Chapter 340: slandering and framing

Then, was it because of Huangfu Qiye that she was addressed as miss this time?

Thinking of this, Wang Yueyue was extremely jealous.

As for Tang Qianqian, she also found it hard to accept that someone was addressing Tang Xiaowei as miss.

The Tang family clearly did not have money, so why would this foreigner address Tang Xiaowei as miss with such respect?

She said sarcastically, "Tang Xiaowei, what on earth Are you doing? Your parents haven't returned home for a long time, and your family's villa seems to have been sold to someone else. Your family must be extremely poor. Don't you feel embarrassed that you're spending money to hire these people to act?"

Tang Qianqian felt that David and these foreigners were the actors that Tang Xiaowei had deliberately spent money to hire for the sake of her pride.

"David, I know these two people, but we don't have a friendship. Tell them to leave immediately." Tang Xiaowei couldn't be bothered to say another word to Tang Qianqian, so she ordered the butler coldly.

David had always hated these two impolite women. After hearing Tang Xiaowei's orders, he immediately waved at the bodyguards beside him, "Get these two people out of here!"

Therefore, two bodyguards immediately went forward, wanting to forcefully drive Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue away.

Wang Yueyue was originally a little afraid. Although she was still afraid now, she felt angry. She stood there angrily, pointed fiercely in Tang Xiaowei's direction and said, "Tang Xiaowei, what right do you have to treat us like this? The reason you're so arrogant now is because you're someone else's lover. That's why you have the right to be like this. You're a shameless, cheap, woman!"

Tang Qianqian did not know who Tang Xiaowei had been with during this period of time. Only Wang Yueyue had seen Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye together. However, Wang Yueyue had not seen the news saying that Huangfu Qiye had admitted that Tang Xiaowei was his girlfriend She had not heard that Huangfu Qiye would marry Tang Xiaowei, so Wang Yueyue felt that Tang Xiaowei was a prostitute.

Although Tang Qianqian did not understand, she still followed Wang Yueyue and jeered. She immediately shouted to the surrounding people, "Everyone, come and take a look. There's a shameless woman here. She's a cheap mistress. She specializes in being someone else's mistress. Now that we've discovered her, she wants to beat people up."

When Tang Qianqian shouted this, a few tourists around looked over curiously.

Then, they saw Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian standing outside the pavilion with angry and defiant looks, and a few foreign men standing in front of them.

The two women who were shouting pointed their fingers at a pale-faced girl inside the pavilion.

The passersby did not know the situation, but they believed Tang Qianqian's words. They looked at Tang Xiaowei with disgust and wanted to take a photo of her and upload it to the internet. They even scolded her in a low voice.

Seeing that the situation had changed, Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue secretly smiled.

On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan were very angry.

Especially Tao Yuyan. She usually did not get angry easily, but this time, she was really furious.

She stood up and walked out of the pavilion. She looked at Tang Qianqian with a sullen face. "Tang Qianqian, as Xiaowei's cousin, it's fine if you don't get along with her, but how can you frame Xiaowei like Wang Yueyue? When did Xiaowei become someone else's mistress? If you have the ability to say it, then you should have the evidence. Otherwise, Xiaowei can sue you."

Tang Qianqian was a little timid when she heard Tao Yuyan's angry words However, she still gritted her teeth and said, "What I said is true. Yueyue and I are good friends. If she said that Tang Xiaowei is someone else's mistress, then Tang Xiaowei must be."

"You..." Tao Yuyan was so angry that she glared at Tang Qianqian.

"So, Wang Yueyue, you framed me as someone else's mistress. Can you produce evidence? If you can't produce it, I will really sue you." Tang Xiaowei's voice suddenly sounded. She also stood up and walked out of the pavilion, staring coldly at Wang Yueyue.

After the last time she met Wang Yueyue at the Imperial Court bar, Tang Xiaowei no longer regarded this person as her classmate and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

She didn't expect to see Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian together today.

Thinking of Tang Qianqian's character, Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian became friends. The two of them were really a perfect match. She didn't know how the two of them hadn't hung out together before.

However, Tang Xiaowei sneered.

These two women wanted to make fun of her. If she wasn't willing, they would only be made fun of instead!

When the onlookers saw Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan walk out, they didn't show any embarrassment or fear because they were exposed.

Instead, they looked calm and said that the two women outside were slandering her.

Therefore, the people who initially looked at Tang Xiaowei with disgust and thought that Tang Xiaowei was a mistress started to suspect that the girl who walked out was not a mistress but a woman outside who had been slandered.

As a result, the onlookers quieted down. They continued to film with their phones and quietly watched the battle from the side.

Wang Yueyue was forced to ask questions, but Tang Qianqian did not say anything and quieted down at the side.

Wang Yueyue became a little nervous. She stuttered, "Tang Xiaowei, you... You still dare to say that you are not someone else's mistress. I clearly saw you with the president of Huangfu Group. It has been almost three months, why didn't he admit that he has a girlfriend on the news And he didn't say that he wanted to marry you. If you're not his lover, then what are you? So, since you've become his lover, why are you still pretending to be innocent? Could it be that you've already been dumped, and that's why you're out alone with your friends?"

Wang Yueyue was initially nervous, but the more she spoke, the more excited she became.

It was as if she had already seen Tang Xiaowei fall heavily from a high place.

Thinking of how Tang Xiaowei had Huangfu Qiye's backing, which was why she had been punished miserably by Huangfu Qiye's men that day, she had long thought of finding an opportunity to take revenge.

At that moment, on the mountainside, there was no Huangfu Qiye nor his bodyguards, only Tang Xiaowei and a few foreign men. Although this foreign man looked like a bodyguard, he was definitely not Huangfu Qiye's man.

Moreover, there were tourists taking pictures with their mobile phones. Therefore, Wang Yueyue naturally had to take this opportunity to take revenge on Tang Xiaowei. She had to make Tang Xiaowei more disgusting and lowly.

"Yueyue, was she really with the president of Huangfu Group?" Tang Qianqian didn't know about this news at all, so when she heard it, she didn't quite believe it.

Wang Yueyue nodded heavily Then, she immediately put on a pitiful expression and said, "It's true. Because she was with the president of Huangfu Group, she was very arrogant. On my last birthday, a lot of bad things happened because of her."