Chapter 289: He was still in her heart

All the pain was forcefully suppressed by her biting her lips.

Huangfu Qiye, who was in the room, had originally planned to stay with her for a while, but at that moment, his phone suddenly rang.

In order not to disturb Tang Xiaowei, who was 'sleeping' , Huangfu Qiye immediately got up, took his phone, and quietly left the room.

The moment he closed the door, Tang Xiaowei lifted the quilt and sat up.

The next second, she immediately got out of bed, covered her mouth and nose with her hands, and ran crazily toward the bathroom.


Huangfu Qiye answered the phone. It was Ling Yijue.

After the call was connected, Ling Yijue's cold voice came from the other end. "Huangfu Qiye, where did you take Xiaowei?"

Huangfu Qiye's voice was equally cold. "I'm not obliged to tell you. If you want to know, you can check it out yourself."

After saying that, Huangfu Qiye didn't wait for Ling Yijue to answer and directly hung up the phone.

After that, he didn't go back to his room. Instead, he turned around and prepared to go to the study to deal with some work matters.

At that moment, his sharp eyes noticed that on the small road in front of his main villa, there stood a group of gorgeously dressed girls.

He frowned fiercely.

He said that he would hold a party and invite these girls to attend.

Let them live well, eat well, and drink well.

Moreover, he had people arrange accommodations for these girls and told them not to go near the main villa here.

Why were all these girls here now?

"Yuan Qi, go chase these girls away. In the future, if anyone comes any closer, break their legs. Whoever took the lead to come here today, lock her up and teach her a lesson."

He ordered coldly and turned to leave.

Yuan Qi went downstairs with an expression on his face. Not long after, the girls on the path outside were chased away.

At the same time, a girl was forcefully taken away by two bodyguards.

The girl was scared to death and wanted to scream, but in the end, she was taken away with her mouth covered by the bodyguards.

Among the girls who were chased away was Anna.

They had just arrived on the island less than an hour ago.

They had just arrived on the island for the party.

This island was very beautiful. It was like a vacation villa.

Therefore, everyone who was invited felt very happy and excited.

However, they were all taken to a row of villas by the bodyguards and maids on the island. They did not see the owner of the island, Professor Huangfu.

Therefore, just now, everyone changed into beautiful clothes. Then, someone suggested trying to find out where Professor Huangfu was.

However, they didn't expect that they would be chased away by Professor Huangfu's bodyguards. The leading girl was also taken away fiercely by the bodyguards.

All of a sudden, more than 30 girls were a little scared.

They started to feel that it wasn't easy to get close to Professor Huangfu.

Therefore, everyone left with some disappointment.

However, Anna didn't feel disappointed or afraid, but she felt strange.

This morning, after Tang Xiaowei left the classroom, she never went back to the classroom.

Everyone had just moved into the row of villas, but she had checked carefully, and there was no sign of Tang Xiaowei.

Could it be that Tang Xiaowei didn't come to the party this time?

If she didn't come, that would be great.

Anna secretly sneered. This way, she would have more opportunities to get close to Professor Huangfu.

Seeing that Professor Huangfu had already taken a liking to Tang Xiaowei on the first day he came, he should have liked oriental girls.

Although Anna wasn't entirely oriental, at least she had oriental blood.

She believed that as long as she worked hard, she would definitely be able to seduce Professor Huangfu.

In any case, she didn't need to attend classes for the next three days, and she didn't need to care about the relationship between Professor Huangfu and her teachers and students.

These three days were completely a vacation. She could release everything about herself and definitely seduce Professor Huangfu.

With this thought in mind, Anna left happily and returned to her room.


As night fell, the beautiful island was beautifully decorated. The bright lights illuminated the entire island, making people feel as if they were inside a crystal-like castle.

"Miss Tang, this is the evening gown that Mr. Huangfu prepared for you. See if you like it."

In the elegant room, two maids were holding a beautiful large gift box with two hands. Inside the gift box was a beautifully cut long dress.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at the gift box, her eyes as calm as water. "Put down the black dress, and you can go out."

The maid nodded and put down the gift box with the black dress. The other gift box with the white dress was kept by the maid and she left the room.

After the servant left, Tang Xiaowei still sat on the chair and did not move.

She had followed Huangfu Qiye to this island today. Other than telling him to leave in peace three days later, there was another important reason.

Before she was seven years old, because she had lost her memory, Huangfu Qiye had hidden some things from her.

And this matter had bothered her before.

However, now that her illness was getting more and more serious, she no longer had the strength and time to mind the things that he had hidden.

She had a premonition that she definitely did not have much time left.

Therefore, after these three days on the island, she might disappear from his world forever.

And these three days might be their last farewell, their last memorial.

She realized that she had lied to herself when she said that her feelings for him had faded.

The more severe her condition was, the more she felt her heart ache. He was still in her heart.

However, she could only feel her heart ache and could no longer stay by his side.

Knock, knock, knock.

Suddenly, there was a series of urgent knocks on the door of the room that was so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard.

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses from her deep thoughts. She got up and walked to the door to open it.

Outside the door, Huangfu Qiye was only wearing a thin white shirt and black trousers, which made him look even more charming.

He had a cold and forbidden aura.

"Why haven't you changed your clothes?"

He walked in and glanced at her. He found that she had not changed into the dress that he had prepared for her.

"I don't want to attend the dinner party. I want to stay in the room."

She explained the reason why she had not changed into the dress.

She did not have much time now. She wanted to stay with him for a while, and not waste time with people she did not know.

"Why don't you want to go? Is your body still not recovered?" He frowned worriedly and reached out to carry her into his arms.

Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and quietly leaned against his chest.

"I don't want to go out. I just want to do other things. Are you willing to accompany me?"