Chapter 321: She will definitely be afraid

Therefore, he thought that Tang Xiaowei would definitely panic or remain silent.

After all, a million was not a small amount for an ordinary person.

However, Tang Xiaowei immediately agreed.

The kidnapper began to regret not saying a higher amount, but he also suspected that Tang Xiaowei was lying to him. Perhaps Tang Xiaowei simply could not come up with such a large amount of money.

Therefore, he said, "Okay, then we agreed on a million. However, I don't really believe that you have so much money. Can you give me some evidence to make me believe it?''

Tang Xiaowei only felt that this kidnapper was really too difficult to deal with.

"Wait a moment." She said coldly to the kidnapper, then took out her phone and asked Ling Shitian beside her in a low voice, "Uncle Tian, do you have anything more valuable here? Yes, something like gold."

She felt that the kidnappers wanted 100,000 from the start, but they didn't believe that she would be able to take out a million, so they wouldn't be able to say anything if she showed them something valuable.

Therefore, if there was anything like gold in the castle, she would show him that.

Then, the kidnappers would believe her.

Ling Shitian heard this and thought for a moment. "Yes, wait a moment."

Hence, he quickly walked out. After a while, he returned with a box.

He placed the box in front of Tang Xiaowei and opened it. A pile of gold immediately appeared in front of her. It was extremely dazzling.

Tang Xiaowei was also slightly agitated. As expected, Uncle Tian was very rich. He was able to casually bring out a box of gold.

She immediately took a photo of the gold and sent it to the kidnapper.

Soon, the kidnapper replied nervously and suspiciously, "Could it be that you downloaded this photo on the internet?"

Tang Xiaowei was a little speechless. "It's genuine. It wasn't downloaded on the internet."

"But I don't really believe it. Take another photo." The kidnapper still didn't believe it.

Tang Xiaowei was even more speechless.

She thought for a moment and had no choice but to turn the phone into a video call. Then, she placed the camera on the box and said coldly, "Now, have you seen it clearly? Since you've seen it clearly, remember to ensure the safety of my friend. I'll go prepare the money now."

The kidnapper on the other end finally believed that the box of gold was real, so he happily hung up the phone.

After the kidnapper hung up the phone, Tang Xiaowei immediately got out of bed.

"Uncle Tian, my friend went out and was kidnapped. Now, the other party wants me to take out a million yuan to secure her release, so I have to return to Laiguo."

After saying that, she went to the cloakroom, casually took a black coat and put it on. Then, she prepared to go out.

Ling Shitian followed behind her worriedly. "Littlerosette, when you picked up the phone just now, I had already gotten David to find out that person's location. Moreover, the other party had promised not to harm your friend for only one million yuan. I will pay for it, so let David send someone to handle these matters. He will definitely not let your friend get hurt. It's better for you not to go out. Your body is not in good health right now, so recuperating in the castle is what you should do."

However, Tang Xiaowei shook her head with a serious expression. She said, "Uncle Tian, I know that you are doing this for my own good. But Yuyan is my good friend. I know that she has been kidnapped, so I have to save her personally. Even if I have your people to save her after I arrive, I still want to see her personally and give her a hug. She has been kidnapped alone. She will definitely be afraid."

"Xiaowei, how can you disregard your health for your friend? Uncle Tian is really sad that you did this." Ling Shitian was a little angry.

Tang Xiaowei explained helplessly, "Uncle Tian, Yuyan is really my best friend. Moreover, her situation is a little special now. I think that she must really need my hug. Actually, her situation is a little similar to my mother's. She was also adopted by her current husband. Therefore, I won't forgive myself if I don't appear when she is lonely and helpless. Moreover, I'm just like a normal person when my illness isn't acting up. Uncle Tian, don't worry."

"You're so disobedient. Forget it, you can go." Ling Shitian had no choice but to sigh deeply. "However, you must come back as soon as possible after you go."

"Alright, I understand. I'll come back as soon as possible." Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Let's go. I'll get David to arrange some powerful bodyguards to go with you. You guys can take the Ling family's plane directly. After going there, these bodyguards and David will take care of everything. Don't hurt yourself, do you hear me?" Ling Shitian reminded her worriedly as they walked.

Tang Xiaowei nodded her head non-stop.

Very soon, she took the plane with David and 10 powerful bodyguards and went straight back to the country. Their destination was a small town where Tao Yuyan was kidnapped at the moment.

In this small town, Tao Yuyan and a few girls were locked in a narrow room with the curtains closed. The light was dim.

The kidnappers took the phones of the girls and kept calling the contacts in the contact list.

Every time they called a contact, they would ask the kidnappers to ransom them with 100,000 yuan and then forbid them from calling the police.

The kidnappers who took Tao Yuyan's phone just now, Tang Xiaowei's phone was the first one he called. After he called, he thought of the gold and the one million yuan. He felt happy and decided not to bully Tao Yuyan later.

Then, he continued to call the number on his phone.

The number he dialed was called Ah Xian.

The phone rang for a long time before it was finally picked up.

After the call was picked up, the kidnapper immediately said fiercely, "Hello, you are Ah Xian, right? Tao Yuyan has been kidnapped by us. You must immediately bring 100,000 dollars to the XX hotel in J town, or we will directly kill her."

"Who are you? You kidnapped Yuyan?" Tao Xian's roar sounded suddenly.

"Yes, I'm the one who kidnapped her. I'll give you three days to give me 100,000 yuan. Otherwise, we'll kill her. When the time comes, you can watch her on the news." The kidnapper heard that the other party was a fierce man, so he didn't dare to say anything more. After he finished threatening, he immediately hung up the phone.

Then, he prepared to call other numbers.

However, there were only a few scattered numbers on Tao Yuyan's phone. Other than Tang Xiaowei and Tao Xian, there were only her parents.

When the kidnapper saw this, he continued to call Tao Yuyan's parents. Unfortunately, her parents' phones were switched off.

The kidnapper was a little disappointed. However, when he thought of the call that he had just made to Tang Xiaowei, she said that she would give him one million yuan. This was equivalent to extorting ten people.

Therefore, the kidnapper did not feel disappointed.