came out. She even beat us up today. I'll definitely take revenge."

Lisa's sister felt that her sister was really crazy. She pushed her, then she stood up. "It's up to you. But I'm not going to help you in the future. I was actually beaten up by a first grade girl today. It's really embarrassing. I have to go back to the second grade first."

So, Lisa's sister left with her two friends.

And in the classroom, there was only one girl left. She had mixed-blood. She looked a bit like an eastern face, but also a bit like a western one.

She squatted down. Her eyes were calm, but she said worriedly, "Lisa, get up quickly. I'll send you to the infirmary."

"Anna, I remember that you seem to have some eastern blood. Your mother is Chinese, right? Since that's the case, help me hook up with that Tang Xiaowei and then find a chance to get rid of her." Lisa allowed Anna to help her up. Then, she made an evil request.

Anna did not expect Lisa to make such a request. She was stunned for a moment.

"What? You don't want to help me? You speak Chinese, so you are most suitable to help me. I want that Tang Xiaowei to disappear from school. This way, when prince charming Ling comes to school in the future, he will be mine."