Chapter 280: locked in the bathroom with malicious intent

Lisa looked at Anna threateningly and gave her a menacing look at the end of her sentence.

Anna had no choice but to nod her head. "Alright, I'll help you."

If she didn't help, she wouldn't be able to stay in this school any longer. Lisa would definitely think of a way to kill her, so Anna could only nod her head and agree.

In order to help Lisa and the others, she had also made a move to beat up Tang Xiaowei, but in the end, she was beaten up by Tang Xiaowei.

Anna also remembered that because she had oriental blood in her body, she was always bullied when she went to school here.

However, Tang Xiaowei was a person with oriental blood. The day before, she was accompanied by a handsome man with an extraordinary status, and she was even favored by a handsome new professor. All of these made Anna particularly jealous.

It was not only Lisa, a foreigner, who hated and was jealous of Tang Xiaowei. Anna knew that in the class, other than people with mixed blood like her, there were also people with oriental blood. They were usually bullied by Lisa and the others. Now that they saw Tang Xiaowei, they were so lucky. Many people in the class were very jealous of Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, Anna also thought evilly that if she dealt with Tang Xiaowei, she would let prince charming Ling or the new handsome professor discover Lisa's malice. After that, she would think of a way to seduce either of them.

In this way, the girl who would be envied by others in the future would be her.

When Lisa saw that Anna agreed to her, she immediately became happy. She reached out and patted the back of Anna's hand. "I knew you would listen to me. Come, let's go to the infirmary."

"Okay." Anna lowered her head and responded. However, there was a hint of viciousness hidden in her eyes.


Tang Xiaowei stayed in the library for more than half an hour. She started to lose her ability to read and started to feel flustered.

Suddenly, a familiar pain came from her heart. She also had a faint feeling of nausea and vomiting. She felt that the smell of blood had spread to her throat. Tang Xiaowei could not stand it anymore and got up to go to the bathroom.

When she left, she did not notice a corner of the library. Someone saw her leave and got up to follow her.

The moment Tang Xiaowei rushed into the bathroom, she spat out the blood that had been stuck in her throat. At the same time, blood slowly flowed out of her nose.

She endured the pain in her heart and did not make a sound. Her fingers trembled as she took out many tissues and began to wipe her lips and nose.

Her hands seemed to be out of control as she took out more and more tissues.

After a few minutes, there was no more blood in her throat and she did not want to vomit. Her nose also stopped bleeding. Only then did she slowly regain her calm.

Only then did she wake up. In front of her was a large pile of tissues. These tissues were stained with more or less blood.

She closed her eyes and panted weakly. She planned to wait for the pain in her heart to dissipate before she went out.

However, not long after she closed her eyes, the lights in the bathroom suddenly went out.

Even though she closed her eyes, she still felt it.

She immediately opened her eyes, only to find that the bathroom was dark and she could not see clearly.

She was most afraid of the dark, and her heart was in so much pain. She looked at the pile of bloody paper in front of her and suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

She wanted to get out, but her heart was still in pain and she did not have the strength to get out.

Just as she was struggling to get up, it was so quiet in the bathroom that it was as if she was the only one. However, there was a mocking laugh that was filled with schadenfreude. "Tang Xiaowei, you dare to hit us? I'll lock you in the bathroom right now and make sure you can't get out for a few days. Let's see if you are still arrogant!"

Tang Xiaowei heard it clearly. It was Lisa's voice. She had provoked her in the classroom and brought people to beat her up. In the end, she had beaten Lisa to the ground.

Tang Xiaowei really felt like crying now.

She didn't want to provoke others, but they were always unwilling to let her go.

Now, she didn't want to worry about whether she was afraid of the dark anymore. The most important thing now was to wait for the pain in her heart to dissipate and then think of a way to get out of the bathroom.

Lisa had said that she would lock her in the bathroom. The bathroom door must have been locked from the outside.

She did not want to be locked in there forever. She had to think of a way to get out.

Her solution was very simple. Because she had her cell phone with her, she could simply call the people in the school to help her.

However, she was a transfer student who had just arrived yesterday. She did not have any friends at all, so she could not rely on her classmates to help her.

The only person she could find was the female teacher from yesterday, or ask Principal Bill to send someone over to help her.

Thinking of this, she felt that Lisa was really quite stupid. She only thought of locking her up. Did she not think that she had a cell phone with her to ask for help?

Did Lisa really think that after she was locked up in the bathroom, she would have to wait pitifully until she was released a few days later?

Ten minutes later, Tang Xiaowei's heart finally stopped hurting.

She cleaned up all the paper balls, then took out her cell phone and called Principal Bill.

After briefly explaining her situation to Bill, thinking about Lisa, this arrogant girl who had no memory, Tang Xiaowei deliberately emphasized her tone, telling Principal Bill to take care of this student.

On the other end of the phone, Principal Bill was very afraid of Ling Shitian, so Tang Xiaowei, who was now the eldest daughter of the Ling family, naturally instilled fear and respect in others.

When he heard that she had been locked in the bathroom maliciously, he immediately said that he would send someone to save her, and also promised that he would take care of Lisa.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei put down the phone in satisfaction.

At that time, Anna, who had been hiding at the bathroom door, eavesdropping, vaguely heard Tang Xiaowei calling for help in the bathroom.

It was indeed Anna and Lisa who had turned off the lights in the bathroom and were about to lock Tang Xiaowei inside. They planned to lock Tang Xiaowei in the bathroom for a few hours until she had suffered enough, and then Anna would appear as the savior. She would pretend to betray Lisa to save Tang Xiaowei.

But Anna did not expect that she and Lisa had planned everything, and she forgot that Tang Xiaowei had her cell phone with her. Moreover, Tang Xiaowei was not stupid; she even knew how to use her cell phone to call for help.

Although she did not know if Tang Xiaowei knew anyone in this school, who would come to save her.

But Anna and Lisa's arrangement was that only Anna could be the one to save Tang Xiaowei. Because of this, Anna could successfully enter Tang Xiaowei's life, become her friend, and then get rid of her.

Thus, Anna didn't care so much anymore. She was afraid that Tang Xiaowei would call someone over and steal her credit.

So she was going to ask Lisa to leave first, so that she could carry out her plan.