Chapter 312: I don't want to reject you

I shouldn't be pregnant. I shouldn't be pregnant, she thought to herself.

However, even if she was pregnant, she might not have the life and time to live another life. Therefore, she shouldn't worry about this matter anymore.

Huangfu Qiye, who was sitting across from her, saw that her smile had suddenly changed. He stopped what he was doing and asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell from eating too much?"

Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but laugh when she heard his voice. She glared at him and said, "It's not that exaggerated. However, I'm indeed a little full, so I have to stand up and walk around."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and looked like she was ready to walk around.

"Don't go too far. Stay here with me." Huangfu Qiye became serious when he saw her like this.

However, she felt that he was like a child.

She deliberately placed her hand on the dining table and turned her head to look at him. "Can't you leave me like this? Why do you look like a child?"

She asked him with a smile on her face, as if she was teasing him.

However, she secretly thought to herself, if he always acted like he couldn't leave her like this, what would happen to him after she really left?

She really felt very distressed.

On the one hand, she couldn't accept that he would be with someone else in the future.

On the other hand, she couldn't bear to let him spend his life alone in the future.


It was all her fault for being selfish now. She was so selfish that she indulged her feelings and accepted him.

"Are you teasing me?" Huangfu Qiye calmly picked up the napkin and wiped his slender fingers clean. After he finished speaking, in the next second, her entire body was pulled by his large hand and she suddenly fell onto his body. She sat on his lap.

"Ah!" She let out a small cry of surprise because she did not expect him to be like this. She was really frightened.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly and held her with one hand. With the other hand, he took a fork and passed it to her hand, making her hold it tightly. Only then did he solemnly say, "The price of teasing me is not small. Feed me first. If I am not angry anymore, I will let you go."

"Alright." She did not decline. After thinking for a moment, she accepted it with a smile.

In any case, the food she ate just now was prepared by him for her. Now, it was just right for her to feed him.

Huangfu Qiye was extremely satisfied with her smile and obedient behavior at this moment.

Therefore, he enjoyed her intimate feeding after that.

Tang Xiaowei used a fork to fork up a piece of fat shrimp meat. Then, she put it to her lips and blew on it. Only then did she feed it to his mouth. Her big eyes were filled with a smile. "Come, eat."

Huangfu Qiye's black eyes were full of smiles as well.

He opened his mouth and ate the shrimp meat that she fed him. The way he chewed was still handsome, noble, and elegant. This kind of thing was probably something that he was born with. It would not disappear for anything.

Tang Xiaowei thought about the time they would spend together in the future, so she fed him very gently and attentively.

At first, she was still smiling. After that, she was very serious and even a little sombre.

After more than ten minutes, Huangfu Qiye had almost finished eating, and his stomach felt full.

However, she still fed him. Although he couldn't eat much, he didn't remind her. No matter what she fed him, his face didn't change, and he just ate it all.

"How can you eat so much?" Tang Xiaowei's hands became sore after feeding him. She found that every time she fed him, he ate all the food, and she began to feel strange.

She stopped and touched his stomach curiously. "You ate so much, but your stomach didn't grow. Where did all the food that you ate go?"

Huangfu Qiye was speechless by her actions and questions. He looked at the stars in the sky helplessly.

Then he reached out to hold her small hand that was still on his stomach. Her skin was smooth and tender, and it was a little small compared to his big hand. Therefore, he felt like he was touching silk, and he couldn't bear to let go.

"You can't touch it randomly. If you touch it, you'll start a fire. Are you willing to put it out now?" He said this through gritted teeth, and his dark eyes stared at her seriously.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

Then, her face turned red.

She really didn't think too much just now. She just suddenly felt that her hand was sore, and he had never said that he was full. She thought that he had eaten so much, so why was it not showing?

She had thought about this question before, so she took the opportunity to get so close to him just now, and then touched his stomach by accident.

"Okay, I won't touch it anymore. You can continue eating." She picked up the fork and prepared to feed him again.

"I can't eat anymore." Huangfu Qiye took the fork from her and put it down, feeling a little awkward. "If I continue eating, my stomach will explode."

She stared at him in disbelief. "You're already so full; why didn't you say so earlier?"

"I don't want to reject you." So as long as she kept feeding him, he would keep eating quietly.

However, after this small incident, he didn't want to continue eating.

Her face turned even redder, but her tone was serious. "Don't do this next time. I heard from Yuan Qi that your stomach isn't good. If you eat too much, your stomach will definitely hurt."

"Worried about me?" Hearing this, he smiled and touched her face.

"Of course I'm worried. So, you don't want me to worry about you?" Tang Xiaowei nodded and then looked at him suspiciously.

Huangfu Qiye pinched her cheek. "Idiot, I'm so happy that I don't want you."

She pulled his hand down and jumped down from his leg. "Do you have anything fun tonight?"

"What do you want to play?" Huangfu Qiye stood up and looked at her lovingly, still holding her hand.

"Yeah." She was silent for a few seconds, then looked up at him and smiled. "Is there anything that can be played for a long, long time?"

She was going to be separated from him the day after tomorrow, so she didn't want to go to sleep. She planned to spend all her time with him.

No matter what she did, she didn't want to waste her time sleeping.

"Although there are many games to play on the sea, it's very late now. I'm worried about letting you stay outside, so..." Huangfu Qiye put his arm around her waist They walked into the room. "So, let's go back to the room. I have a very time-consuming game that I need to 'play' with you."

He deliberately said the last word 'play' very heavily and ambiguously.

By the time Tang Xiaowei wanted to regret it, it was too late.

Therefore, after entering the room, the door was closed by him. Tang Xiaowei was pressed down on the bed by him.

When she woke up the next day, the time was already 11:30 pm.

Huangfu Qiye was no longer in the room.

Tang Xiaowei was lying on the bed. Her whole body seemed to fall apart.