Chapter 303: will she be able to handle it?

He had no intention of letting go of her even after a long time.

He did not take her out of the sea, but seemed to enjoy kissing her here.

She suddenly felt that something was wrong.

So, she mustered up her courage and slowly opened her eyes, looking forward.

When she looked, she saw a handsome face with his eyes closed, kissing her affectionately and gently.

Her brain was almost instantly, completely dead. She could not remember anything, and she did not want to think about anything.

She only saw the handsome man hugging her in the transparent seawater. He was kissing her affectionately. At the same time, he was the man she loved the most.

She suddenly felt very touched. In the seawater, tears flowed out and merged with the seawater before disappearing.

She didn't even feel that the seawater was scary anymore.

She only felt that how could this place be so beautiful?

It would be great if she could take a few photos of such a beautiful place.

She could also save this moment and preserve it well.

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye also opened his eyes.

He was still kissing her, but his eyes seemed to be able to speak. He looked at her through the seawater gently, as if he had seen through her soul.

She also stared at him in a daze. A few seconds later, he suddenly hugged her tightly and pulled. The two of them popped their heads out from the seawater.

He carried her and walked back. When they reached a place where the seawater would not reach her, he stopped.

Both of them were drenched, including their hair.

He put her down and gently reached out to brush her wet hair behind her ears. Then, he panted and lowered his head to press his forehead against hers. His voice was sexy, deep, and charming. "Do you like it?"

She was also panting deeply.

When she suddenly heard his question, she was stunned and looked at him with some confusion.

Huangfu Qiye's mood was even better when he saw such a charming and cute side of her. He kissed her lips lightly again, and his voice was full of endless lingering and lingering emotions. "I heard that many couples like to kiss in the seawater, so I decided to give it a try. Do you like it?"

"Where did you see it?" Tang Xiaowei didn't expect that the kiss in the sea was deliberately prepared by him.

To be honest, she actually liked it.

"Don't worry about it. Do you like it?" Huangfu Qiye only wanted an answer from her.

Her face was slightly red. Although she liked it, she couldn't say it. Otherwise, he would be very proud. She deliberately said, "It's okay."

"Okay?" Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly, but soon his frown relaxed.

A smirk appeared on his lips. "I've prepared a list of things that couples should do. There's no need for this. Let's go back and take a nap."

He picked her up again and walked toward the yacht.

Tang Xiaowei's mind was filled with what he had just said.

He had actually prepared other so-called lists of things that couples should do. She suddenly felt her face burn even hotter.

How did he suddenly think of doing all this?

The kiss in the sea just now had already made her feel touched and shy. Of course, she felt more blissful.

If he still had a lot to do, would she still be able to withstand it?

However, her mood had only been high for a few minutes before it quickly dropped.

What should she do?

Such a good Huangfu Qiye, the Huangfu Qiye that she deeply loved, she could not bear to part with him. She could not bear to part with him after she left.

Thinking that he might belong to someone else in the future, her heart began to ache again.

She looked very depressed, as if she was exhausted. When Huangfu Qiye saw her expression, he walked even faster.

Soon, the two of them walked into the small bathroom on the yacht. They washed the seawater off their bodies and changed into clothes to dry their hair.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her domineeringly and patted her back gently. "Go to sleep."

Tang Xiaowei was indeed a little sleepy, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her and fell asleep in a good mood.


Two hours later.

Huangfu Qiye opened his eyes. Beside him, Tang Xiaowei was still sleeping soundly.

He got up gently and kissed her on the lips. He was all smiles as he left the room.

He still had things to do, so he had to leave for a while.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, Huangfu Qiye was no longer beside her.

She was woken up by the ringtone of her cell phone. She lay on the bed and took out her cell phone to take a look. The call was from Tao Yuyan.

She swiped the screen and answered the call.

Before she could speak, Tao Yuyan suddenly burst into tears. "Xiaowei, what should we do? Help me, something happened to me."

Tang Xiaowei heard that Tao Yuyan's voice and tone were not quite right. She sat up and asked nervously, "Yuyan, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Xiaowei... Xiaowei, I'm very confused and distressed. I don't know what to do." Tao Yuyan only said a few words before she started crying again.

Tang Xiaowei was even more worried. "Yuyan, calm down first and tell me what exactly happened, okay?"

Tao Yuyan heard this and slowly calmed down. Then, she began to describe her current situation.

Three days ago.

Tao Yuyan had a classmate who wanted to celebrate her birthday and chose to go to a bar to enjoy herself.

At that time, that classmate invited her, so she couldn't refuse. She planned to go to the bar with them at night.

In the past, if someone invited her to go out, Tao Xian would always stay by her side and accompany her.

However, ever since they returned from England, Tao Xian had been cold with her, and he no longer clung to her like before. Therefore, Tao Yuyan did not invite Tao Xian.

She went alone.

When they arrived at the bar, the birthday boy opened a private room and let everyone drink.

Tao Yuyan did not know how to refuse, so she drank a few glasses of wine in the end.

She did not notice that the birthday boy liked her, so someone secretly drugged her wine.

When she was a little drunk and the drug took effect, everyone else left the room, leaving only her and the birthday boy in the room.

The boy confessed to her immediately, saying that he had liked her for a long time and hoped that she could be his girlfriend.

Tao Yuyan was extremely angry, wanting to reject him and leave.

However, she was very weak and drugged, so there was no way she could escape.

Her mind was still very clear, so after she picked up the ashtray and injured the boy, she took the opportunity to call for help.

After that, she randomly pressed a number in her address book, not knowing whose number she had pressed.