Chapter 341: The Hero Saves the Damsel in distress

Wang Yueyue pretended to be very addicted to crying. "I was just joking with her, and she had the president of Huangfu Group send people to beat up my friends and me. She didn't even allow us to call the police. That time, we were bullied so miserably."

When Tang Qianqian heard that, she immediately glared at Tang Xiaowei angrily. "Tang Xiaowei, you're too vicious. You've hooked up with a rich man, and you can be so arrogant? How can the president of Huangpu Group like a person like you?"

"He definitely doesn't really like you. He's definitely just toying with you, which is why you're his mistress."

After Tang Qianqian said that, the tourists around her started to increase in number again, and those who knew about Huangpu Group started to talk in low voices.

"Wow, I didn't expect this girl to look like she was being bullied. Who knew that she was really someone else's mistress?"

"Yeah, she's actually the mistress of the president of Huangfu Group. How did she hook up with someone of that status?"

"Flirtatious. She looks pure, but deep down, she's very flirtatious. Which man doesn't like that?"

"That makes sense. After all, the CEO of Huangpu Group is also a man."

"That's right. Ha-ha-ha!"

Hearing the conversations of the tourists, Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian were both excited and happy.

Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei were so angry that their faces turned black.

As for David, he wanted to directly go over and take care of him.

However, Tang Xiaowei gave him a look and said in a low voice, "Someone is recording a video on their phone. Don't do anything. I'll take care of it myself."

After all, if David made a move, then even if everyone knew about this, it would be her side's fault.

She tried her best to ignore the words of those people who were scolding her She said calmly, "Wang Yueyue, you said that I was especially arrogant because I hooked up with a rich man. Then, on your birthday, I bullied you and your friends. Do you need me to bring over the surveillance footage from that day and see who is the one who wanted to bully who?"

Wang Yueyue was stunned. That day, in the Huangting bar, before Tang Xiaowei came, she and her good friend had been planning how to mess with Tang Xiaowei. Those things were recorded, and even her voice was recorded. And later, Huangfu Qiye's subordinates had questioned her.

So, if Tang Xiaowei was still with Huangfu Qiye, then she would definitely be able to get her hands on those surveillance videos.

If that was the case, then what she had just said would be invalid.

However, when she recalled that Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards seemed to be from the east, and the bodyguards around Tang Xiaowei were all from Europe and America, Wang Yueyue guessed that Tang Xiaowei's current financial backer was no longer Huangfu Qiye. It was another foreigner.

She knew it. Huangfu Qiye was only toying with Tang Xiaowei. How could he possibly like her?

He didn't even admit that he had a girlfriend on the news.

So he must have played with Tang Xiaowei for a period of time and then abandoned her.

So after thinking it through, Wang Yueyue wasn't afraid anymore. She sneered and said, "You want to go and pull up the surveillance footage? Fine, go and do it. I'm not afraid of you."

"Yeah, we're not afraid of you. We won't be afraid of a woman who betrays her body like you," Tang Qianqian echoed from the side.

"Not afraid of her? Then are you afraid of me?" Suddenly, just as Tang Xiaowei was about to speak, a cold and gloomy male voice came from behind the tourists.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to look at him.

Tang Xiaowei looked at him in shock.

Shouldn't he be in the hospital at this moment?

Why did he suddenly come over?

There was a small piece of gauze on his face. As for the other parts of his body, they were covered by clothes. It was impossible to tell where he was injured.

She couldn't help but look at him as he slowly walked over.

Tang Qianqian looked at Huangfu Qiye curiously. She felt that he looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before, nor did she know who he was.

However, the aura on his body still made Tang Qianqian feel a little scared, especially when this man asked them in such a cold tone if they were afraid of him.

She stole a glance at Wang Yueyue, only to find that Wang Yueyue's face was pale, and her body couldn't help but tremble. She almost fell down.

"Hey, Wang Yueyue, what's wrong?" Tang Qianqian reached out her hand and bumped Wang Yueyue.

Wang Yueyue immediately came back to her senses. She glanced at Huangfu Qiye in fear and was frightened by his cold eyes. She hurriedly lowered her head. She kept apologizing, "Mr. Huangfu, I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. I won't do it again. Please forgive me."

The people around looked at Huangfu Qiye in surprise and shock.

This man who suddenly appeared with a fierce and noble aura, followed by a few bodyguards in black clothes, could he be the man they had spoken of, Huangfu Corporation's CEO, Huangfu?

"Wow, could he be Huangfu Qiye, the CEO of Huangfu Corporation? He's so handsome."

"Such a handsome and young man, and he's also a CEO. If I were to be his lover, I'd be willing too."

"Yeah, even if it's a mistress, I'd be willing, too."

"Even if I only sleep with him for one night, I'd be very satisfied."

Hearing the discussions around him and being excited, Huangfu Qiye frowned and gave Yuan Qi a look.

Thus, Yuan Qi and the bodyguards instantly knocked out the passersby and dragged them away. This series of actions was overbearing and cold-blooded.

It scared Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian so much that their legs went soft.

Only Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye, Tao Yuyan, David, and the other bodyguards were left in the surroundings.

These people all stared coldly at Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue.

Wang Yueyue remembered that she was tortured by Yuan Qi last time. Therefore, when she saw Yuan Qi hit the tourists in cold blood, she was so scared that she fell to the ground.

"Mr. Huangfu, I'm sorry. I really don't dare to say anything else in the future. Please forgive me. "

Tang Qianqian also felt a faint sense of fear. She felt that she had been deceived by Wang Yueyue. Perhaps everything that Wang Yueyue had said just now was a lie.

And this Mr. Huangfu who had suddenly appeared was definitely not someone to be trifled with. She had just said a lot of things that she shouldn't have said. She was also so afraid that her entire body was trembling. She was very worried that she would be dragged away like those tourists who had been knocked unconscious.

However, Huangfu Qiye's gaze was fixed on Tang Xiaowei the entire time. He ignored Wang Yueyue and walked from the crowd to Tang Xiaowei.

When Tang Xiaowei saw him approaching, she subconsciously wanted to retreat. However, her body was suddenly pulled by him. In the next second, she was fiercely embraced by him.

He hugged her very hard, as if he was afraid that she would disappear.