Chapter 311: Will She get pregnant?

She knew what was going on when she saw the photo album.

She nodded at him and picked up the album with a smile.

After opening the small lock on the photo album, the string of balloons tied to the lock flew into the air.

She smiled and looked at it for a while. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the piano stop.

Glancing sideways, she saw that Huangfu Qiye had already stopped.

He stood up, held her hand, pulled her to sit beside him, and then hugged her from behind. Holding the photo album in his big hand, he said softly, "Let's look at it together."

"Only one?" She only saw one, so she remembered that he had asked Yuan Qi to make two copies today.

"This one is for you to keep. Mine is already stored," Huangfu Qiye explained in a deep voice.

Then, he opened the album.

On the album, all the photos they took today were all inside. Some photos that might have been secretly taken by Yuan Qi were also printed inside.

Tang Xiaowei covered her mouth and laughed. "You asked Yuan Qi to secretly take photos?"

"I heard that photos taken secretly are sometimes more loving. So, yes, I let Yuan Qi take them secretly," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly and continued to flip through the photo album.

"I will definitely take good care of this book of mine. Will you also take good care of that book of yours and never throw it away?" After Tang Xiaowei finished looking through the photo album with him, she picked up the photo album and held it in her arms, looking at him seriously.

A faint smile appeared on Huangfu Qiye's handsome face. "Do you think I will throw it away?"

"I just want to ask." She lowered her head slightly.

She asked this because she was going to separate from him the day after tomorrow. It was very likely that they would never see each other again in the future.

However, this photo album was definitely the most precious thing to her.

However, she was afraid that he would throw away the photo album that belonged to the two of them in the future.

She felt that she was being really selfish. She could not be with him in the future, but she insisted that such an outstanding man like him still remember her in the future.

If he forgot about her after she left and fell in love with another woman, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to imagine how painful it would be for her.

"Don't worry, why would I throw it away?" Huangfu Qiye reached out to pinch her chin and chuckled. "Don't tell me you're angry because you think I'm really going to throw it away?"

She shook her head. "I'm not angry. I just hope that you'll never forget this photo album and won't throw it away."

"Okay, I promise you." Huangfu Qiye held her face and kissed her lips, feeling in a good mood.

How could he throw away their photo album? What was Tang Xiaowei thinking?

This sensitive and troubled little woman.

"That's good." She was satisfied after receiving his reply, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"Come, let's go eat. We'll go back after we're done." Huangfu Qiye held her waist with one hand and took the photo album from her hand and put it on the piano.

Tang Xiaowei hugged the photo album very tightly. "I want to keep it by my side."

"Put it here, someone will help you put it away later. It won't fall off.'' Huangfu Qiye looked at her with amusement, feeling that she was a little strange today.

She actually cherished this photo album more than he did. He suddenly realized that he didn't cherish it as much as she did. He felt a little sorry for this photo album.

He suddenly felt that he didn't love her as much as she loved him?

Of course, he hoped that he loved her more than she loved him.

He hoped that he was the one who loved her the most. He didn't want her to suffer, he didn't want her to be afraid, and he didn't want her to feel insecure.

"Okay, keep it by your side." He gently touched her head and held her as they walked to the dining table. "Today's dinner is the spoils of war that I caught this morning."

"What do you have?" She was indeed hungry, so when it came to food, she smiled again.

"Let's go take a look." Huangfu Qiye winked at her.

So, the two of them walked to the dining table.

The dining table was filled with tableware of all sizes.

Crabs, prawns, fish, seaweed, and other seafood were all on the dining table.

On seeing these delicacies, Tang Xiaowei's mood immediately improved.

She put the photo album on the chair, and Huangfu Qiye pulled the chair for her. She sat down and turned her head to look at him expectantly. "I'm going to eat first."

Huangfu Qiye nodded dotingly. "Okay, have some soup first."

Although Tang Xiaowei didn't understand why he told her to drink the soup first, she still picked up the bowl of soup that he scooped for her.

After she finished the soup, Huangfu Qiye pushed a big plate in front of her. "Eat."

She put down the bowl of soup and realized that the plate in front of her that he pushed over was actually a processed crab, a few prawns, and a small fish with thorns.

Moreover, he knew that she liked to eat gravy, so he even squeezed some gravy for her and put it beside her.

She licked her lips and felt even hungrier.

"Thank you." She took the fork, forked the peeled crab meat, and ate the gravy. She immediately closed her eyes happily, looking extremely satisfied.

Huangfu Qiye's eyes brightened when he saw her like this, and he said lovingly, "Don't say thank you. It's my duty to do this for you."

She ate happily, so she didn't care about this anymore. So, she nodded and continued to eat.

She kept eating, and he kept preparing the food for her. During this process, he rarely ate. However, seeing the person he loved eating so happily, Huangfu felt very satisfied. He already felt full just by looking at the blissful look on her face.

When Tang Xiaowei's stomach started to fill up, although her mouth still wanted to eat, she really couldn't eat anymore.

At that time, she finally had the chance to stop and look at Huangfu Qiye, who was still helping her peel the prawns.

"I can't eat anymore. Stop peeling them for me." She squinted her eyes in satisfaction and looked at him with a sweet smile.

Huangfu Qiye felt that the heart in his chest seemed to be out of control, and it started to beat faster.

"Are you really done eating?" Although he saw that she really couldn't eat, he still wanted to ask again.

"Yes, yes." She hurriedly nodded. She really couldn't eat anymore. If she continued to eat, she wondered if her stomach would explode.

However, speaking of her stomach...

She remembered yesterday and today. After what she did with him, they didn't have any facilities, and she didn't take any after-effects medicine.

Could she be pregnant?

She frowned slightly.

It shouldn't be.

After all, she was sick now. If she got pregnant, she didn't know if she could give birth.

She shook her head and still didn't want to think about it.