Chapter 308: She was badly agitated

He did not bring her to the hospital just now because he thought that she would be fine after getting cold water on her.

He did not bring her to the hospital because he did not want others to know that she had been drugged.

But now it seemed that he had no choice but to go to the hospital.

However, when he bent down to hug her, she suddenly raised her head and their lips pressed together.

Tao Yuyan felt something cold on her lips.

What she needed the most was something cold, so she kissed him uncontrollably.

Tao Yuyan froze on the spot.

The woman he loved was drugged and out of control. How could he reject such a kiss?

The answer was: impossible!

He closed his eyes and hugged her tightly.

He kissed her deeply.

He would not reject her, nor could he.

No matter how much she hated him when she woke up the next day, he could no longer push her away.


The next day.

When Tao Yuyan woke up, she realized that something was wrong.

Her entire body was in pain, as though all her bones were broken. In particular, a certain spot was extremely painful, causing her to immediately frown.

She was about to sit up to check on the situation, but the moment she moved, she realized that she was being tightly hugged by a pair of large hands.

She did not open her eyes just then, but because of this sudden change, she opened her eyes.

Then, in the next second, she saw Tao Xian in front of her. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was hugging her.

When she looked down, she could still see red marks and scratches all over his chest and neck. She did not seem to be wearing any clothes either. Her body was also covered in these red marks.

Her brain suddenly froze.

She was dumbfounded. She had no idea how the scene had happened.

Why was she lying with Ah Xian without any clothes?

Why were there these ambiguous marks on their bodies, as well as the pain all over her body. Could it be that last night...?

She began to try hard to recall what had happened last night.

Very soon, she remembered that she had attended Zhang Wei's birthday party last night. After that, she had been drugged and Ah Xian had gone to save her. Then, she had initially watched Ah Xian help her teach Zhang Wei a lesson.

But after that, she gradually felt uncomfortable all over and could not remember anything.

So what exactly happened after that? Why did it become like this at this moment?

She rubbed her head in pain, her face pale.

"You're awake?" Suddenly, a familiar male voice sounded beside her. It was gentle, affectionate, and a little cautious.

Tao Yuyan's body froze. She closed her eyes tightly, and her entire body was filled with a repulsive aura. She gritted her teeth and said, "Did you save me last night? Then, after I came back, because of the medicine, something like this happened between us?"

She did not even look at him, and her tone was cold and serious.

Tao Xian originally wanted to gently comfort her, afraid that she would get angry.

At that moment, the moment he opened his mouth, he heard her angry questioning. especially with the two of them lying together so intimately. She was able to question him in such a cold and serious manner, which made him feel a little disappointed and painful.

She really did not love him.

So even if such a thing happened, she did not feel a trace of happiness.

Tao Xian gently turned over from under the blanket and sat up. His gaze was still gentle as he looked at her, but his heart felt cold.

"That's right."

Tao Yuyan felt that he had already left from under the blanket. She immediately pulled the blanket tightly to cover herself and turned her back to him. She said coldly, "Since that's the case, then let's forget about what happened last night. You go out first. I want to be alone for a while."

This was her room, so she had no intention of going out.

Hearing her words, Tao Xian's face became even more unsightly.

Last night, they had clearly had such a sweet and passionate time, but why did she become so cold when she woke up?

Although he knew that last night she was so gentle and sweet to him because she was drugged, he still felt pain and unwillingness.

But now, he didn't want to provoke her anymore, afraid that she would secretly run away and disappear because of anger.

So, he could only get up. "I'll go out first. If you need anything, you can call me."

"Go out immediately. I don't need anything!" Tao Yuyan was at a loss. She shouted angrily.

She was completely shocked by the current situation. She actually did that kind of thing with Ah Xian. She felt that she really deserved to die. Ah Xian was clearly her younger brother, wasn't he? Why did it suddenly become like this?

She was completely immersed in her own pain, so she did not realize that her indifference to Tao Xian made his eyes even gloomier.

Tao Xian did not say anything more. He turned around and left. After he went out, he gently closed the door for her.

When she finally heard the sound of the door closing, Tao Yuyan covered herself with the blanket and started to cry.

What should she do?

What should she do now?

Could she and Ah Xian still be normal siblings in the future?

Her tears flowed more and more violently. She could not control them at all.


Tao Yuyan was very agitated.

She did not go out for three whole days. She stayed in her room the whole time, so she did not go back to school to attend classes.

During these three days, she was like a frightened child. She closed all the curtains and hid under the blanket. She felt that her life was going to be gloomy.

She felt that she and Tao Xian had done something against ethics. She felt that she did not have the courage to go out and face her father and mother.

Especially during these three days, Tao Xian did not go to school. He waited at her door every day, which made her even more afraid. She did not dare to go out.

Tao Baba and Tao Xian's mother seemed to have realized that there was something wrong with them.

Hence, Tao Baba went to talk to Tao Xian, wanting to ask what exactly happened that caused Tao Yuyan to become like this. Unfortunately, Tao Xian was unwilling to say anything.

Tao Xian's mother had no choice but to close the door when she was delivering Tao Yuyan's food. She asked softly, "Yuyan, did something happen between you and Ah Xian? Did the two of you quarrel? Or were you bullied by someone at school? Why did you not want to go to school for three days? Ah Xian was also being very strange. He did not go out for three days and stayed at your door the whole time."

Tao Yuyan's face flashed with panic when she heard her mother's words.

Mother Tao was a shrewd person. She immediately noticed her daughter's strange behavior. She nervously moved in front of Tao Yuyan and said, "Yuyan, you've been depressed for three days. Mother, father, and Ah Xian are very worried about you. Can you tell mother what happened to you?"

Tao Yuyan looked at her mother, her heart filled with bitterness.

She really didn't dare to say it.

She couldn't tell the truth.