Chapter 320: Xiaowei, save me

However, she hated the people of the Song family.

These people of the Song family were simply insane!

If she had the chance to meet the people of the Song family, she was really afraid that she would forget about asking for the antidote and directly kill the people of the Song family.

"Little rosette, don't cry. Uncle Tian didn't say this to make you cry. Don't cry, okay?" Ling Shitian started to get nervous when he saw her cry.

He clearly looked like a handsome man in his thirties, but he was already 50 years old, so his actions and voice revealed the worry and helplessness of an old man.

Tang Xiaowei wiped her tears and nodded. "Uncle Tian, I won't cry anymore. Don't worry, I just feel uncomfortable."

Ling Shitian then heaved a sigh of relief. "Little rosette, I know that you must hate the Song family. I also hate them very much, but all these years, I still haven't found them. A few years ago, I gave up looking for them. But now, I have no choice but to look for them again. Because of the poison in your body, the pharmacists here can't make an antidote to detoxify you. Although our Moqi family's poison is very reputable in the black market now, compared to the Song family back then, we are still far behind. Moreover, the poison in your body is an ancient prescription of the Song family from a long time ago. It was passed down from your grandmother and mother to you, so we can't extract anything to analyze."

"I know." Tang Xiaowei tried her best to calm herself down.

"Then I will send people to look for the Song family first. If they are found, I will capture them. From now on, you will stay in the castle and won't go out again." Ling Shitian gently stroked her head.

Tang Xiaowei nodded.

However, at that moment, her phone suddenly rang.

She took the phone and the caller ID showed that it was Tao Yuyan.

She remembered that she had talked to Tao Yuyan on the phone before. She said that she wanted to avoid Tao Xian and go out alone to relax. She didn't know whether she had gone out or not.

Hence, she did not bother about Ling Shitian who was beside her and said to him, "Uncle Tian, I need to take this call."

Ling Shitian nodded and did not go out. Instead, he walked to the sofa and sat down.

Tang Xiaowei took the call. Before she could speak, a fierce and rough male voice came from the other side, "Are you called Xiaowei?"

"Who are you?" Tang Xiaowei was very shocked. Why was there such a voice coming from Yuyan's phone? Furthermore, the other party's question was very strange.

Her heart was faintly worried.

"Your friend's name is Tao Yuyan, right? She has been captured by us now. If you want to save her, prepare 100,000 yuan and then come to the XX hotel in J town to save her. You have three days. If we don't get the money in three days, her little life will have to go to hell. Of course, if you dare to call the police, her little life will go to hell in three minutes." The other party said all this fiercely and quickly.

Tang Xiaowei's eyebrows jumped very high.

Was Yuyan kidnapped?

How could this be?

Wasn't she still fine when she talked to Yuyan on the phone yesterday?

Could it be...?

She thought of Yuyan saying that she wanted to go out for a walk.

So, could it be that Yuyan went out for a walk today and was kidnapped.

Tang Xiaowei was worried and nervous. "Okay, I promise you, I will immediately prepare 100,000 yuan and I will not call the police. But first, let me hear my friend's voice. I have to make sure that she is still fine."

"Okay, seeing that you are so tactful, I will let you say a few words." The man was silent for a few seconds before he agreed.

Then, there was a sound from the other end of the phone and the man's voice. Then, Tao Yuyan's fragile cry came over. "Xiaowei, save me, I..."

Tao Yuyan had only said a few words when her phone was snatched away. Then, there was no more sound from her. The man's voice came over again He was extremely cold. "Listen carefully. Remember to bring 100,000 yuan over within three days. Otherwise, you might see her body on the news. Ha-ha-ha..."

The man laughed a few times and wanted to hang up the phone

"Yuyan..." Tang Xiaowei had just called out Yuyan when she could no longer hear Tao Yuyan's voice. Instead, she heard the man's threat.

She hurriedly warned, "You want money, right? I can give you more, but you have to ensure my friend's safety. You are not allowed to let her get hurt, and you are not allowed to have any other thoughts towards her."

The man opposite her understood what she meant.

At that moment, the kidnappers had a few men. They had kidnapped a few young and beautiful girls. Initially, they had planned to blackmail all the contacts in the girls' phones and then play with the girls' bodies.

They only wanted 100,000 yuan for each person they extorted. They were afraid that the girls' families would not be able to raise larger amounts.

However, after hearing Tang Xiaowei's words, the man understood that Tang Xiaowei did not allow them to touch Tao Yuyan's body.

If they did not touch her, then so be it. There were other girls anyway. Although this Tao Yuyan was pretty, even more beautiful than those girls, what they wanted the most was money.

Therefore, the man thought for a few seconds and agreed. "Okay, I promise you. My people and I will not touch your friend. But how much money can you give me that I am satisfied with?"

"How much do you want?" Tang Xiaowei said coldly, "As long as you guarantee the safety of my friend, no matter how much you want, I can give it to you."

"Yo, you sure have a big mouth. You actually said that for a friend. Could it be that your family is rich? Rich? Rich second generation?" The kidnapper immediately laughed mockingly.

"Don't bother about my family's identity. Just tell me how much you want." Tang Xiaowei frowned fiercely.

Meanwhile, Ling Shitian, who was still in Tang Xiaowei's room, had already heard that there was something wrong with her call. Something must have happened.

Therefore, he had already sent a message to David silently, asking David to locate the phone that Tang Xiaowei was on. Who exactly was the other party?

Then, he stood up nervously and stood beside Tang Xiaowei. He planned to wait for her to finish the call before asking about the situation.

After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, the kidnapper on the other end of the phone immediately reported a number. "How about this: if you can come up with one million RMB, I won't touch your friend. How about it? I'm already very easy to talk to. So, since you want to save your friend, even if you don't have much money, you have to go..."

Without waiting for the kidnapper to finish, Tang Xiaowei replied, "Okay, I will give you one million yuan. I will definitely deliver it to the hotel you mentioned within three days, and all of it will be cash. You must remember what you said. You must ensure the safety of my friend."

The kidnapper thought that one million would be an astronomical figure for Tang Xiaowei.