Chapter 304: "Go away, don't get close to me. "

After making the call, she screamed out in fear, "Help, I'm at xx Bar, come and save me."

The male classmate realized that she had called for help and his expression immediately changed. He rushed forward and snatched her phone, throwing it away. Then, he pressed her fiercely under his body. "Tao Yuyan, I really like you. Don't even think about finding someone to save you. From today onwards, you are my woman."

Tao Yuyan struggled crazily. "Get lost, I don't like you at all. I won't be your girlfriend. Let me go."

"I won't let you go. I'll make you my woman today." The man said fiercely and wanted to pull her clothes.

Tao Yuyan struggled crazily, scratching the man's face with her nails. She kept punching and kicking the man with her legs and hands.

The man didn't expect the usually gentle Tao Yuyan to be so powerful at this moment.

Therefore, in order not to hurt himself and not to hurt her, the man stepped back a little, pulled out a chair and sat at the door to block the door. He sneered and said, "Since you don't want to, then I'll wait. Anyway, the drug in your body will take effect sooner or later. At that time, you won't be able to leave, so you can only beg me to touch you. I really want to see how a gentle and pure beauty like you can make waves in front of me."

Hearing the man's words, Tao Yuyan was filled with resentment. "Zhang Wei, after I get out of here, I'll definitely call the police."

"Call the police? " Zhang Wei sneered. "My uncle is the chief of the police station. Do you think the police will help you or me after you call?"

Tao Yuyan widened her eyes in disbelief.

So this was the reason why Zhang Wei dared to be so arrogant, drugging her and trying to force himself on her.

However, Tao Yuyan would never let anyone touch her.

She knew that she could not push Zhang Wei away with her own strength and rush out of the door.

So, she stood up and went to pick up her phone, intending to find someone to save her.

At that moment, there was only one person she could think of. If the police were useless, then she could only find Tao Xian. She did not know who she had just called. She wanted to call Tao Xian again, hoping that he would come and save her.

She did not know when it started, but the person she trusted the most was Tao Xian. It seemed that only when he was by her side would she feel safe.

However, seeing that she was going to get the phone, Zhang Wei was agitated again.

He stood up and leaned towards her. He reached out his hand. "Give me the phone, or don't blame me for not being gentle with you. After all, I still like you, so I want to be gentle with you. But if you insist on going against me, I don't want to wait until the effects of the drug take effect."

"Go away, don't come near me." Tao Yuyan backed away in fear. She could not make a phone call with the phone in her hand, so she could only keep backing away, not wanting Zhang Wei to get close to her.

She took a step back, and Zhang Wei took a step forward.

Soon, she backed to the front of the window. Behind her was the window, and there was no way out.

Zhang Wei revealed a sinister smile. "You have no way out now. If you know what's good for you, then obediently throw away the phone and come over. I will definitely dote on you. Yuyan, you know I really like you, so be good and come over, okay?"

Tao Yuyan's hand had already touched the window. She did not like this Zhang Wei at all. Even if she was drugged at this moment, she did not want to be spoiled by him.

She suddenly pushed the window open with force and climbed up to sit down.

It was six floors outside. If she fell, she would definitely die.

She thought that if no one came to save her, she would definitely not want to be touched by this Zhang Wei. But if she could not escape, then she might as well die.

So, after she sat on the windowsill, she stabilized her swaying body. Then, she coldly shouted at Zhang Wei, "Get out now, or I will jump down. This private room is reserved in your name. If I jump down from this window and die, even if your uncle is the police chief, the Tao family will help me find the murderer. The Tao family will definitely not let you off."

Zhang Wei did not expect that Tao Yuyan, who looked gentle and as if she was easy to bully, was actually so fierce at this moment. She even risked her life to threaten him.

Zhang Wei started to be afraid.

After all, he loved to play and wanted to get Tao Yuyan. However, he only dared to drug her but did not dare to kill her.

Therefore, he stepped back in fear and tried to persuade her, "Tao Yuyan, I won't do anything to you. Come down quickly."

"Get out immediately! Get out!" Tao Yuyan shouted angrily. She did not look like she wanted to go down.

She knew that if she went down, Zhang Wei would definitely catch her. By then, she would really be finished.

Therefore, even though she was very afraid, afraid that she would fall down the stairs, she had no choice but to continue staying on the windowsill.

Zhang Wei did not have the mood to think about those thoughts anymore. He kept nodding. "I will go out immediately. Be careful and don't get agitated. I will go out immediately. After I go out, you must come down quickly, understand?"

"Get lost!" Tao Yuyan started to feel a strange feeling in her body. She frowned and shouted.

Zhang Wei turned around and prepared to leave.

However, when he reached the doorof the private room, it was opened from the outside. Then, before he could see who the person who opened the door was, he saw a fist rushing towards his face. The next second, he fell to the ground with his nose made crooked.

"D*mn, who is it? How dare..." Zhang Wei endured the pain and covered his bleeding nose. He was so angry that he wanted to stand up and hit back.

But before he could finish his words, he saw clearly who the person who rushed in was.

It was actually...Tao Xian.

Zhang Wei was shocked to the spot and did not dare to make any more movements.

He had always liked Tao Yuyan and wanted to get her, but he had never dared to make any moves before.

And today, it was because he saw that Tao Xian did not seem to bother Tao Yuyan anymore. That was why he had the courage to invite Tao Yuyan over on his birthday and drugged her.

But now, Tao Xian was here.

Zhang Wei was afraid of Tao Xian. It should be said that all the boys in the school were afraid of Tao Xian.

Because Tao Xian had a cold personality and was a taekwondo master, no one dared to provoke him.

Zhang Wei retreated in fear and wanted to leave immediately.

Unfortunately, Tao Xian had just received a call and rushed over. He saw the situation in the private room.