Chapter 323: Fear

The eldest among them said in a low and excited voice, "Third brother, since the person you mentioned has gold and can even afford a million, she must be very rich. We might as well go and find some people. When that woman comes to redeem her, we'll directly kidnap her. When that time comes, we'll definitely have all kinds of gold and silver. It'll be much more cost-effective than kidnapping these ordinary people."

"Big brother, I'll listen to you on this matter. I'll go out and look for her immediately." Third brother was also very excited when he heard that and hurriedly nodded.

The boss nodded. "You go ahead. Lao Er and I will stay here and guard that woman. When you come back, bring us some food."

Lao San nodded and immediately left the hotel.


Tao Yuyan saw that the sky outside was getting darker and darker. They had already been locked up for a day.

And today, ever since these men went out, she didn't know what they had said. After they came back, they didn't bully or beat them, or flirt with them.

However, there was something terrifying that made Tao Yuyan and the other girls a little scared.

That was because there were only three kidnappers in the morning.

But in the afternoon, three more men came. At this moment, there were only four girls and six kidnappers in the house.

Although these men were no longer lustful and staring at them, they did not touch them anymore.

But seeing that there were so many kidnappers, and they often saw the six kidnappers whispering to each other solemnly, the girls were very afraid that they would not be able to leave this place completely. They were also afraid that their families and friends would be hurt if they used the money to redeem them.

However, they could do nothing but wait.

Time passed by slowly.

At that moment, outside the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, five black cars had stopped.

In the car, Tang Xiaowei, who was dressed in black, frowned slightly. Her face was full of worry.

Beside her, Ling Shitian's butler, David, waited for the car to stop. He immediately said in a deep voice, "Miss, according to the GPS, the kidnappers and your friends are in room 205 on the second floor of this hotel. Please wait in the car for a while. I will immediately bring people in to rescue your friends."

"Not only to save my friends, but also to punish those kidnappers. After that, they will be sent to prison," Tang Xiaowei said calmly.

David nodded and then got out of the car with a serious face.

Tang Xiaowei knew that under such circumstances, it was still a little dangerous. Moreover, she was not as powerful as the bodyguards that David and Uncle Tian had sent, so it was better for her to wait in the car. She did not need to go into the hotel because she might be held back if she went in.

David quickly brought six bodyguards into the hotel.

He left four bodyguards outside the hotel to protect Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei was a little worried. After waiting in the car for a while, she could not help but get out of the car. She stood in front of the car and stared at the hotel door in front of her.

David had just entered for less than a minute. It was impossible for him to come out so quickly.

Just as she was nervous and anxious, she suddenly saw a car quickly stop at the hotel door. Then, a familiar figure got out of the car.

Then, that figure rushed into the hotel like crazy.

She subconsciously shouted, "Tao Xian."

Tao Xian's figure froze. When he turned around, he saw Tang Xiaowei, who was dressed in black, standing in front of a few luxurious cars. She was surrounded by four tall bodyguards.

Why did she look like a big sister of the underworld?

Tao Xian shook off this boring guess and said coldly, "I'm in a hurry to go in and save her."

After saying that, he directly rushed into the hotel.

"My people have already gone in, you..." Tang Xiaowei wanted to tell him that her people had already gone in to save Yuyan and wanted him to wait outside.

Because when she saw him appear, she guessed that he must have come to save Yuyan.

However, before she could finish speaking, Tao Xian's figure disappeared at the door and rushed in.

Tang Xiaowei could only say no more.

However, being able to see that Tao Xian cared about her so much when Yuyan was in danger, Tang Xiaowei believed that Tao Xian truly loved Tao Yuyan.


The room where Tao Yuyan and the others were locked up was originally very quiet.

However, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

It was very soft, but it still made everyone in the room nervous.

The boss among the kidnappers immediately gave a look to his underling. "Go and see who it is."

The underling immediately walked to the door and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"Room service." The sweet voice of the hotel waitress came from outside.

When the man heard that, he was a little absent-minded. Then, he looked through the peephole and saw that there was actually a beautiful waitress standing outside, pushing a dining table.

These kidnappers had been waiting here quietly since they were called over in the afternoon. They had not eaten anything.

Therefore, they were already hungry at that moment.

Therefore, the man immediately turned to look at his boss. "Big brother, the hotel came to deliver food. We have been hungry for an entire afternoon. Since the people who delivered the money have not arrived yet, why don't we get some food first?"

When the other kidnappers heard this, they all nodded.

The boss didn't know what to say, so he could only nod. "Eat, eat. But be careful. Open the door and come in after taking the food. Don't let the people outside see what's going on inside."

When the underling heard this, he laughed and hurriedly said, "Big brother, don't worry. I can handle this small matter."

Thus, he opened the door.

However, when he opened the door, the beautiful waitress outside the door was beaten to the ground by a sudden fist before he could see clearly.

Then, a few tall men dressed in black rushed out from both sides of the door. Each of them held a gun in their hands and pointed it at them mercilessly.

"Don't move!"

As these people entered, the door of the house was closed. Then, in the house, there were five other kidnappers besides the kidnapper who opened the door and was beaten. They were all shocked.

Especially when they saw that most of these people who suddenly rushed in were foreigners, and that the other party was holding a gun, they felt even more terrified.

Thus, no one dared to move.

David was not only a butler, but also an assassin. Moreover, he had been by Ling Shitian's side for so long that the aura on his body was enough to scare these ordinary kidnappers silly.

He walked into the house and signaled to a bodyguard beside him, "Go and release these girls."

After saying that, he waved his hand again, and another bodyguard immediately went forward, preparing to kidnap the six kidnappers.

David personally watched from inside the house.