Chapter 319: those who seek revenge for the smallest grievance

She had no choice but to send Shangguan Yu, who was already more than a year old, to an orphanage.

After that, she never saw Shangguan Yu again, nor did she know that he had been adopted.

After she was found by Shangguan Li, she told him about the past.

Shangguan Li began to investigate who Shangguan Yu's parents had provoked to be poisoned by the other party.

Soon, he found out that it was the Song family.

In that era, everyone in the dark knew that the Song family were a poison-making family. Their reputation could make people tremble in fear.

There was an old man in the Song family who was already in his 70s at that time.

After him were the two sons of old man Song, the eldest son, Song Yi, and the second son, Song Er.

The eldest son of the Song Family, Song Yi, was a nasty, cold-blooded, and vicious man in his 40s. He fell in love with Shangguan Yu's mother, but Shangguan Yu's mother had someone she loved deeply who would not listen to him. In the end, he ruined Shangguan Yu's parents'business. After he found out that Shangguan Yu's mother was pregnant, he had someone inject poison into her.

That was a secret medicine that the Song family had just made.

He wanted to torture anyone who did not listen to him.

The second son of the Song Family, Song Er, was a taciturn person who did not like business and only liked to study. He did not have much power and rarely went out.

Therefore, the two sons of the Song family had different temperaments.

The eldest son, Song Yi, had two children. The other son was called Song Nan. His personality was as vicious as his father's. If he liked someone, he must have them or he would take revenge on the other party. He also had a younger sister, Song Qingyun. Her personality was exactly the same as his and their father's.

As for the second son of the Song Family, Song Er, he also had a son, Song Zhi. He looked like his father, who was very quiet and did not fight for anything.

As for the Song family, Shangguan Li just so happened to know three of them.

One was Song Nan, one was Song Qingyun, and the other was Song Zhi.

Because the Song family and the Shangguan family were both prominent families at that time, their ages were about the same, and they all attended the same noble school.

And because of this, they got to know each other.

Although Shangguan Yu was adopted by the Shangguan family, she also attended the noble school with Shangguan Li.

Song Nan saw the beautiful Shangguan Yu, and after learning that Shangguan Yu was only Shangguan Li's sister, he began to pursue her crazily.

But Shangguan Yu liked Shangguan Li, and they were already secretly dating at that time.

So she naturally rejected Song Nan.

At that time, Song Qingyun also liked the handsome Shangguan Li.

Shangguan Li naturally rejected Song Qingyun as well.

Song Nan and Song Qingyun had the same personality as their father. Therefore, after being rejected, they didn't do anything excessive when they were young. However, they fell out with Shangguan Li and Shangguan Yu and after that, they would always resort to small tricks to bully Shangguan Yu.

After Shangguan Li found out, he used some power and tricks to drive the two brothers and sisters of the Song family out of school.

After that, they hated each other.

From that point, they didn't see each other again for several years.

However, after Shangguan Li found out that he could only go to the Song family to ask for the antidote to save his wife, he still came with a gift.

It was a pity that the people of the Song family, the people of Song Yi's side, were all vengeful people.

After Shangguan Li came and told him about the situation and took out a huge amount of money and some rare treasures, Song Yi was now the head of the family because old master Song had passed away.

His son and daughter had been bullied by Shangguan Li's people a few years ago, so he left the matter to his son to handle.

Therefore, Song Yi did not talk to Shangguan Li. Song Nan and Song Qingyun talked to Shangguan Li directly.

Song Nan was already married, but Song Qingyun was not.

Song Nan coldly suggested that he could save Shangguan Yu, but after he saved her, he must have Shangguan Yu for his lover.

Song Qingyun also suggested that there was one more condition. Shangguan Li must divorce Shangguan Yu and marry her.

Shangguan Li was very angry after hearing this, knowing that it was useless to continue talking.

Shangguan Li directly left the Song family.

But before he left, the Song family sneakily attacked Shangguan Li and almost killed him.

However, Shangguan Li successfully escaped.

That night, the Song family was massacred by Shangguan Li, and almost the entire family was killed.

In the end, Shangguan Li spared Song Nan's life, telling him to take out the antidote and let him go, but Song Nan committed suicide.

After that, the Song family completely disappeared.

So, in the end, Shangguan Li avenged his wife's family and got revenge, but he didn't get the antidote.

After that, was forced to look for capable people who could make the antidote all over the world, desperately wanting to save his wife.

When Ling Shitian found out about this, he also wanted to save Shangguan Yu.

But at that time, he was still under his father's control, and the people around him were not particularly powerful. He could not make the antidote at all, and his father would not help him.

Finally, after a year, he heard that the Shangguan family was assassinated, and something happened to the whole family.

After that, he no longer resisted his father. Then, he was injected with the blood charm and slowly sank into oblivion until now.

However, Ling Shitian knew that at that time, the only people who had a grudge against the Shangguan family were the Song family.

After that, the Shangguan family had been assassinated. It must have been because someone from the Song family had been left behind. That was why the Song family had come to seek revenge on the Shangguan family. Then, after the Shangguan family had been assassinated, they had disappeared.

Therefore, at this moment, after Ling Shitian told everything to Tang Xiaowei, he sighed deeply. "I feel that there must be some members of the Song family who are still alive. Maybe they are the ones who assassinated the Shangguan family, or maybe they aren't. But for now, we can only find them and ask them to make the antidote for you. Otherwise, your situation will become more and more serious. If you have a child in the future, your child will continue to have the illness."

Tang Xiaowei's hands clutched tightly onto the blanket, her face pale.

She had never known that the situation at home was so complicated.

Moreover, her parents, as well as her grandparents, had been killed by someone else.

Tears streamed down her face one by one, and her heart was filled with indescribable pain.

What had her family done wrong? Why did they deserve such punishment?

She was the only one left in the world.

If she hadn't met Uncle Tian, she wouldn't have known about this. When she had left her parents, she had been very young, and her parents hadn't told her about this.

At this moment, she really hated the people of the Song family.

Even though she knew that only the people of the Song family could save her.