Chapter 358: a Gentle Hug

"No, you have to stay and manage the company. Otherwise, everyone will leave and no one will manage the company. When we come back in a few days or weeks, someone needs to have been in charge." Ling Shitian immediately rejected Ling Yijue's suggestion.

Although he was laying it on thick, the company could not be left to itself just because there was no owner to manage it for a period of time. After all, there were other capable subordinates in the company.

However, he knew that he could not bring Ling Yijue with him when he went to country K with little rose.

This was because they had never been to country K before. If the Song family really had become doctors in the Imperial Palace there, they would definitely be very favored.

Moreover, the Song family and the Shangguan family had a past feud. If the descendants of the Song family were not willing to help little rose and asked some people in country K to help deal with little rose and him, then it would be dangerous.

Therefore, if they all went, and something happened to everyone there, then no one would be able to come back.

However, if Ah Jue was here, there would still be people who could save them.

It was not that he looked down on his own abilities and power, but he was worried. After having a child by his side that he wanted to take care of, he began to be cautious.

However, at the moment, he did not want to tell Ah Jue about little rose's illness. Otherwise, Ah Jue would definitely go crazy. Naturally, he would want to also follow.

Therefore, he wanted to wait for himself and little rose to leave England. On the way to country K, he would tell Ah Jue the truth.

At that time, Ah Jue would be back here managing the company while waiting for them to come back. If they were in danger, Ah Jue could also go and save them.

Thus, he deliberately darkened his face. "I know what you are thinking, and I also know that you like little rose very much. Don't worry: when little rose comes back, you will definitely have the best opportunities."

In order to let his adopted son stay to manage the company, Ling Shitian had also spent a lot of time and effort, even going to the extent of enticing and deceiving him.

Although Ling Yijue did not quite believe his father's words about how many opportunities he had, he really could not refuse his father's decision to hand the company over to him with such a darkened face.

Thus, he could only nod his head. "Alright, I will manage the company well. Father, please rest assured."

"Then, why don't you just be obedient like this? After you take the documents and information, go downstairs and pack your clothes. Tonight, you will directly move back to your residence. Starting from tomorrow, there won't be anyone staying in this old castle anymore," Ling Shitian ordered coldly.

Ling Yijue didn't say anything more and nodded his head. Then, he took the documents and information and walked out.

He didn't immediately go back to his room to pack his clothes. Instead, he went directly to the floor where Tang Xiaowei was.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was packing her clothes. When she heard the knock on the door, she put down the clothes that she had just packed and walked over to open the door.

When the door opened, the person standing outside was Ling Yijue.

When she saw that it was Ling Yijue, who was not looking too good, she was stunned for a moment. "Ah Jue, what's wrong?"

"Xiaowei, I heard from father that you want to go on a trip. Does father still want to go with you?" Ling Yijue looked at her with a heavy gaze.

Although she had already mentioned that she wanted to go on a trip, he still felt that it was a little sudden.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. Then, she remembered that Ling Yijue did not know about her health condition, so she and Uncle Tian hid it from Ling Yijue. This must be the reason why Uncle Tian told Ah Jue that they wanted to leave.

So, she nodded. "Yes, that's right. I want to go out for a walk and see the scenery."

After saying that, she even deliberately revealed a faint yearning smile.

Ling Yijue did not quite believe that Ling Shitian was willing to give the company to him for no reason and even wanted to accompany Tang Xiaowei on her trip.

But now that Tang Xiaowei had said so, he was willing to believe her.

"Father has arranged a lot of things for me to do. Otherwise, I would also like to go with you. Father is too biased." Ling Yijue complained in distress and winked at her.

Tang Xiaowei also smiled. "After we come back, we can hang out together in the future."

"Yes, that's the only way for now. However, when you go out, even if you have someone to protect you, you have to take good care of yourself, understand?" Ling Yijue's smile slowly disappeared as he looked at her with concern.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes, I will. Don't worry."

"That's good." Ling Yijue pinched the document in his hand and said, "Father asked me to move out tonight. I should go back to my room to pack my clothes. I'll see you at dinner later."

"Okay, you go ahead." Tang Xiaowei smiled.

He took the document and left.

Tang Xiaowei also felt that she was much more relaxed after talking to him just now. She went back to her room and started to pack her clothes.

At night.

During dinner.

In the restaurant, Ling Shitian, Ling Yijue, and Tang Xiaowei gathered together again.

After eating dinner quietly, Ling Yijue was about to leave.

Ling Shitian did not send him off. Tang Xiaowei went with him outside the castle. His luggage was taken to the car by the driver and bodyguards.

The two of them walked slowly.

"Xiaowei, when do you plan to come back?" Ling Yijue thought that Tang Xiaowei really wanted to go on a vacation. After all, when he saw Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei apart with his own eyes back in China, Tang Xiaowei was especially sad.

Therefore, it was normal for her to go on a vacation.

Tang Xiaowei was stumped by the question.

Actually, she didn't know when she would come back after this trip.

Perhaps, she might not be able to come back.

However, she didn't want to scare Ling Yijue and make him worry. She smiled and said, "I'll come back when I'm in a better mood."

"I'll always be here waiting for you to come back." Ling Yijue suddenly stopped and turned around, looking at her with a deep gaze.

She felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze and gently moved her gaze away. "Well, after all, we're considered brother and sister now. It's normal for you to wait here for me and Uncle Tian to come back."

After saying that, she laughed lightly.

Ling Yijue felt uncomfortable listening to her words, but he could not say anything to refute her. Although he had never acknowledged Tang Xiaowei as his sister in name, he knew clearly that Xiaowei could not accept him in another way now.

He did not want to scare her now, so he was silent for a while before saying, "I should go."

"Okay, take care of yourself. Goodbye then." Tang Xiaowei then raised her head to look at him.

Ling Yijue could not help but feel that she would disappear during this trip.

He suddenly went forward and hugged her. Before she struggled to push him away, he quickly let go of her and took two steps back. "Goodbye."

"Okay." She came back to her senses. He just gave her a gentle hug and controlled his emotions. He nodded.

Ling Yijue heard this and immediately turned around to get into the car beside him. The car was soon driven out and it was soon getting further and further away from the castle.