Chapter 328: Please tell me the whereabouts of Xiaowei

Standing at the door of the room, Willam looked natural as if he did not smell the choking smell of alcohol. He looked at Ling Yijue who walked out of the room. His face was pale and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Young master."

"What time is it?" Ling Yijue had a bad headache due to the hangover. He rubbed his aching forehead and asked coldly before walking out.

Willam hurriedly followed behind him. "Young master, it's already 8 o'clock in the morning."

"Okay." Ling Yijue nodded and walked into the elevator. Willam also hurriedly walked in.

Soon, the elevator reached the first floor. Ling Yijue walked into the dining room. There was no need for instructions. Soon, a maid brought breakfast in and placed it on the dining table.

Ling Yijue seemed to have thought of something. As he enjoyed his breakfast, he instructed, "Report the situation at home."

Willam thought of what he heard yesterday, but he hadn't reported it yet. So he immediately said, "Yes, young master. Ever since the eldest miss came back yesterday, you went back to your room in anger and asked me to bring you some wine. When I went downstairs to get the wine, I met many medical staff in the castle who were very busy, so I asked and then heard the news that the eldest miss had fainted."

Ding! The sound of a knife and fork hitting the plate was heard.

"Stop!" Ling Yijue threw the fork and looked at Willam with a gloomy face, "What did you say?''

Willam was a little scared by the look, but he didn't dare to not say, "I heard the maid say that the eldest miss had fainted yesterday. I originally wanted to tell you, but you closed the door after you took the wine and didn't allow me to speak again, so..."

"So, you waited a whole night before telling me?" Ling Yijue's anger exploded. He stood up and grabbed Willam's collar, as if he was going to strangle him to death.

"I'm sorry, young master. I know I was wrong. Please punish me, young master." Willam quickly lowered his head.

Ling Yijue shook Willam off. He didn't eat breakfast and stood up. He walked out of the restaurant with a cold face. "I don't have time to punish you now. You'd better pray that nothing happened to Xiaowei. If you didn't tell me something happened to her, and I missed something because of it, your death won't be enough to atone for your sins! "

After saying that, Ling Yijue strode into the infirmary in the castle.

Unfortunately, when he ran to the infirmary, he found that there were only a few doctors and nurses in the infirmary. The atmosphere was not tense at all.

He casually grabbed a doctor and asked, "Where's the young miss? Did the young miss faint yesterday? What about her now? Has she woken up? Where is she?"

"Young...young master." The doctor who was caught by him was scared out of his wits by his actions.

"Speak!" Ling Yijue shouted at the doctor angrily, as though he was a devil who wanted to kill someone.

The doctor was so scared that he hurriedly said, "Young master, the eldest miss did pass out yesterday, but she woke up very quickly yesterday. She is no longer in the castle now. I heard that she seems to have left the castle. As for where she went, only the owner knows."

Only then did Ling Yijue shake off the doctor, then he turned around and ran towards the seventh floor.

The seventh floor.

In the study room.

Ling Shitian was on the phone with Tang Xiaowei. He already knew that Tang Xiaowei's friend had been successfully rescued.

Moreover, David and the 10 bodyguards who had brought her over had also protected her very well.

However, Tang Xiaowei said that she would stay there for two days and enjoy the scenery there before returning.

Ling Shitian was originally opposed to this. After all, Tang Xiaowei's health condition was not optimistic at the moment.

However, Tang Xiaowei pitifully said that she wanted to see more of the beautiful scenery in this world before she died, especially now that the place she was staying at was a place that she had wanted to go before. Moreover, she still had her friends by her side so she really wanted to stay there for another two days.

Ling Shitian had no choice but to agree to her.

Just as he agreed to her, this little girl hung up the phone.

Ling Shitian sighed, and there was a knock on the door of the study. Ling Yijue's voice came from outside, "Father, I have something to ask you."

Although Ling Shitian had adopted Ling Yijue in the past and did not treat him unfairly, he only treated him as his heir and did not really treat him as his own son. There was no father-son relationship between the two of them.

There was only suspicion and indifference, as well as Ling Yijue's hatred towards him.

In fact, Ling Shitian could probably feel Ling Yijue's hatred towards Ling Shitian.

He was treated the same way by his own father in the past. At that time, he also hated his own father.

However, he had thought that Ling Yijue and he would always be this cold, without any kinship, would not talk heart to heart, and would not interact deeply.

However, now that he had little rose...

The girl born from the person he liked was just like his child.

And his adopted son seemed to like little rose very much. Therefore, his view of his adopted son had changed a lot. At least, he was not as cold and heartless as before.

"Come in," Ling Shitian said.

Ling Yijue then pushed the door open and walked in.

"What's the matter?" Ling Shitian asked in a flat tone.

"Father, I just found out about little Wei fainting yesterday. I'm very worried about her. Where is she now?" Ling Yijue went straight to the point and directly asked what he wanted to ask. He was too lazy to beat around the bush.

Ling Shitian was silent for a while when he heard that.

Ling Yijue was impatient and frowned. "Father, please tell me Xiaowei's whereabouts."

"Why should I tell you? You didn't even show up when she fainted yesterday. Now, you came to ask about her whereabouts. Is that how you like her?" Ling Shitian mocked coldly.

Ling Shitian was very clear about the fact that Ling Yijue and Huangfu Qiye liked Tang Xiaowei.

However, he felt that these two people were a good choice for little rose.

Therefore, he wanted to choose the most suitable person, the person who would treat little rose the best, and the person who loved little rose the most.

Because of this, he felt that Ling Yijue did not appear yesterday when little rose fainted, but now he came to ask about little rose's whereabouts. He felt that Ling Yijue's behavior was not acceptable.

"Father, yesterday I was because..." Ling Yijue thought of yesterday's incident and thought that he was drunk because he saw Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye hugging each other. He drank in anger.

How could he have known that Xiaowei would faint?

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have kept drinking no matter how angry he was. He would have stayed by her side.

"What's the reason?" Ling Shitian saw through everything. "Is it because you got angry and backed off when you saw Xiaowei and Huangfu hugging each other?"

"Father, why are you...?" Ling Yijue was surprised. His father actually knew that he got angry and drank because of this.