Chapter 283: Shut Your Filthy Mouth!

Tang Xiaowei thought that the gaze just now was Lisa's, so she didn't pay it any attention.

Because Lisa was a person who hated her, it was very obvious. Tang Xiaowei wasn't afraid of such a person, because she was especially easy to deal with.

But if the other party was the kind of person who hid the resentment in her heart and smiled on the surface, Tang Xiaowei was afraid of meeting such a person.

In a corner that Tang Xiaowei didn't notice, Anna's hand that was holding the corner of her clothes was trembling slightly.

She had been too resentful of Tang Xiaowei, who had a better life than her, so she had not controlled herself properly. Her gaze had become more unbridled, and she had almost been seen by Tang Xiaowei, so she was extremely nervous at the moment.

If she had been caught just now, then she definitely would not have had the chance to get close to Tang Xiaowei in the future, and then she would not have had the chance to borrow Lisa's influence to easily get rid of Tang Xiaowei.

Fortunately, she had not been discovered by Tang Xiaowei.

This way, she would have a chance to be her friend, and then she would have the advantage of being close to her first. After she had taken down Ling Yijue, she would let Lisa get rid of Tang Xiaowei. This way, she would tell Ling Yijue that Lisa was the murderer, and then Lisa would also be killed.

The more Anna thought about it, the more excited she felt.

This plan had just appeared today, and she already felt that it was especially perfect.

She would definitely carry out this plan perfectly!


When the female teacher returned, she looked very troubled.

The moment she entered the door, the three students all looked at her.

However, in a corner that Tang Xiaowei did not see, Lisa and Anna secretly raised the corners of their mouths.

Tang Xiaowei did not notice the expressions of the two girls, but she noticed that the teacher's expression was not right.

She went forward and said, "Teacher, did you see the surveillance camera? It was a group of them who attacked me first. I was just trying to protect myself."

When the teacher heard this, although she felt that Tang Xiaowei's tone was serious and she was willing to believe her, the teacher had no choice but to shake her head. "Student Tang, the surveillance camera in class seems to have been broken since this morning, so there was no surveillance footage at all."

"What?" When Tang Xiaowei heard this, her brows furrowed fiercely.

Just now, she didn't really care about the matter of Lisa being beaten up because there was a surveillance camera in the classroom anyway. As long as they saw the surveillance camera, everyone would know that she had attacked Lisa and the other five girls to protect herself. It was Lisa and the others who were beaten up because they didn't have the ability to defend themselves.

But now, the teacher actually said that the surveillance cameras had been broken since the morning.

This meant that the surveillance cameras that could clear her name were gone. She had to find evidence that could prove her innocence again.

However, other than the surveillance cameras, she couldn't find anything that could prove her innocence.

Tang Xiaowei rubbed her head in distress. "Teacher, what about the surveillance cameras in the corridor? Can the surveillance cameras in the corridor see who broke the surveillance cameras in our class?"

The teacher shook her head. "They can't see."

The teacher was also very distressed. There was no evidence to prove that Tang Xiaowei was innocent, and how Lisa was injured.

In that case, Lisa could be forgiven for locking Tang Xiaowei in the bathroom. Moreover, Tang Xiaowei had injured Lisa and Anna too severely. If Lisa called the police, Tang Xiaowei might be taken away by the police.

The teacher hesitated and wanted to call the principal to ask how to deal with this matter.

She was too anxious to check the surveillance cameras, so she forgot to ask the principal how to deal with this matter.

As soon as Lisa heard the teacher say that the surveillance cameras had been destroyed and there was no evidence to prove Tang Xiaowei's innocence, she immediately put away her phone. Suddenly, she cried out, "Teacher, look, I was really injured. Can our school still accept such a terrifying student like Tang Xiaowei? I want to call the police, I want to find the news agency, I want to expose her on the internet and let everyone know her true colors."

Lisa thought that if she threatened the teacher like this, the teacher would definitely kick Tang Xiaowei out of the school.

Lisa's goal was only to kick Tang Xiaowei out of the school.

Tang Xiaowei and the teacher frowned as they looked at Lisa, but did not say anything immediately.

At this time, Anna, who had been silent all this time, raised her head. A weak and pitiful expression appeared on her face. After she glanced at Tang Xiaowei, she said to the teacher, "Teacher, I can be student Tang's evidence. I can prove that Lisa brought her sister and her sister's classmates to find trouble with student Tang. It was they who wanted to beat student Tang, and then student Tang acted to protect herself. Lisa was also the one who destroyed the surveillance camera. The red mark on my face was also from when I went to look for Lisa. She hit me when she was angry."

Anna said it sincerely because she had not said a word just now, as if she had been holding back for a long time.

At that moment, the teacher, Tang Xiaowei, and Lisa all looked at her in shock.

However, Lisa was the first to react. When she heard that her little sidekick actually exposed her and told everything, she immediately raised her hand angrily and slapped Anna's face.

"Bitch, who told you to say that? Shut the f*ck up!"

This time, the teacher really saw Lisa hit people with her own eyes, and thinking of Anna's words just now, the teacher was happy to finally have evidence to prove Tang Xiaowei's innocence, so that she did not have to offend the Ling family.

So she hurried to pull Lisa away. She glared at Lisa angrily. "Lisa, you hit other students in front of me, so I am willing to believe what Anna said. After all, she used to be the closest to you, so it's impossible for her to falsely accuse you for no reason. It's definitely because you often bully her, so she took this opportunity to tell the truth today. Lisa, didn't you want to call the police? Alright, the teacher will call the police and ask them to check if you intentionally destroyed the classroom's surveillance cameras and even brought people to beat up student Tang."

The teacher's words were serious.

Lisa was immediately frightened.

Especially when her own follower betrayed her. This feeling really made her extremely angry. Now, no matter what she said, others would believe Anna.

For the first time, Lisa had a frightened expression and stood rooted to the ground.

Seeing Lisa like this, the teacher immediately knew that what Anna said was true, which was why Lisa was scared.

The teacher immediately asked Tang Xiaowei and Anna to go out with her. She was going to find the principal and then call the police.

Tang Xiaowei didn't want to stay here anymore. Seeing that the matter was almost settled, she left first.

However, she was very surprised. Anna had said so much just now and was willing to be her evidence to prove her innocence.

At that moment, no matter how suspicious she was of Anna, Tang Xiaowei also felt that she really had to thank Anna this time. After all, Anna had helped her twice today.

Therefore, after going out, Tang Xiaowei thought about going back with Anna. She was prepared to have a talk with her and thank her for helping her.