Chapter 357: Only let us fall in love

Then, could it be that Xiaowei was responsible for the smell of blood?

Was she the one who opened the window to let the smell go away?

He frowned slightly. She was not injured, so how could there be blood? He could clearly smell that it was caused by someone being injured, wasn't it?

He felt that it was extremely strange, but after searching the bathroom, he could not find any clues. He could only retreat and close the door.

However, he still remembered what happened today.

At that moment.

On the seventh floor of the ancient castle, in the study room.

Ling Shitian and Tang Xiaowei had already chatted at length.

After Ling Shitian's explanation, Tang Xiaowei also knew the current situation.

Ling Shitian had indeed found a clue. If he followed this clue to find someone, he might really be able to find the Song family.

On a large island in Europe that was surrounded by the sea, was a small country. There were Europeans and Asians there.

And on that island, there was a palace. The country was also managed by the king.

And this country was known as Country K.

Currently, the clues that Ling Shitian had found indicated that the descendants of the Song family who might have survived were working as doctors in the Royal Palace of country K.

From the castle that Tang Xiaowei was currently in to country K, there was no direct flight. One could only take a flight to other countries that were close to country K before taking a boat to reach the island.

Country K was heavily guarded. Normally, when outsiders went to their country, they were not allowed to take a plane, unless it was someone from the royal family or someone whom they respected.

"Uncle Tian, then I will set off for country K tomorrow." After hearing Ling Shitian's words clearly, Tang Xiaowei felt that she really needed to take a look.

Anyway, she would be wasting her time if she stayed here all day, and she couldn't go to school because of her health.

In that case, it was better to go to country K personally to look for the Song family.

"Xiaoqiang, I'm still worried. Since you're going, I'll come with you tomorrow. You don't know the Song family, but I do know them. I have to go," Ling Shitian said solemnly, his eyes revealing a kind light.

"Uncle Tian, thank you." Tang Xiaowei didn't refuse. After all, Uncle Tian was right. He knew the Song family, and she would have a better guarantee of success if Uncle Tian was there with her.

"Then you can go and rest. Pack some luggage too. We will leave tomorrow." Ling Shitian patted her head lovingly and said with a smile, "Uncle Tian will settle the matters in the company for a while. You should go and pack your luggage, too."

"Okay, I got it. I will go now." Tang Xiaowei saw that Uncle Tian was smiling. She did not want to keep suppressing her emotions, so she also forced out a faint smile.

However, the moment she turned around and her hand was about to touch the door, Ling Shitian's serious voice came from behind her, "Little Qiang Wei, are you and Huangfu Qiye separated?"

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei stopped in her tracks. Then, she turned around and looked at Ling Shitian with a smile, "Uncle Tian, why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"He is not a good person. If we have to split up, I am very happy. If we don't, I hope you split up with him." Ling Shitian's face turned serious. "Previously, he promised me that he would treat you well. Now, he has started to seduce and hook up with other women. This kind of person is not worthy of you."

Ling Shitian also saw the news and pictures. He was not sure if Tang Xiaowei knew about it, but he did not want to hide this matter, especially from Tang Xiaowei.

After all, it was about her marriage, and Ling Shitian knew his limits. Since such a thing had happened, he could not hide it.

Tang Xiaowei was silent for a few seconds, and her expression turned from sadness to calmness.

"Uncle Tian, I'm already separated from him. Whether I live or die in the future, I won't look for him anymore."

She was serious.

If she died, she naturally would not look for him.

And if she met someone from the Song family, she could still take the antidote and survive.

Well, she won't go to Huangfu Qiye.

Perhaps, their whole life, they were fated to meet, but not to be together forever.

There were a few secrets that remained unspoken.

Perhaps the fates.

Only when we meet...

...just let us fall in love.


She and Huangfu Qiye were destined for temporary love, not to be forever together.

That was why they were in this situation.

After she rejected him, he immediately went to find another woman and gave her everything that she had never gotten.

She was lying when she said that she was not jealous and in pain.

However, she did not want to hate him.

Even if she was lucky enough to survive in the future, she would not accept him after he had been touched by others, nor would she meet him again.

She would preserve the image of them together in the past and store it in her memory.

Between them, nothing was possible since he started to look for other women.

"Little Qiang Wei, if that's what you think, then Uncle Tian will make him regret not being able to be with you in the future, alright?" Ling Shitian suddenly revealed a sinister smile.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment before nodding her head, "Whatever, it's fine, even if he can't find you."

Perhaps, he won't come looking for you at all, she thought in disappointment.

After that, she put away her disappointment and turned around to leave the seventh floor, going to the fifth floor to pack up her clothes.

Meanwhile, Ling Shitian, who was still in the study, immediately called David and gave him a few instructions with a sinister smile.

After that, he gave Ling Yijue a call and called him upstairs.

After Ling Yijue entered the study, his expression was indifferent. "Father, what's the matter?"

"Ah Jue, little rose wants to go abroad for a trip very soon. I will accompany her, so I will leave the company's matters to you. Take a look: these are all the important documents and information."

Ling Shitian pushed the pile of documents and information on the table in front of Ling Yijue.

Ling Yijue was stunned and looked at his adoptive father in surprise.

These documents and information contained many of the most important properties of the Ling family, which Ling Yijue had wanted very much in the past.

He didn't expect that his adoptive father would give it to him directly without any requests today.

He really couldn't believe it.

However, what he wanted to know more was why would Xiaowei suddenly want to go on a trip?

Although Xiaowei had already told him this morning, he thought that it was just a casual remark by her. He didn't expect it to be true now. Moreover, his father wanted to go on a trip with Xiaowei, but he couldn't go.

"Father, does Xiaowei want to go on a trip? Where do you want to go? I can go with her." Ling Yijue looked serious and thought about it. Although he was reluctant to part with these documents and information, he wanted to accompany Tang Xiaowei, who was now considered to have lost her love.