Chapter 315: He's leaving

"You'd better lie down. This way, you won't feel any pain, and it'll be easier for me to apply the medicine." She held back her laughter and said.

Huangfu Qiye's eyes flashed when he saw her trying to hold back her laughter. Then, he very naturally turned over and lay down on the bed. "That's good too. It does feel better if I lie down. You can apply the medicine."

Thereupon, Tang Xiaowei began to take off his clothes to check if there were any injuries on his back.

Seeing that there was a bruise on his back, she felt a little heartache. Then, she took out the ointment from the medical kit and carefully applied it on his back.

After wiping his back.

Thinking that there should be other injuries on his back as well, she started to take off his pants.

Huangfu Qiye thought that she did not have the courage to take off his pants.

When her hand really touched his pants, his entire body stiffened.

Feeling his stiffness, Tang Xiaowei looked at him in surprise and asked in a low voice, "Are my movements be too rough and hurt you?"

Too rough?

Hurt him?

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, why did he feel that something was not right?

If that was the case, why would a woman say this to him, President Huangfu?

Wouldn't this suppress his dignity?

He immediately lowered his voice and said seriously, "It doesn't hurt. You can wipe it all you want. I'm just worried that you won't dare to take off my pants. That's all."

"Oh, actually, I'm a little embarrassed, too. However, you're already my man. Now that you're injured, I can't not apply medicine on you, right?" Tang Xiaowei said embarrassedly. Then, in the next second, she directly took off his pants.

Actually, she thought that she and he only had time to spend together today.

Therefore, when he was injured and asked her to apply medicine on him, she couldn't keep wasting time here to let him continue to be in pain because she was embarrassed.

Therefore, no matter how shy she was, she had to clench her teeth and do it.

More than ten minutes later.

She finally finished applying medicine on her and helped him put on his pants.

Only then did she let out a sigh of relief. "Well, it's already done. I'm going to wash my hands. You lie down like this and don't move around, or the medicine will be wiped off."

After she finished speaking, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Meanwhile, Huangfu Qiye, who was lying on the bed, had a suspicious and faint red cloud on his face. He was so embarrassed that he was unable to speak.

Just now, he actually asked her to help him apply his medicine. Moreover, it was in such a private and intimate place.

He didn't expect that she would be so bold. She actually dared to do it.

In the bathroom.

After Tang Xiaowei washed her hands, her face was still pink and flushed.

He felt embarrassed just now, but she also felt shy.

Fortunately, he couldn't get up now, so he couldn't see her face.

Otherwise, she would be laughed at by him if she was so 'calm' when she applied the medicine on his face.

She stayed in the bathroom for a long time until she heard Huangfu Qiye's shout from outside. Then, she calmed herself down and walked out.

When she went out, she found Huangfu Qiye still lying on the bed, but his face was looking in the direction of the bathroom.

When he saw her coming out, he waved to her. "Come here, take a nap with me."

Tang Xiaowei walked over and smiled. "Sure."

She didn't want to waste time sleeping, but now that he was injured, she could only lie down and accompany him.

She took off her shoes and lay down beside him.

Just as she lay down, Huangfu Qiye's big hand reached out and wrapped itself around her waist in an overbearing manner.

He closed his eyes and said in an overbearing and gentle tone, "Go to sleep. The rain will definitely stop when you wake up. When that time comes, I'll walk around with you."

"Okay," she replied and closed her eyes as well.

Very soon, she fell asleep.


She woke up again. She was awakened by Huangfu Qiye.

Opening his misty eyes, Huangfu Qiye sat up. He put his hands around her shoulders and shook them gently. "Xiaowei, are you awake?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Xiaowei's voice was soft and lazy.

Huangfu Qiye's heart went numb because of her voice.

"Xiaowei, something happened to my company in China. I have to go back immediately. So, I'm leaving soon." Huangfu Qiye's expression was serious, but his tone was reluctant.

He didn't want to leave Tang Xiaowei.

But Tang Xiaowei insisted on giving him a month's appointment.

And today was the last day they were alone for three days. He happened to have something urgent that forced him to leave.

So, he woke her up and told her.

He thought that since they were going to separate tomorrow morning, although he couldn't bear to leave, since something happened, he could only go back to check on the situation.

"You're leaving?" Tang Xiaowei heard his words, and she was completely awake.

There was a trace of nervousness in her voice, and her eyes were full of panic.

She had thought that they would be able to stay together for another night before splitting up the next day.

But she didn't expect that he would be leaving now.

She was suddenly very sad and very reluctant to part with him.

But she couldn't show it.

"Well, why don't you leave with me? Can you cancel the one-month agreement that you said?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her expectantly and carefully.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was stunned at first, then she shook her head. "No, I won't go with you. I still have some things to do, so I need to stay in England."

A disappointed look appeared in Huangfu Qiye's eyes, but he was good-tempered and didn't lose his temper. Instead, he hugged her hard. He complained, "You're really ruthless. Now that you've seduced me so much, you're not willing to follow me. Are you trying to make me lovesick?"

"I...have no choice." She bit her lip and helplessly found an excuse.

"Alright, I won't force you. I'll respect you." Huangfu Qiye sighed and got off the bed. He looked at her with a gentle gaze. "You should get up too. After dinner, I'll send you back to your foster father's place. I'll go to the airport then."

"Oh, okay." Tang Xiaowei got off the bed stiffly and then walked to the cloakroom to find clothes to wear.

She found that her entire body was stiff until she entered the cloakroom. Huangfu Qiye went to the bathroom and didn't come over. She was the only one in the cloakroom. Only then did she close the door and tears rolled down her face.

An hour later.

They had dinner, then boarded a helicopter and flew to the Ling family's castle in the suburbs.

Tang Xiaowei's hand was tightly held by Huangfu Qiye. Occasionally, he would kiss her. Then, he started to persuade her, "Xiaowei, come back with me. Go back to the country to study. You still have Tao Yuyan and the others to accompany you. Isn't that better? You don't have any friends abroad. I'm worried about you."

"I still want to stay in the UK," Tang Xiaowei replied stiffly.

"Why do you have to stay in the UK? What reason do you have to stay?"