Chapter 314: Huangfu Qiye Pampers her too much

Therefore, she did not refuse or hesitate, and obediently leaned on him. "Okay."

Huangfu Qiye carried her on his back, stood up, and slowly walked forward.

This was a very spacious lawn, surrounded by trees and flowers.

Therefore, the air was very fresh, and because no one came to disturb them, this kind of time made people feel even better.

In the air, one could faintly smell the faint fragrance of flowers.

Tang Xiaowei put her arms around his neck and put her face on his shoulder. She looked at the sea in the distance and said, "Ye, if there is a next life, do you think we will meet again?"

She had no chance to accompany him in this life.

She hoped that she could meet him in the next life.

"If there is a next life, we will not only meet, but you will still be my woman and I will also be your man," Huangfu Qiye answered arrogantly with a strong tone.

Tang Xiaowei's heart hurt when she heard that.

If there was a next life, it would be great.

This way, they could still be together.

"Why would you suddenly bring up such a question?" Huangfu Qiye asked in surprise.

"It was just a sudden thought." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly laughed lightly, pretending that it was a sudden thought.

Huangfu Qiye did not doubt it and nodded.

After that, he continued to walk slowly. Occasionally, the two of them would casually chat, as if they were an ordinary couple. Their days were peaceful and beautiful.

However, after walking for a while, the originally blue sky suddenly drifted away, and black clouds quickly piled up. The cold wind kept blowing, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Huangfu Qiye stopped in his tracks. "It's going to rain. Let's go back."

Tang Xiaowei replied, "Okay."

Hence, he carried her on his back and turned around. The pace at which they went back was much faster. After walking for a while, they had already walked into the main villa.

Tang Xiaowei, who was on his back, felt a little depressed.

Thinking about how they were going to be separated the next day and how she might die and never see him again, her mood was like the dark clouds in the sky. She felt so depressed that she wanted it to rain.

With a gloomy mood, she returned to the villa.

Just as Huangfu Qiye put her down, Yuan Qi rushed over and handed a phone to Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, there's a call for you. It's urgent."

Huangfu Qiye took the phone and reached out to touch Tang Xiaowei's head. "Sit down for a while. I'm going to take a call."

"Okay, go ahead." Tang Xiaowei nodded and smiled at him.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye get up and leave in peace.

He went to the living room to take the call.

Tang Xiaowei didn't go to the living room. Instead, she went upstairs first.

After she went upstairs, the lights in the villa were not turned on because the sky had not turned dark just yet.

When she went upstairs alone, the dark clouds in the sky grew heavier. The world outside the windows became completely dark. Moreover, the sea breeze was strong, and the branches outside were fluttering in the wind.

She heard that there seemed to be a few shutters that had not been closed, and they were banging in the wind.

Moreover, because the sky outside was getting darker and darker, she suddenly felt her surroundings darken on the stairs.

She was most afraid of the dark.

Previously, when she had hatred in her heart, she could still barely endure it.

But these two days, perhaps it was because Huangfu Qiye had spoiled her too much. She felt that she had been spoiled to the point of being a little delicate and pretentious again.

She squatted down in fear. She did not dare to go up again, nor did she dare to go down again. She simply sat on the stairs and leaned against the wall, her body trembling slightly.

After Huangfu Qiye finished answering the phone, he realized that a dark cloud had covered the entire sky outside. It was pitch-black, as if night had arrived.

The lights in the villa had not been turned on yet.

Thinking of how Tang Xiaowei had just gone upstairs, she would be afraid of the dark.

He frowned fiercely.

"Turn on all the lights." He shouted angrily at the servants in the villa, then hurriedly ran upstairs.

Only then did the servants in the villa think of turning on the lights and hurriedly ran to do so.

When Huangfu Qiye ran to the stairwell, because the lights had not been turned on, he saw Tang Xiaowei huddled up, hugging her knees and sitting on the stairs.

She had her head lowered as if she was still trembling.

Huangfu Qiye's heart ached.

His frown deepened. He hurriedly ran up to her. He crouched down and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here. Everything will be fine."

After he finished speaking, all the lights in the villa lit up.

After Tang Xiaowei was hugged by him, she opened her tightly shut eyes.

At that moment, when she saw that the lights were on and that he was hugging her, she finally did not feel afraid anymore.

She also reached out and hugged him tightly. "Mmm, I'm not afraid anymore."

The two of them maintained this position and hugged each other for a long time.

It was not until a long time had passed that Tang Xiaowei felt that her legs and hands were sore. Only then did she gently push him. "My hands and legs are sore. Let's get up and go back to our room."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he relaxed a little. "Okay."

Then, he stood up and planned to carry her upstairs.

However, his legs were also numb because he had just squatted down.

As soon as he stood up, he dreamt that he fell down.

And he was still hugging her tightly. At the moment he fell, he was afraid of hurting her, so he directly carried her into his arms. He used himself as a cushion and fell onto the stairs first.

Bang! His back and legs hit the stairs, making a very loud sound. He was also willing to have his back and legs hurt from the impact, so he frowned slightly.

When Tang Xiaowei heard the sound, she knew that he must have been hit.

She knelt down beside him in a hurry. "Did you hit anything? Does it hurt? Why don't you wait here for a while, I'll call the doctor."

After she said that, she wanted to get up and go to the doctor.

However, Huangfu Qiye's hand grabbed her tightly. "You don't have to go to the doctor. It might just be a small bruise. You can help me apply some medicine later."

He did not like his body being seen or touched by others.

Only she could make him willing to take off his clothes.

Moreover, he did feel a lot of pain from the sudden bump just now, but he could feel that it shouldn't have been such a bruise.

"Do you really not need to call the doctor?" She still felt worried.

Huangfu Qiye stood up. Although his back and thighs still felt a little painful, he could still endure it.

"There's no need. Let's go up." He held her hand tightly. Since he couldn't carry her, he could only lead her upstairs.

"Okay." She could only follow him upstairs.

After returning to the room, Tang Xiaowei let him sit down and she applied medicine on him.

However, seeing him frown slightly after sitting down, she guessed that his buttocks must have been injured.

Thinking of how the usually overbearing President Huangfu had fallen and hit his butt and buttocks, Tang Xiaowei wanted to laugh, but she had to hold it in.