Chapter 299: Cut to the finger

She made a lot of poses. Huangfu Qiye was stiff and didn't move much, while Yuan Qi was asked to take photos of them from the opposite side.

Huangfu Qiye didn't like having his photo taken.

Especially if he had to make a lot of poses, he wouldn't cooperate.

Therefore, after Yuan Qi helped them take a lot of photos, only Tang Xiaowei kept changing poses and smiling sweetly.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he was like a thousand-year-old iceberg. He didn't smile at all, and his body was stiff.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei felt that she had taken enough photos, so she asked Yuan Qi to show her the camera.

When she saw that she was the only one smiling in all the photos, and there were all kinds of postures that she had struck, and that Huangfu Qiye was like a statue next to her, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She took the photos that had just been taken and handed them to him. She complained a little, "Why do you always have this expression? How much do you dislike these photos with me?"

"I've tried my best." Huangfu Qiye's expression was a little stiff as he explained, "it's not that I don't like taking photos with you; don't let your imagination run wild."

It was just that he did not feel natural in photos at all. Taking photos would make him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Alright, I'll forgive you." Tang Xiaowei was actually not angry. She just felt that he had always been cold and stiff. It was really a blow to the sweet smile on her face in the photos.

However, his explanation was still okay, so she was not angry anymore.

She picked out many photos that she liked from the camera and then looked up at him with her big watery eyes. She smiled and asked, "See if there are any that you like. Then, we'll print these photos and put them in the album as a souvenir."

"No need to pick. Print them all out." Huangfu Qiye took the camera and handed it to Yuan Qi. He ordered solemnly, "Print them out immediately and make a unique album."

Yuan Qi took the camera and nodded, ready to do it.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly called out to Yuan Qi, "Yuan Qi, wait. You should print them as two copies."

When Yuan Qi heard this, he looked at Huangfu Qiye and asked for his opinion.

Huangfu Qiye's large hand pulled Tang Xiaowei's chin and felt strange, "Why do you want to print two copies? Isn't one copy more special?"

He felt that they were going to get married in a month anyway, and they would be a family in the future. Since that was the case, there was naturally no need to print an extra copy of the photo album.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to part with money or anything, but he felt that only one copy was special and unique.

Tang Xiaowei knew what he was thinking, but what she was thinking was that after three days, once they separated, they would probably never see each other again.

In the future, of course, she would keep a copy of their photo album by her side as a souvenir.

"Just print two copies, okay?" She didn't explain. Instead, she pulled his arm and shook it coquettishly, her small face full of expectation.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't resist her coquettishness at all. His handsome face was suspiciously red. He cleared his throat and instructed Yuan Qi, "Okay, go down and print two copies. Do it immediately."

"Alright, young master." Yuan Qi heaved a sigh of relief and retreated.

After Yuan Qi left, there were only Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei on the deck.

Huangfu Qiye suddenly hugged Tang Xiaowei. The warm air was all over her neck. Her face was slightly red and she wanted to push him away. "What's wrong?"

Why was he hugging her so tightly all of a sudden?

"I realized that I can't leave you anymore." Huangfu Qiye closed his eyes slightly. Because he was hugging her, he was very satisfied.

"Me too." Tang Xiaowei's voice carried a hint of sadness.

Only after experiencing the storm did she know that she still loved him, and she couldn't bear to leave him.


There were too many helpless things in this world that she couldn't stop or refuse.

Sometimes, it didn't mean that you were qualified to love someone just because you wanted to.

She wasn't qualified to continue loving him.

Although love was eternal and deep in her bones,.

She was very confused.

Sometimes, she really wished that if she died, Huangfu Qiye could forget her and find a happiness that belonged to him.

However, the moment this thought appeared in her mind, her heart ached as if it had been cut by a knife.

She really couldn't bear to part with him.

She also didn't want him to be with another woman.


11:30 pm.

Huangfu Qiye had just promised to catch some fresh seafood for her to eat at night, so he brought Yuan Qi and two bodyguards with him and went into the water.

As for Tang Xiaowei, she was alone in the small kitchen of the yacht and began to prepare lunch.

She secretly asked Yuan Qi and found out that Huangfu Qiye's taste was very bland and he could not eat the heavy flavors that she liked.

Therefore, she prepared a very bland lunch for him.

However, when she was cutting vegetables, her heart suddenly ached. Her hand that was holding the knife suddenly became unstable and the knife cut her finger.

The pain on her hand could not compare to the pain in her heart. She did not care about the wound and blood on her finger at all.

She curled up into a ball on the ground in pain.

Her face was abnormally pale, and her entire body was covered in a cold sweat.

Before Huangfu Qiye went, he left his bodyguards outside to protect her, so she did not dare to make a particularly loud noise. She endured the pain and did not dare to bite her lips for fear of being discovered by him. She bit her clothes.

Half an hour later, the pain in her body slowly dissipated.

She felt weak all over, as if she had died once.

At this time, before she could clean up the blood around her and the blood on her body, her cell phone rang.

She turned around and saw the cell phone on the chair beside her.

She slowly stood up and took the cell phone before sitting on the chair. Only then did she see clearly that it was Uncle Tian who called her.

She swiped the screen and answered the call.

Ling Shitian's anxious voice came from the other side, "Little rosette, where are you and that Huangfu Qiye now? Why aren't you resting at home?"

"Uncle Tian, are you home?" Tang Xiaowei's weak voice was not hidden from Ling Shitian as she asked him weakly.

Ling Shitian could tell that her voice was extremely weak and became even more anxious. "Little rosette, did you just get sick?"

"Yes," Tang Xiaowei replied.

"How long will your illness last?"

"More than half an hour."

"Little rosette." Ling Shitian sighed and said seriously, "Come back quickly. Uncle Tian will bring you to the doctor to treat your illness."

"Uncle Tian, give me two more days. I will definitely go back the day after tomorrow. When I go back, I will definitely accept any proper treatment." Tang Xiaowei heard Uncle Tian's tone and knew that her illness must be very serious.