Chapter 310: Simple Romance

However, she thought about it carefully. In the end, she realized that she didn't like anyone.

She really didn't like anyone.

As for Tao Xian, she knew that she cared about him and relied on him. She felt more secure in front of him.

However, she didn't think that it was love.

She only felt that it was the sibling relationship between her and him. Because they were family, she would have such feelings for him.

Moreover, now her parents only treated her as a daughter, Tao Xian only treated her as an elder sister.

How could she fall in love with Tao Xian?

If she fell in love with Tao Xian, everyone in the family would scold her for being shameless, right?

Just thinking about that scene made her heart ache like it was going crazy.

Even though Tang Xiaowei on the other end of the phone could not see her current appearance, she still shook her head hard, sobbing and shouting excitedly, "Xiaowei, I don't like him. How could I possibly like him? Don't talk nonsense."

She did not know that when she shouted this sentence, Tao Xian had just bought some ointment for her pain to the door of her room. He was about to knock on the door and enter when he heard her words.

He could roughly guess that she was talking to Tang Xiaowei on the phone about what had happened in the past few days.

And the person she had just denied liking was definitely him.

Tao Xian's expression dimmed, and his hand that was about to knock on the door also hung down.

However, even though he felt sad and disappointed, he did not leave. Instead, he continued to stay at the door, leaned against the door, closed his eyes, and sighed softly.

In the room.

Tao Yuyan did not know that Tao Xian was standing outside the door. After she excitedly said that she could not like Tao Xian, she felt a slight pain in her heart.

However, she did not notice this slight tingling pain.

On the other end of the phone, after Tang Xiaowei heard Tao Yuyan's denial, she did not know whether she should heave a sigh of relief or feel sorry for Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan.

After all, Tao Xian really seemed to like Yuyan very much.

And at this moment, such a thing had happened to them again.

Regarding Tao Xian, who was more well-informed, Tang Xiaowei felt that he would be more at ease if she handed Tao Yuyan over to him.

However, since Yuyan did not like Tao Xian, Tang Xiaowei could not force her.

"Yu Yan, what do you want to do? Whatever you want to do, I will support you."

Tao Yuyan fell silent. A long time had passed. She then whispered, "Xiaowei, I really don't know. I just want to hide now. I have already locked myself in my room for three days and have not gone out. I don't want to see anyone now. I want to hide, do you understand?"

"Yuyan, how about I ask Uncle Tian to send someone to pick you up and you come to England. How about I accompany you?" Tang Xiaowei could not leave immediately to pick up Tao Yuyan in China, so she could only choose to ask Ling Shitian for help.

However, Tao Yuyan refused. "Xiaowei, I don't want to bother you in England anymore. I don't want to go abroad. I just want to go out. I can go anywhere in China. I want to go out and relax. "

"But I can't come back to accompany you. I..." Tang Xiaowei felt a little guilty. Because she only had two days with Huangfu Qiye, she might have to receive treatment later. Her condition was really serious, so she did not dare to tell Yuyan because she was afraid of scaring her.

Therefore, even if she was worried about Tao Yuyan, she really didn't have the ability to accompany her.

Tao Yuyan smiled gently. "Xiaowei, don't worry. Nothing will happen to me if I go out alone. I actually want to go out for a walk these three days. It's just that I haven't been able to make up my mind. I called you because I wanted to talk to you and give myself some courage. Now, I already have the courage. So, the next time I call you, I'll definitely be at a scenic spot."

Tang Xiaowei was surprised by Tao Yuyan's decision and was a little worried. "Yuyan, I'm very worried about you going out alone."

"It's fine. Xiaowei, don't worry about me. I'll protect myself. That's all for now. I'll set off directly tomorrow." Tao Yuyan seemed to have suddenly gained courage and wanted to hang up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei reminded her worriedly, "Remember to protect yourself. If you encounter anything, you can call me."

"Okay, I know. That's all for now." Tao Yuyan's tone sounded much better and was no longer as sad as before.

Then, the call ended.

After Tao Yuyan hung up the phone, she immediately put down her phone and prepared to pack her clothes. She still had to call the school to apply for leave. She wanted to travel alone for a week.

Maybe when she came back in a week, she would be able to recover from her current mood.


Tang Xiaowei put down her phone. Thinking about Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian, she had a headache.

Judging from the way Yuyan spoke she probably didn't like Tao Xian.

But now, such a thing had happened.

It seemed that she could only see if Yuyan might change her mind after she went to relax.

She hoped that Yuyan would be able to think things through.

She thought for a while and when she came back to her senses, she realized that it was almost dark outside.

She got up, put on her clothes, and walked out.

It was very quiet outside, and there were no lights on. She could only hear the sound of the sea and the wind. It was as if there was no one else on the yacht other than her.

Tang Xiaowei stood on the deck, slightly stunned.

At that moment, a burst of music suddenly sounded behind her. It was the sound of a very fresh and pleasant piano being played.

When the piano sounded, lights lit up behind her and in front of her.

Immediately, she saw a long dining table not far in front of her. At that moment, flowers and food had already been placed on the table, and the white tablecloth was fluttering in the sea breeze.

She looked at these in surprise, then turned to look in the direction where the piano sounded.

In another hidden corner of the deck, there was a white piano decorated with flowers, and the person playing it was actually Huangfu Qiye.

He was wearing a black suit with a coat draped over it. The white shirt underneath made him look even more handsome and charming.

Tang Xiaowei held her hands, a sweet smile on her lips.

She walked to him in small steps and leaned gently against the piano, looking at him with a gentle gaze.

She didn't expect to see such a scene when she woke up. It was very simple and romantic, but it hit her heart directly. She felt extremely sweet.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her tyrannically, his eyes full of indulgence.

Tang Xiaowei and he looked at each other. The beautiful music was still playing, but he gave her a look, asking her to look to the side of the piano.

She looked over and only then did she realize where he was looking. There was a photo album with a blue and white cover. There was a small lock on the photo album. The small lock was tied with several thin threads, and on the thin threads many balloons were tied.