Chapter 322: Kidnappers with bad intentions

He immediately turned off his phone and stood by the side.

Meanwhile, in another city.

Tao Xian kept calling Tao Yuyan's cell phone, but her cell phone showed that it was turned off.

His face was gloomy as he stood on the street blindly.

This morning, he had something to do and went out for a while.

After returning, his parents went out, so he secretly went to Tao Yuyan's room.

But he found that she left a note to tell her parents that she was going out for a walk. She also applied for leave from school, so she would be back in a few days.

When Tao Xian saw the words on the note, he was frantic.

So he immediately ran out of the door and frantically looked for her.

But he looked for the airport and the train station, but in the end, he did not find any clues.

And at that moment, he was just about to go to the ordinary train station to look for her when he suddenly received a phone call. It was an unfamiliar man who said that he had kidnapped her.

Although he could not get through to her cell phone, it was fortunate that the kidnapper had told him the address. It was a very famous tourist attraction in the country.

Thinking of Tao Yuyan being kidnapped at that place, Tao Xian's heart felt like it was being grabbed by someone.

He was really afraid that she would be hurt.

So he immediately went to the airport, bought a ticket to that city, and directly flew there.


At that moment, in a hotel in J town.

Tao Yuyan and the four girls were kidnapped.

There were three men in the room who were kidnappers. The three of them took the four girls' cell phones and made a call threatening to ransom them.

The three men stared at the four girls in a lecherous and infatuated manner. It was obvious that they had bad intentions.

The girls were scared to death.

The girls did not know each other. They were also tied up in batches by the three men.

At that moment, seeing the three men staring at them, the girls' hands and feet were tied up. Their mouths were also sealed with tape. No matter how scared they were, they could only shrink their bodies helplessly. They could not cry for help or escape.

The three men looked at each other, and then one of them sneered, "These girls are pretty good-looking. Before their family and friends come to redeem them, we brothers will have a good time playing with them."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the rest of them immediately laughed particularly lewdly.

As for the girls who were kidnapped, including Tao Yuyan, they were all afraid.

They naturally understood what these kidnappers were talking about.

Tao Yuyan closed her eyes in fear, and at that moment, she was extremely regretful that she had come out alone this time.

She had left a note at home this morning and sneaked out. She had chosen this place because it was a tourist attraction. She wanted to come here to relax.

However, not long after she arrived in this small town, she was grabbed by the three men in an alley. They shoved her in a black car and brought her into this dim room.

After that, she realized that there were three other girls in the room. However, they were all tied up. It was obvious that the girls were all tied up by the three men.

Their cell phones, valuables, and wallets had all been confiscated by the three men.

Moreover, the three men had used their cell phones to call the contacts in the cell phones, demanding a ransom.

Forget about all this. The girls were tied up and could not fight them at all.

However, seeing that they had threatened their family and friends and wanted to rape the girls, the girls in the room, who had been relatively quiet, struggled crazily, trying to scream for help even though their mouths were sealed with tape.

The room immediately became chaotic. The girls rolled on the ground, trying to get up to open the door.

Tao Yuyan was also frightened. She opened her eyes and tried to stand up.

The three men thought that they could have fun with the girls, but seeing them struggle like this, they were worried.

Especially the kidnapper who called Tang Xiaowei as she had promised to give him a million yuan. He remembered that Tang Xiaowei had told him not to touch Tao Yuyan, so he told the men about this matter.

"Big bBrother, second brother, let me tell you. I just called this woman on her phone to ask for money. A woman told me on the phone that she is willing to pay one million yuan to redeem her, but she won't allow us to touch this woman." He pointed at Tao Yuyan.

The kidnapper's big brother and second brother both looked at Tao Yuyan.

The girls who were afraid to struggle and wanted to escape also looked over.

Tao Yuyan thought of the words that the kidnapper said to Tang Xiaowei and roughly guessed that Xiaowei must have promised the kidnapper one million yuan.

The Tao family also had a million yuan.

Therefore, even if Xiaowei did not have that much money at the moment, in order to protect herself from being abused by these men, Tao Yuyan hurriedly whimpered a few words, indicating that she wanted to speak.

The kidnapper did not tear the tape off her and did not look at her. Instead, he retracted his gaze and asked the kidnapper who had just spoken, "Third brother, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. So, don't touch this woman. If you want to touch her, go and touch the ones next to her," third brother said seriously.

"How can you easily believe that this woman's friend can take out a million? This is not a small amount." The leader of the kidnappers was very suspicious.

Third brother hurriedly explained, "I had a video call with that woman. She even showed me a box of gold. There's a box of gold beside her. This is the first time I've seen so much gold. How could it be fake?"

"There's really a box of gold?" The second brother's eyes were wide open when he heard that.

Third nodded vigorously and said seriously, "Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you?"

The eldest brother was silent for a few seconds before he patted his brothers and said, "Let's go to the other room. I have something to tell you."

The three of them immediately gave up on the idea of spoiling the girls and left the room.

After seeing the three men leave, the girls in the room heaved a sigh of relief.

Tao Yuyan had just heard the men say that Xiaowei would give them a million dollars so they would not bully her, so she was slightly relieved.

The other three girls heard that Tao Yuyan's friend was willing to give them a million dollars and a box of gold. Because of this, the three men no longer had any designs on them. The three girls looked at Tao Yuyan gratefully.

As for Tao Yuyan, she looked around and felt that she should be looking for a way to escape.

At that moment.

In another room next to their house, the three kidnappers gathered together with a greedy look on their faces.