Chapter 288: directly carrying her up

"It's fine, it must be airsickness. I get motion sickness and airsickness; it's very normal." She hurriedly explained and averted her eyes from him, not daring to look at him. She even reached out to pull his hand away.

Huangfu Qiye did not doubt her and believed her.

"Since you're airsick, then lean on me and rest for a while." He directly carried her into his arms in a domineering manner.

Her head immediately leaned against his chest, unable to move.

However, she did not find this position annoying, and it was also very comfortable. She did not have to face his gaze anymore, so she did not struggle and quietly leaned against him.

However, unknowingly, she slowly fell asleep.


When she woke up, she found that she was no longer on the helicopter.

Instead, she was lying on a large bed. This was a very elegant room.

It was sunny outside, and the window was open. When she sat up, she could hear the chirping of unknown birds on the branches outside the window.

Other than these sounds, there was only the sound of waves coming from afar.

She was slightly stunned. It seemed that she and Huangfu Qiye were on the helicopter previously.

Why would they be in such a place now?

This was...

"You're awake?" Suddenly, the bathroom door beside the room was opened. Huangfu Qiye, who was only wearing a towel, walked out with wet hair.

Tang Xiaowei stared at him in a daze for a few seconds before she turned her head away. "What is this place? Why are you taking a shower?"

"This is the private island I mentioned. You're in my room. As for why I'm taking a shower..." Huangfu Qiye walked over. He sat down by the bed, pulled out a clean towel, and handed it to her. "Help me dry my hair. I just went to take care of some things, and I sweated a little, so I took a shower."

Tang Xiaowei took the towel in a daze, and then helped him dry his hair.

After drying his hair for a while, she came to her senses, and then her hand froze. "We're already on the private island? Do I have to stay in the same room with you for three days?"

"Of course." Huangfu Qiye grabbed her hand, and his big hand held her small hand as he continued to dry his hair.

Tang Xiaowei's hands passively helped him dry his hair, but she had no choice but to suggest, "Can I have a room to myself?"

"No." Huangfu Qiye immediately refused domineeringly.

"But I don't want other students to see me living with you."

"You feel embarrassed living with me?" Huangfu Qiye frowned. No one would ever feel embarrassed staying with him, right.

"It's not because of this. Aren't you our professor now? If I live with you, what will people think of me?" Tang Xiaowei explained.

"Don't worry. After three days, no one will dare to touch you or say anything to you." Huangfu Qiye felt that her worries were unnecessary.

Hearing his words, she was stunned and looked at him with some fear. "In these three days, you won't do anything to those classmates, will you?"

Although she didn't have any feelings with these classmates and didn't know them, she didn't want them hurt.

However, Huangfu Qiye inexplicably invited these classmates to attend his party, so she couldn't control it.

But she was a little worried, afraid that he would do something particularly terrifying.

"Don't worry, I won't kill anyone." Knowing what she was worried about, Huangfu Qiye comforted her by patting her arm.

"Actually, you don't have to have this party because other than some brave ones, no one dares to provoke me. Even if there are some bullies, I'm not afraid. I can handle it." Tang Xiaowei began to persuade him and asked nervously, "Are all the students here now?"

"Yes, they all came when you were asleep." Huangfu Qiye nodded. "Don't worry, I'll teach those who want to bully you a lesson. I won't bully you. I won't touch them. How about it?"

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to say nothing more.

After drying his hair.

She was about to get up when Huangfu Qiye directly carried her.

"Where do you want to go? I will carry you." His voice was as gentle as water, much less domineering.

Tang Xiaowei was confused by him and felt her body become soft. "I want to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, I will carry you to the bathroom." Huangfu Qiye smiled and carried her to the bathroom.

It was not until a long time later that they walked out of the bathroom.

However, when they came out, her face was ruddy and her lips were moist, red, and swollen. It was obvious that she had just been kissed by a certain someone.

On the other hand, a certain someone had a satisfied look on his face. He held her waist with one hand and walked out.

After he came out, he helped her to sit on the sofa with a ruddy face. He immediately called the maid in the villa and asked the maid to bring the prepared lunch upstairs.

"You must be hungry. Eat your lunch first. I'll bring you around the island later." Huangfu Qiye personally brought food from the maid at the door and then closed the door. After he came in, he put the food on the table in front of Tang Xiaowei.

"I'm not interested. I just want to sleep later." Tang Xiaowei lowered her head uncomfortably and did not look at him at all.

She had just gone to the bathroom. Before she had even brushed her teeth, he had caught her and kissed her.

Now, she felt weak all over and did not want to go out alone with him.

Moreover, she was also afraid that if her illness flared up later, he would know about her illness.

She did not want to tell him about her illness.

Therefore, she could only try to avoid him as much as possible when her illness flared up.

"Didn't you just sleep for a few hours?" Huangfu Qiye sat across from her and touched her head in surprise. "Are you feeling unwell? Why do you keep wanting to sleep?"

Hearing that he suspected that there was something wrong with her body, Tang Xiaowei stepped back in fear and avoided his hand. She hid the nervousness in her heart. "It's... It's nothing. It's just that I got airsick just now. I haven't recovered yet, so I want to rest more."

"That's good, too. You should rest well after lunch. I'll go take care of other things. You can attend the dinner tonight when you wake up." In the end, Huangfu Qiye gently reached out his hand and touched her head.

This time, she didn't hide and could only nod her head.

After lunch, Huangfu Qiye was still in the room with her.

She couldn't fall asleep at all. She wrapped herself in the blanket. She didn't know how much time had passed, but she began to feel that her illness was starting to act up again. Her heart began to hurt.

There was something choking in her throat, and her nose was itchy as if something was about to flow out.

She did not dare to get up, afraid that he would see her.

She closed her eyes and began to pretend to be asleep.

But even if she closed her eyes, she still felt pain. She wanted to roll around in pain, but because he was still in the room, and because she could not tell him, she could only endure it.

Her body was stiff under the blanket. She did not move, nor did she dare to move.