Chapter 338: Huangfu Qiye was too harsh

She obviously didn't want Tao Yuyan to give up her studies because of her.

Therefore, she really hoped that her best friend would listen to her.

Tao Yuyan understood this.

Therefore, after listening to her, Tao Yuyan could only nod helplessly. "If that's the case, then fine, I'll listen to you. I'll stay here for a few days and then go back to school. If I miss you, I'll go to England to be with you."

"Okay, then it's a deal." Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Tao Yuyan nodded.

After that, Tang Xiaowei was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would find out about her illness, so she washed the dirty bed sheets herself without any traces of blood. Only then did she ask the hotel staff to bring them down and replace them with new ones.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan prepared to go out for a stroll in the afternoon.

Because Tang Xiaowei planned to return to England the next day.

And there was only half a day left today. It was a waste of time not to go out for a stroll.

As for the two men in the hospital, Tang Xiaowei did not plan to visit them because no matter which one she went to see, she did not have the courage.

After having lunch in the hotel, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan left.

However, the bodyguards who were originally left to protect her in the hotel all left with her.

Among these bodyguards, there were Huangfu Qiye's men and Ling Yijue's men.

Tang Xiaowei felt very uncomfortable being followed by them, as if she was being followed. This was because she saw a few bodyguards secretly taking pictures of her and even secretly making phone calls.

These bodyguards were definitely reporting her whereabouts to their owners.

Tang Xiaowei had also brought bodyguards with her this time. Ling Shitian had sent them to protect her.

Hence, in order to get rid of Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue's bodyguards, she called David over and asked him to bring her bodyguards with him. She wanted to think of a way to get rid of Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue's bodyguards.

Hence, the moment they left the house, Tang Xiaowei, Tao Yuyan, David, and the two bodyguards got into the limousine.

After they spoke, other than David and the two bodyguards that were in the car with them, there were eight other bodyguards that she brought with her.

Behind the eight bodyguards were Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue's bodyguards, who followed closely behind.

In the car.

Tao Yuyan looked at the long queue behind her. Then, through the glass window, she saw that the passersby around her had taken out their phones and were taking photos.

She could not help but tease, "Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue both like you very much. If your poison is cured, who will you choose?"

"If my poison is cured and the person I like is still waiting for me, I will naturally choose the person who likes me best." Tang Xiaowei did not mind the fact that her body problems were being mentioned as she replied with a smile.

Although she hated that she had such an unhealthy body, it would not make her angry at all. Moreover, it was her good friend who was asking, so she would not be angry at all.

She would not even be sad. She would not be so sad that she would cry just because she thought about her illness.

She thought that she might be more and more able to accept her terrible body.

Currently, she would only feel heartache because she thought about being separated from Huangfu Qiye. She would only feel uncomfortable when she thought about him going to find another woman because she rejected him.

She felt that she was really quite selfish. The interactions she had with him in the past few days were completely stolen.

Since she was going back to England tomorrow, she would give everyone an answer today.

She closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

No matter what, everything had to be settled tonight.


In the hospital ward.

Yuan Qi had already woken up. Then, he hurriedly ran into Huangfu Qiye's ward and apologized.

"Young master, it's my fault for being useless and causing you to be injured."

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye was holding his phone and looking at the photo he had left in the hotel from his bodyguard. It was a picture of Tang Xiaowei, who was dressed in black, getting into a car with a pale face. The bodyguard said that Tang Xiaowei wanted to go out shopping.

Huangfu Qiye's expression was ice-cold.

He was already seriously injured. Tang Xiaowei clearly looked like she was wronged and wanted to explain. Then, why didn't she come to the hospital to see him and instead went out shopping?

He really couldn't figure it out.

Hearing Yuan Qi's voice, Huangfu Qiye raised his head.

Looking at Yuan Qi, he saw that Yuan Qi's face was bruised and his arm was hanging up. Yuan Qi had fought against Willam and Jack alone in the middle of the night, so his injuries were actually quite serious.

Huangfu Qiye waved at him. "You're not wrong. Since you're injured, go and rest. It's more important to get better as soon as possible. Go."

Yuan Qi was touched when he heard that. At the same time, he heaved a sigh of relief and nodded happily. "Okay, thank you, young master."

After that, Yuan Qi left.

After Yuan Qi left, Huangfu Qiye looked at the photo for a long time. In the end, he suddenly got out of bed and called for his bodyguard. He then instructed the bodyguard to prepare the car.

He was planning to leave the hospital early today. It was not a good idea to stay in the hospital like this. He had to go out and take a look.

Tang Xiaowei appeared in the tourist area with another man behind his back. They even hugged each other. Now that he had come over, she did not come over to explain herself. He felt that there was something wrong. At the same time, he was furious.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye, who was full of anger, left the hospital in an aggressive manner half an hour later.

In the other half of the hospital's VIP ward, Ling Yijue, William, and Jack, who had been injured in the middle of the night yesterday, were still unconscious at this moment.

Last night, Huangfu Qiye had hit them too hard.

After he had knocked Ling Yijue unconscious, he had also hit Willam and Jack once.

Therefore, Ling Yijue's side suffered heavy losses.

Ling Yijue had only woken up an hour after Huangfu Qiye had left the hospital.

When he woke up, he found that Huangfu Qiye had already left the hospital with his men. His subordinate, Willam, had woken up, but Jack had not yet woken up.

His body was also covered in injuries.

Thinking that Huangfu Qiye must have left early to look for Xiaowei, Ling Yijue immediately called Tang Xiaowei, but she had already turned off her phone.

Then, a few messages started to come from his phone. They were the bodyguards he had left in the hotel.

The messages told him that Tang Xiaowei had not left the hotel ever since they entered the hospital. After lunch at the hotel, she left the hotel with her friends and was ready to go shopping.

However, there were only these few messages. After that, there was no more news.

Ling Yijue felt that it was strange.

Since Tang Xiaowei was out shopping, the bodyguards he had left behind would have more things to report to him. Why was there no more news now that it was already afternoon?

Could it be that the bodyguards he left behind had already been dealt with?

Thinking of this, Ling Yijue thought of Huangfu Qiye.