Chapter 281: What is the purpose of this girl?

Lisa thought about her little trick and agreed.

After Lisa left, Anna began to knock on the door and deliberately said, "Student Tang, are you inside? Are you locked in? Don't be afraid, I will open the door to save you immediately."

In the bathroom, Tang Xiaowei heard the knocking outside and also heard a fluent Chinese person speaking to her.

She was stunned for a moment. She felt that the people sent by Principal Bill came too quickly, and they even found someone who could speak Chinese. Principal Bill was really very good.

A few minutes later, Anna pushed the door open and turned on the lights in the bathroom.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei had already walked out of the small cubicle. After the lights were turned on, she did not wash her hands immediately. Instead, she looked at the person who had helped her at the door.

She felt that this person seemed a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly remembered. It seemed that this girl was with Lisa and the others just now. Then, she wanted to hit her, but in the end, she was hit by her.

Tang Xiaowei immediately frowned. Just now, this girl and Lisa wanted to bully her together. The lights in the bathroom were turned off by Lisa, and the door was closed by Lisa. Why was this girl beside Lisa opening the door for her at this moment. And she even looked like she wanted to save her?

This girl could not be the person that Principal Bill sent to save her, right?

Then, what was the purpose of this girl?

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei was silent and staring at her, Anna knew that Tang Xiaowei probably already knew her identity. She hurriedly explained, "Student Tang, I'm sorry about what happened before. I didn't do it on purpose. Because I was always bullied in school, there were times when I had no choice. But today, I saw Lisa and the others lock you up here. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I wanted to come and save you."

"You speak Chinese. Are you a mixed-blood?" Tang Xiaowei felt that the girl in front of her looked like a foreigner at first glance, because her face shape was similar and her hair was blonde. But at second glance, she could see that the girl in front of her had the outline of an oriental person.

And she spoke Chinese, so the possibility of her being a mixed-blood was very high.

Anna hurriedly nodded. "Yes, I'm a mixed-blood. My mommy is Chinese, but our family's financial situation isn't very good. I relied on my good grades to enter this school, so I'm often bullied. I don't want to be bullied, so I can only listen to Lisa. But I really don't want to hurt anyone, especially when I see you. I like you very much. I really want to be friends with you, so I tricked Lisa away and came to save you."

Tang Xiaowei was silent for a few seconds before she finally said with a faint expression, "Thank you for opening the door for me."

She was not here to make friends at school, and making friends was not so easy. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei would not easily agree to be friends with Anna. She deliberately ignored what Anna said about wanting to be friends with her and only thanked her.

No matter what, it was Anna who opened the door for her.

As soon as she finished speaking, Anna immediately knew that Tang Xiaowei would not easily agree to be friends with her. A hint of disappointment and viciousness flashed across her eyes. However, she immediately smiled faintly. "No need to thank me. This is what I should do. I just don't want to see any easterners being bullied here."

She deliberately brought up the topic of easterners because she wanted to point out that in this school, she, Tang Xiaowei, and a few other classmates were all easterners, so everyone should become friends.

Unfortunately, in Tang Xiaowei's heart, she still had more things to deal with and worry about, so she had no time to think so much.

She did not pay attention to the meaning behind Anna's words. Instead, she began to wash her hands and said in a flat tone, "Actually, I think that if you don't want to be bullied by others, you should strengthen yourself. This way, no one can hurt you again. Don't you think so?"

Anna did not expect Tang Xiaowei to not consider the meaning behind her words. Instead, she brought up the topic of strengthening herself. She was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and frowned fiercely.

She felt that with a strong man to rely on, she could become strong. There was no need for her to become strong herself.

Therefore, she felt that what Tang Xiaowei said about strengthening herself so that others would not bully her was meaningless.

Therefore, she was silent for a long time and did not speak again.

Tang Xiaowei washed her hands and saw that she was silent, so she did not say anything else.

Anyway, this person said that she was forced to bully her with Lisa and now that she had helped her, she should give this girl a gift.

As for being friends, Tang Xiaowei felt that she did not have the time or mood at the moment.

Anna saw that Tang Xiaowei wanted to leave, but there was still no sign of her wanting to be friends with her, so she became a little anxious.

At that moment, two security guards and a female teacher ran to the bathroom door. The three of them were running and panting.

"The door of the female washroom is locked. Get out of the way and let me open the door," the female teacher said anxiously and was about to open the door.

However, when she walked to the door and realized that the door was open, the female teacher was stunned. She thought that she had been pranked. "What's going on? Why is the door open? Didn't the principal say that a student was locked inside and called for help?"

Tang Xiaowei saw that this female teacher was the teacher who had lectured them yesterday. She walked over and explained, "Teacher, I was the one who called the principal for help. It was our class' Lisa who closed the door of the washroom. However, before you came over, this student helped me."

The female teacher had seen Tang Xiaowei yesterday, so she knew Tang Xiaowei's identity.

After hearing her explanation, she didn't doubt it. She glanced at Anna and frowned. "Anna, is the Lisa that student Tang mentioned the same Lisa that you often hang out with?"

Anna was stunned when she heard Tang Xiaowei say that she called the principal for help.

She didn't expect that Tang Xiaowei could actually call the principal for help. This was much more effective than asking other students for help. Moreover, the principal sent the teacher and security.

Anna immediately betrayed Lisa. She nodded. "Teacher, it is indeed that Lisa. But teacher, this has nothing to do with me. I just saw that Lisa should not bully the new students, so I came over to help student Tang."

She deliberately emphasized the word 'help' to let Tang Xiaowei remember her good qualities and also to let the teacher stop talking about how friendly she used to be with Lisa.

All along, Anna had only been a friend of Lisa and Lisa's errand girl on the surface because she was helpless. But in fact, in private, Anna also hated Lisa. She hated Lisa even more.

Of course, Anna hated everyone who had a better life than her.

Including Tang Xiaowei, who had just been saved by her. She also hated her.