Chapter 282: "My face is swollen from her slap. "

Anna originally thought that Tang Xiaowei only had the ability to hook up with prince charming Ling, and then hook up with the new professor.

Now, seeing that the principal and the teacher were especially concerned and protective of Tang Xiaowei, Anna's resentment became even deeper.

Why was she living unhappily here while Tang Xiaowei was able to live so enviously?

Anna was very resentful.

Especially since Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue did not have the same surname; this made Anna feel that Tang Xiaowei was definitely an ordinary woman. She only got into this school because she hooked up with Ling Yijue.

"Alright, alright. Go and call Lisa to my office immediately. This matter must be settled properly." The female teacher did not want to listen to Anna and waved her hand.

Anna looked at Tang Xiaowei helplessly. She felt that if she saved Tang Xiaowei, she would be able to become friends with her. However, Tang Xiaowei did not seem to be as willing to be friends with her as she thought. Now, she was being yelled at by the teacher in front of Tang Xiaowei without respect. She felt very embarrassed.

At the same time, Anna was even more jealous when she thought of the teacher's good attitude toward Tang Xiaowei.

She glanced at Tang Xiaowei, then turned around and walked out of the bathroom, ready to call Lisa.

After Anna left, Tang Xiaowei and the female teacher left the bathroom together and went to the female teacher's office.

However, on the way, Tang Xiaowei thought of the Anna who had just saved her. Although Anna said that she was often bullied, she couldn't bear to see Lisa bully her today, so she saved her.

However, Tang Xiaowei faintly felt that something was wrong.

However, she didn't have time to think too much about it. Soon, she arrived at the teacher's office. Not long after, an angry Lisa and a slightly red-faced Anna arrived at the teacher's office.

Tang Xiaowei simply put aside her previous suspicions and planned to check it out carefully later.

Her gaze was attracted by Anna's slightly red face. Anna's face wasn't red before she left, but now it was.

It looked like she had been beaten up.

Although she had beaten up Lisa, Anna, and the others in the classroom, she had only hit Lisa's sister's face and mouth. No one else had been hit in the face.

Then, the slight red mark on her face must have happened when she went to look for Lisa.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Lisa again and found that Lisa's face had been swollen, but it had not been treated with ointment. It looked especially serious.

She had been injured for more than an hour, but she had not applied any ointment to treat her wound. Moreover, she had deliberately locked her in the bathroom.

Lisa must have wanted to use these wounds as an excuse.

Tang Xiaowei was not wrong.

When Lisa entered the office and was questioned by the teacher why she had locked Tang Xiaowei up in the bathroom, Lisa began to cry. She pointed at Tang Xiaowei and said, "Teacher, I'm actually just angry. Because of this new classmate, who beat me up for no reason. Teacher, look, my face is swollen from her beating. She beat me up like this. I only locked her up in the bathroom to scare her. What's wrong with that?"

The teacher was stunned when he heard this explanation.

Because the bruise on Lisa's face was very obvious, it didn't seem fake. And Lisa loved to look beautiful, so it was impossible for her to beat herself up.

The teacher looked at Tang Xiaowei, although he knew that her identity was not ordinary and he couldn't offend her.

But this was a school after all, so there couldn't be a random fight.

Yesterday, the fight between the new professor, Huangfu Qiye, and the young master of the Ling family, Ling Yijue, was suppressed by the school and not spread. After all, it was not very honorable for such a thing to happen in the school.

"Student Tang, is what Lisa said true?" The teacher asked carefully.

When Lisa saw the teacher's attitude, she was afraid that the teacher would cover up for Tang Xiaowei, so she hurriedly pulled Anna over. She continued to cry, "Teacher, you have to help us. Anna and I were both beaten by Tang Xiaowei. Look, the palm print on Anna's face is still there."

Anna was pulled out by Lisa, but she lowered her head slightly and did not say anything.

Lisa was extremely angry, but she felt that this was enough, so she continued to cry.

Tang Xiaowei saw that the teacher was still looking at her, and Lisa cried again.

She cleared her throat and said calmly, "Teacher, I did hit Lisa and the others, but I don't think I'm wrong. You can apply to check the surveillance cameras in our classroom and find out the real situation."

"Check the surveillance cameras?" Lisa immediately looked nervous when she heard that.

Anna, on the other hand, continued to remain silent.

The teacher thought for a moment and nodded. "Okay, then I'll take a look. You guys stay here for now."

Thus, the teacher got up and went to the principal's office next door to look.

Meanwhile, in the teacher's office, Lisa was staring at Tang Xiaowei angrily with an arrogant and resentful look.

Anna, on the other hand, had her head lowered. She didn't say anything and didn't look at anything. She looked like a timid and nervous person.

Tang Xiaowei looked at them like this, and she turned her head to look at the window outside the office.

At that moment, on the field outside, there were many young boys and girls enjoying college life to their heart's content.

Tang Xiaowei subconsciously thought of her own illness.

If her illness was not cured, then would she disappear from this world in the future?

The sunlight, the air, and the blue and beautiful sky in this world, would she not be able to feel or see them anymore?

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the blue sky outside the window in a daze.

Lisa, on the other hand, disdained to look at Tang Xiaowei's back. She then arrogantly found a chair and sat down. With an arrogant expression, she took out her phone and started playing.

As for Anna, she had been lowering her head since just now. At this moment, she saw that Lisa was not paying attention to anyone but was playing with her phone, and Tang Xiaowei's back was also facing her. Only then did she raise her head and look in Tang Xiaowei's direction.

Because Tang Xiaowei's back was facing her, she could not see Tang Xiaowei's expression clearly. However, she could see that Tang Xiaowei had slightly raised her head. Her gaze would be looking at the sky.

Anna also looked at the sky, but she felt extremely bored. What was there to look at in the sky?

It was not as beautiful as money, handsome men, and supreme status!

She thought resentfully and clenched her fists.

She had to kill people like Tang Xiaowei and Lisa so that she would have a chance to climb up.

As long as she climbed up, she would be envied by thousands of people in the future.

Tang Xiaowei quickly opened her eyes because she felt a pair of resentful eyes behind her, as if they were staring at her.

She turned around, but saw Anna still lowering her head, while Lisa was playing with her phone.

Seeing her look back, Lisa looked up and stared at her coldly.