Chapter 309: He will only treat her as his woman!

Could she tell her mother that she and Tao Xian did something that shouldn't be done between siblings?

That would definitely scare her mother.

Therefore, she just shook her head. "Mom, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little unwell."

Her mother sighed. When mother Tao heard her daughter's answer, she knew that she wouldn't be able to get anything out of her. It had been like this for the past three days, so she didn't ask any further. Instead, she brought the bowl beside her to Tao Yuyan. "Forget it, I won't force you anymore. You should be hungry. quickly eat your food. Since you're not feeling well, then rest well after eating."

"Okay, I got it. Thank you, mom." Tao Yuyan took the bowl.

Tao continued to sigh. "You said you're not feeling well. Mom and dad want to send you to the hospital to check on you, but you're not going. Mom is really worried about you."

"Mom, it's okay. I just have cramps." Tao Yuyan saw that her mother was worried about her. She had no choice because she could not tell her mother the truth, so she had to find an excuse.

She did not go to school for the past three days.

The first day was because she could not accept what happened between her and Tao Xian, and her entire body was in pain.

On the second day and the third day, although she was not as nervous and afraid as she was on the first day, her body did not hurt as much.

However, she still did not have the courage to go out.

She did not dare to face Tao Xian.

She really did not dare.

Tao Xian's mother stayed in the room with her daughter for a while. When her daughter only ate a little and said that she had no appetite, Tao Xian's mother took the cutlery and left helplessly.

When Tao Xian's mother left, Tao Xian was still standing at the door of his room.

As soon as she went out, she saw her son standing there with a gloomy face, like a door God. Tao Xian's mother frowned and said, "Ah Xian, did you and Yuyan have a fight?"

"No, Mom, don't ask too much. You can go downstairs to be with father." Tao Xian's face was dark, as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

Tao Xian's mother really didn't like her son's expression.

She glared at her son. "Ah Xian, you know that Yuyan has had no family since she was young. Since she came to our house, she is a member of our Tao family. Although you are two months younger than her, you are still a boy. You should learn how to love your sister. Don't let me know that you bullied Yuyan, or I will not forgive you, do you hear me?"

"Mom, I don't think of her as my sister." Tao Xian frowned slightly when he heard his mother's words.

He naturally knew that Tao Yuyan didn't have any relatives other than the Tao family, so he naturally wouldn't bully her.

However, he wouldn't think of her as his sister.



He would only think of her as his woman!

Moreover, this woman had completely belonged to him three days ago.

Although she was still angry and unable to accept it, Tao Xian was worried about her at the same time, but at the same time, he was secretly happy in his heart. Finally, he had carved his mark on her.

Tao Yuyan was destined to be his woman for the rest of her life!

"What did you say?'' Only, mother Tao did not know what her son was thinking. When she heard her son say that he did not treat Tao Yuyan as his sister, mother Tao's face immediately turned black.

She fiercely grabbed her son's arm. She was so angry that she shouted, "You little brat, you actually thought that way. It must be because you bullied Yuyan that she said that she was not feeling well and did not want to go to school. See if I don't teach you a lesson, you little brat."

Tao Xian frowned and took a few hits from his mother, but he didn't dodge.

When he heard his mother say that Tao Yuyan wasn't feeling well, he suddenly remembered what happened that night.

That night, he seemed to have been too greedy and rude, so he seemed to have hurt her a little. And they were both virgins, so he was indeed not very skilled. He must have hurt her.

Therefore, she didn't want to go out for the past three days. Other than not wanting to see him, her body must still be in pain.

He did not think that she was in pain because she was not feeling well. Now that he thought about it, he felt that he deserved to be beaten by his mother.

He had been worried about her for the past three days, but he had forgotten that she might be injured that night.

Therefore, after being beaten by his mother for a few times, Tao Xian suddenly turned around and walked downstairs.

"Ah Xian, you little brat, where are you going? After being beaten by me a few times, you're going to run away, aren't you?" Tao Xian's mother saw her son run away and immediately shouted at him with her hands on her waist.

However, Tao Xian had already run out of the Tao family's villa and did not hear hiss mother's words at all. After Tao Xian's mother chased him downstairs, she could no longer see her son's figure.

Tao Xian's mother only sighed and then went to look for her husband to complain about her son.

As for Tao Xian, the moment he left the house, he went straight to the nearby pharmacy.

On the other side.

Tao Yuyan heard what her mother and Tao Xian had said at the door just now. After they left, she only then remembered that such a big thing had happened to her. She did not know what to do. Why didn't she find someone to give her advice?

She took out her cell phone and immediately called Tang Xiaowei.

After the call went through, she thought of how helpless and at a loss she was at the moment. Tears flowed out of her eyes and she started to cry.

After that, she told Tang Xiaowei about her situation over the past few days.

Tang Xiaowei was also stunned after hearing about Tao Yuyan's situation.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was sitting on the bed in the yacht in a daze. It was quiet all around her.

She could only hear Tao Yuyan's crying.

Tang Xiaowei could not believe it. After not seeing Tao Xian for a few days, Yuyan and Tao Xian had actually done such a thing by accident. Now, according to Yuyan's personality, if she did not like Tao Xian, she would definitely be embarrassed to see Tao Xian again.

Tang Xiaowei knew that Tao Xian liked Tao Yuyan, but she did not know if Tao Yuyan liked Tao Xian.

She first comforted Tao Yuyan. After she did not cry so hard, she asked carefully, "Yuyan, are you afraid to see Tao Xian now? You don't dare to see him at all?''

Tao Yuyan replied, "Yes."

She really didn't dare to see him. She didn't know how to face him.

It was impossible for her to pretend not to remember such a big thing.

"Then let me ask you, do you like him?" Tang Xiaowei asked tentatively.

"Wh...what?" Tao Yuyan was shocked. She was extremely nervous. "Xiaowei, why are you asking this?"

"I want to know, if you like him, don't be so sad and uncomfortable. Just accept him directly. If you don't like him, I will help you think of other ways." Tang Xiaowei's voice was very gentle. She was afraid that she would agitate Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan began to ponder.

She knew that Xiaowei was doing this for her own good.