Chapter 339: Dislike, Jealousy

He immediately got out of bed and prepared to leave the hospital.

Huangfu Qiye's target was Tang Xiaowei. If he didn't stop her, she would be taken away by Huangfu Qiye.

Ling Yijue's guess was right.

His bodyguards had only reported a few pieces of information at the entrance of the hotel. After that, they had not reported anything. They had indeed been dealt with.

However, the person who dealt with his bodyguards was not Huangfu Qiye, but David.

Because Tang Xiaowei wanted to get rid of Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue's bodyguards, she asked David to help her deal with those bodyguards.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue stayed behind to protect and monitor Tang Xiaowei's bodyguards. When they followed Tang Xiaowei's car to an alley, they saw Tang Xiaowei get out of the car. Those bodyguards also got out of the car. After that, those bodyguards were immediately knocked out by David's medication.

David then threw them into the alley. After, Tang Xiaowei and the others got in the car and continued to drive away. Just like that, they easily dealt with all the tails left behind by Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue.

However, these bodyguards would not die. They would only be unconscious for two hours.

After all, the Moqi family of the Ling family was a manufacturer of poison. David often followed Ling Shitian, so he was quite adept at using these small drugs.

Thus, Tang Xiaowei only had David, the 10 bodyguards that Ling Shitian had assigned to her, and Tao Yuyan by her side.

When the extended car reached the foot of a mountain, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan got out of the car, and the others also got out.

David instructed the two bodyguards to park the car and then follow them later.

The rest of them started to climb the mountain.

This mountain was the most famous mountain that they had to climb. The scenery of the entire mountain was especially beautiful.

There were also many tourists. They heard that there were beautiful hotels on the top of the mountain that could be stayed in and there were many delicacies to eat. They could also see different beautiful scenery at night and a different sunrise in the morning.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan planned to climb up and take a look. They also planned to rest on the mountain tonight.

She wanted to see the beautiful scenery tonight and the sunrise tomorrow.

After all, this might be the last time she would come here in her life.

"Xiaowei, let's go to the pavilion in front to rest." Tao Yuyan saw a beautiful pavilion in front with tables and chairs. Many people who came here to climb the mountain today had gone down the mountain. At that moment, there were very few people climbing the mountain in the afternoon. She saw that Tang Xiaowei's face was pale and she didn't have much strength to walk, so she hurriedly supported Tang Xiaowei and walked into the pavilion.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Okay, sure."

So, the two of them walked into the pavilion. Then, a bodyguard immediately helped them wipe the chairs and tables clean. He also took out some water, juice, and snacks from his backpack and placed them on the table.

These bodyguards and David walked out of the pavilion and protected them with an iron face, not allowing anyone to come near them.

If it was in the past, Tang Xiaowei would definitely think that David and the others were exaggerating.

But at that moment, Tang Xiaowei was tormented by the poison in her body. She was a little silent. Because there were too many things weighing on her heart, she didn't have the mood and strength to observe her surroundings.

She had no appetite and did not eat anything. Instead, she silently supported her chin with her hand and looked at the surrounding scenery in a daze.

Her eyes were full of green. The scenery on this mountain, even if it was halfway up the mountain, was still mesmerizing.

Tao Yuyan saw that she wanted to be quiet, so she did not disturb her.

A few minutes passed.

The silence was suddenly broken by a surprised female voice.

"Tang Xiaowei, Tao Yuyan, why are you here? Why are you here?" A surprised female voice suddenly sounded outside the pavilion.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan were stunned. Then, they turned around and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

At this glance, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan's expressions were a little ugly.

It was Tang Xiaowei's cousin, Tang Qianqian, and Wang Yueyue, who had deliberately embarrassed Tang Xiaowei in Huangting Bar, but had made Huangfu Qiye unhappy and then been taught a lesson.

These two people didn't seem to know each other in the past.

Why were they together now?

Moreover, it seemed that it was time for school. They were not at school, but perhaps they had arranged to come here for a vacation?

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan knew the two people opposite them, so they were very surprised to see them.

"Tang Qianqian, Wang Yueyue, why are you here?" Tao Yuyan stared at them in surprise.

Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue saw that the people in the pavilion were indeed people they knew, so they were ready to walk in.

David and the others blocked them and said coldly, "Sorry, you can't go in now."

Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue also saw David and the other foreign men, but they only noticed Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan, so they didn't take any notice of David and the others.

Just then, they were suddenly blocked. Moreover, the other party looked like a tall and big injured foreigner, but he could speak fluent Chinese. Wang Yueyue remembered that she had provoked Tang Xiaowei and the young master of the Huangfu family before and was severely tortured Therefore, she took a step back timidly.

However, Tang Qianqian had not been tortured before. Although she had been kicked out by Huangfu Qiye's men in the hospital, she had not been severely punished. Therefore, she was not afraid of David and the other bodyguards at all.

She stared at David arrogantly. "What do you mean by that? Mr. Foreigner, this is our country, not your country. Moreover, this is an open scenic area, and this small pavilion is open to everyone. You are a foreigner, what right do you have to stop me?"

"I'm sorry, you can't go in without miss's instructions." David stood in front of the pavilion dutifully with an iron face.

Hearing that, Tang Qianqian frowned. "Miss? Who are you talking about?" She glanced at Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan and said with disdain. "Could it be the two of them?"

Seeing her expression of disdain, David's face instantly darkened. He wanted to directly kick her away, but when he remembered that this woman had just called out the name of themiss... So he asked Tang Xiaowei respectfully, "Miss, do you know these people? If you don't know them, I'll make them leave."

Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue were both stunned.

Neither of them expected that this foreigner would actually call Tang Xiaowei 'miss'.

Wasn't Tang Xiaowei's father fired by the Huangfu family?

Didn't Tang Xiaowei's family become very ordinary and didn't have much money?

Why was there still someone willing to address her as miss?

Wang Yueyue recalled that Tang Xiaowei seemed to be together with Huangfu Qiye in the past...