Chapter 298: She was always this petty

He nervously reached out his hands to hold her face and panted slightly. "Tang Xiaowei, where did you go just now?

"To make breakfast for you." Her smile was sweet.

"Tell me, was what happened yesterday real?'' He was a little confused by her gentleness and change last night, so he didn't ask much. He just accepted it and enjoyed it.

But after this night, now that he woke up, he felt that the matter was very serious.

It was as if she had suddenly changed into a different person. In such a situation, if he did not ask clearly, he would not be able to feel at ease.

"Of course it's true. Why would you ask such a question?" Tang Xiaowei was a little surprised that he would ask such a question.

How could everything that had happened yesterday be fake.

However, she had forgotten that her attitude towards him before was not like this.

Therefore, her sudden change of attitude had really flattered him and made him unable to believe it.

Therefore, after sleeping for an entire night and waking up, he began to suspect something.

However, hearing her serious answer, Huangfu Qiye pinched her cheek with some confidence. "Since it's true, didn't I torture you for a long time last night? Why don't you sleep a little longer? Let someone else cook breakfast."

Tang Xiaowei's face turned even redder because of his words.

She pushed his hand away. "Stop talking. Breakfast is getting cold. You should go and eat first."

"Why is your face so red?" Huangfu Qiye felt that she was shy, so he suddenly became interested and hugged her tightly. His eyes swept over her body wantonly.

She saw that he was still naked, and she was being stared at by him, and her face instantly turned even redder.

She started to push his chest. "Go put on some clothes and wash first."

"Help me put on some clothes." Huangfu Qiye held her hand and walked to the cloakroom. Since he had already confirmed that she was still as gentle as yesterday, how could he be willing to let go of her hand?

Tang Xiaowei wanted him to put on some clothes because she wanted to be separated from him for a short while.

Because at that moment, she suddenly felt that when she was being stared at by him, she felt so shy that she would feel uncomfortable.

However, after helping him put on his clothes for the past three days, she didn't seem to have a chance anymore.

"Okay." Although her face was red, she still smiled and agreed to it.

Huangfu Qiye never thought that she would agree to it.

He thought that he would force her.

But now, she smiled and agreed, especially when her face was red. It made him suddenly feel a little anxious.

He suddenly grabbed her hand. After the two of them walked into the cloakroom, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.


After half an hour, the two of them came out of the cloakroom.

The breakfast that she had just made was already a little cold.

However, Huangfu Qiye did not allow her to throw it away, nor did he want to waste time reheating it. Instead, he ate it until there was nothing left.

While eating breakfast, he also fed her a lot.

Tang Xiaowei suddenly realized that this kind of life gave her an irresistible sense of happiness.

She had never felt it before.

She felt more and more painful. If she really did not have much time to live, would such a good Huangfu Qiye belong to someone else?

She lowered her head in disappointment, not daring to let him see her pain.

"What's wrong?" Sensing her silence, Huangfu Qiye stopped all his movements and looked at her nervously.

"Nothing." She hurriedly shook her head and gave him a brilliant smile.

"Are you full?" Huangfu Qiye's expression finally relaxed.

She nodded. "Yes, I'm very full."

"What do you want to do today? Or are you not willing to go out for a walk?" He pulled her into his lap and sat down, his gaze gentle.

Tang Xiaowei was no longer struggling like before. She quietly leaned into his embrace. Hearing his question, she thought of the group of girls from yesterday and frowned slightly. "I don't want to meet those people from yesterday when I go out again."

Those girls were like crazy when they saw Huangfu Qiye. Tang Xiaowei didn't want to let those girls pester Huangfu Qiye for the next three days.

That's right, she was so stingy right now that she wouldn't allow any women to appear by his side.

"If I take care of them, are you willing to go out?" He felt that her face was too pale, so he didn't want her to stay in the villa all the time. He wanted to take her out to get some fresh air and bask in the sun.

Her face had been pale all this time. It was completely due to her illness.

However, he didn't know, so he could only make this guess.

Hearing that he wanted to take care of those girls, Tang Xiaowei felt a little scared. "You can just let them leave this island. Don't do anything else."

"Okay, then I'll tell them to leave." Huangfu Qiye immediately agreed.

After saying that, he put her down and stood up. He took out his cell phone and called Yuan Qi. He walked to the balcony and when Tang Xiaowei couldn't hear him, he asked coldly, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

Yuan Qi replied, "Don't worry, young master. I've already taught those who have ulterior motives a lesson. These people won't dare to do anything to Miss Tang in the future."

"Okay, immediately arrange a boat to take them all away. I'll give you half an hour." Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied with Yuan Qi's answer. After giving Yuan Qi another order, he hung up the phone.

After putting away his phone, he turned around and realized that Tang Xiaowei had disappeared from the room again.

Huangfu Qiye felt his heart being lifted up high again.

He frowned slightly. His gaze swept across the table where he had just eaten and realized that all the cutlery on it had disappeared. He thought to himself that it was impossible for her to leave him quietly. In that case, she disappeared with the cutlery and went to the kitchen downstairs.

He rushed downstairs and saw that she was quietly washing the dishes in the kitchen.

Huangfu Qiye stood at the kitchen door. His body froze as he watched her back view with a gentle gaze.

There was an indescribable sense of happiness that kept spreading in his heart.

He had never told her that he loved her.

But at that moment, he knew how much he deeply loved her.

He did not know how long this life would last, but he only wanted to walk with her forever. If it was someone else, he would never accept it.

Only she was the one he could not live without.

Tang Xiaowei washed all the bowls and plates and washed her hands. Just as she was about to wipe her hands, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared on her waist.

Before she turned around, she heard a familiar and gentle voice, "I've already asked someone to chase those girls away. Let's go to the sea to take a look later. What do you think?"

"Sure." Tang Xiaowei nodded with a smile.

Thus, half an hour later.

On the blue sea, on a small yacht, Tang Xiaowei pulled Huangfu Qiye and stood in front of the guardrail on the deck.