Chapter 329: disappointment flashed across his eyes

Ling Shitian snorted coldly, "How could I have such a useless son like you? I won't stop you from liking little rose, but you have to truly like her, love her, and protect her. At the same time, you can't be angry at her so easily. Although she likes Huangfu Qiye a little now, I feel that you aren't any worse than Huangfu Qiye. "Now, they will be separated for a period of time. If you like little rose, go after her and treat her well. I believe that she will choose a man who loves her the most and treats her the best. And you, since you are my son, don't embarrass me! "

Ling Shitian's words could be considered as encouraging and supporting Ling Yijue.

In the end, although Ling Shitian felt that little rosette liked Huangfu Qiye, Huangfu Qiye also liked little rosette.

However, he always felt that Huangfu Qiye was too dangerous. If little rosette was with him, she would definitely be injured frequently.

Moreover, this time, he did not know if little rosette would be able to survive. Little rosette also planned to separate from Huangfu Qiye.

Then, he should give Ah Jue a chance.

At least when little rosette was with Ah Jue, Ling Shitian would be more at ease.

"Father, what do you mean?'' Ling Yijue looked at Ling Shitian in disbelief.

This was the first time he felt that this foster father was truly good to him.

He already understood what his foster father meant.

Although his foster father would not stop Xiaowei from being together with Huangfu Qiye, he would support the person who was the best for Xiaowei.

And that person, his foster father hoped that it would be him, Ling Yijue.

"I want you to swear that you truly love Xiaowei and are willing to use your life to protect her. Otherwise, even if you are my son, I will not support you." Ling Shitian was very serious. "The person I support must truly love Xiaowei."

"Father, please rest assured. I will use my life to treat Xiaowei well." Ling Yijue's voice trembled as he swore.

Ling Shitian's gaze was fixed on Ling Yijue for a long while. Then, he said with relief, "Since that's the case, you can go and look for her. However, don't scare her too enthusiastically. What she needs now is silence. After you go, the most important thing now is to protect her. She is in J town in China. You will bring her back in two days. When that time comes, if she is injured, I will definitely not let you off."

Ling Shitian was planning to use Ling Yijue as a bodyguard.

However, Ling Yijue did not care at all.

He was extremely happy that he finally knew Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts.

"Thank you, father, for telling me Xiaowei's whereabouts. I will definitely protect her well. I will definitely not let her get hurt. We will return immediately in two days." Ling Yijue was extremely excited. "Father, I will leave first then."

"Okay, go." Ling Shitian waved his hand.

Ling Yijue walked out of the study excitedly. He immediately gathered his people and left England.


In J town.

The next day, when Tang Xiaowei woke up, she found that the sunlight outside had already reached the room and it was extremely warm.

She and Tao Yuyan immediately got up and familiarized themselves with the clothes. Then, they walked out of the room and prepared to take a stroll outside.

However, when the two of them walked out of the room, they were shocked by the two men in the corridor.

In the corridor, which was actually the two sides of the door of the room where they lived, stood a handsome young man.

One of them was Tao Xian, and the other was Ling Yijue.

Both of them did not look well. It was obvious that they did not sleep well last night.

Tang Xiaowei stared at Ling Yijue in surprise. "Ah Jue, aren't you in England? Why are you here all of a sudden?"

Ling Yijue smiled at her. "I heard from my father that you were here. I was worried about your safety, so I came over. I came over last night."

"Then you must not have rested. You should get a room to rest for a while." After she was done caring about him, she said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't know you were here." She smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, I've brought David and ten bodyguards with me this time. With so many people protecting me, I'm already very safe. Why are you still so worried about me?"

"I don't need to rest. I've already rested on the plane, so you don't have to worry about me. As for your safety, I'm really worried if I don't keep an eye on you, so you can't chase me away." Ling Yijue looked at her with a gentle gaze. She was unable to say anything to reject him.

Tang Xiaowei sighed. Forget it. Anyway, she and Yuyan had been playing here for the past two days. Ling Yijue was also her friend. She also wanted to leave Ling Yijue's shadow in this memorial that belonged to her friend, so she readily agreed. "Okay, I won't chase you away. Since you don't want to rest, we'll go downstairs to have breakfast now. Do you want to come with us?"

"Of course." Ling Yijue nodded. He was very happy.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei have time to look at Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian beside her. She found that they had been very quiet since they had just met.

With this look, she found that Tao Xian's gaze was greedy and gentle as he stared at Tao Yuyan, while Tao Yuyan lowered her head and looked like she was avoiding him.

Tang Xiaowei sighed softly and held Tao Yuyan's hand. She smiled and said, "Yuyan, let's go. It's time for us to go down and have breakfast."

Only then did Tao Yuyan nod her head. Only then did her stiff body relax. Then, she held onto Tang Xiaowei's arm tightly and the two girls walked past the two men.

Ling Yijue hurriedly followed them.

Tao Xian was stunned for a moment as disappointment flashed across his eyes.

However, he quickly followed them.

Downstairs, other than the large table next to them, which was surrounded by a group of bodyguards and David who had changed into plain clothes, the small table next to them was taken by Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan, as well as Ling Yijue and Tao Xian.

The group of people silently ate their delicious breakfast. Then, the four of them walked in front like two couples. However, the boys walked behind while the girls walked in front.

Behind the four of them, including the bodyguards Ling Yijue brought, there were more than a dozen bodyguards, as well as butler David and William and Jack. They all wore their usual clothes and followed them at a distance.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to tell that they were a group of people.

Ling Yijue and Tao Xian were not here to go shopping at all. They were here to protect and keep an eye on the woman in front of them.

The two women in front of them, on the other hand, felt that the scenery and items on the street outside the hotel were fresh and interesting. They were so excited that they bought things and took photos. They looked like they were out on a vacation.

"Xiaowei, look at this cute hat. Let's buy one each, okay?" Tao Yuyan, who had been in a low mood, walked over happily when she saw a stall selling hats. She reached out and picked up two fresh-colored hats and waved them in front of Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei took the hats and put one on Tao Yuyan's head. She also put one on herself and smiled, "Well, they look so beautiful on you. Then I'll buy two."