Chapter 359: Enduring for three days

Tang Xiaowei stood at the entrance of the castle for a while, then turned around and slowly walked inside.

At that moment, her cell phone rang.

She took out her cell phone. It was a call from Tao Yuyan.

"Yuyan, what's wrong?"

Her tone was indifferent. She just happened to be about to tell Yuyan that she would be leaving England for a period of time.

"Xiaowei, have you seen the news about Huangfu Qiye? I know you've already said goodbye to him, but as your friend, if I see such news, and you haven't seen it, I hope you'll go and take a look. Otherwise, you'll feel bad for nothing." Tao Yuyan's indignant voice sounded. Obviously, she was very unhappy with Huangfu Qiye.

It was rare for the usually gentle Yuyan to be so angry.

While Tang Xiaowei was touched, she thought of the photo she saw today. The news Yuyan mentioned about Huangfu Qiye must be that.

Her heart hurt. Sure enough, she still felt bad when she thought of it.

"Yuyan, I've already seen the news you mentioned." Tang Xiaowei hid her pain and tried to calm herself down.

"Aren't you angry? He just separated from you and found another woman. He even openly showed his love to that woman." Tao Yuyan became even angrier when she heard Tang Xiaowei's calm tone.

"Yuyan, when I told him that I didn't love him that day, he also said that he didn't love me. I think he really didn't love me. So, since we've already separated, I shouldn't say anything to him since he can have someone he likes. The only thing I can do is not to disturb him," Tang Xiaowei said faintly. Anyway, if she wanted to disturb him, she might not have the life to do so, so she might as well let him go.

"Xiaowei, can you really let go?" Listening to Tang Xiaowei's voice, Tao Yuyan felt that she was too calm. It was as if she had really let go of everything, so she was no longer so angry.

After all, since the person involved was not angry, it was useless for her to be angry.

"Yuyan, I'm leaving England for a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a long time. I'm going out to relax. Don't worry if you can't find me in the future. As for if someone asks you about my whereabouts, don't tell them, okay?" Tang Xiaowei didn't want to talk about Huangfu Qiye and other women anymore. Then, she told Tao Yuyan about her situation.

"You want to go away for a vacation?" Tao Yuyan was a little shocked at first. Then, she agreed, "That's right. You really need to go on vacation now. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you going away. No matter who asks me, I'll say I don't know where you went. Also, you must protect yourself when you go out. By the way, have you thought about where you want to go?"

"I haven't decided yet. I'll just go wherever I feel like." Tang Xiaowei couldn't tell Tao Yuyan clearly that she was going to country K, nor could she say that she was going there for the antidote. She could only use it as a reason to travel.

"Then what about your antidote? Did your Uncle Tian help you find the antidote?" After asking Tang Xiaowei about her itinerary, Tao Yuyan began to worry about her health.

Tang Xiaowei smiled. "Uncle Tian is helping me find it. It should be soon. Maybe he will help me find the antidote when I come back from my trip."

"If that's the case, that would be great." Tao Yuyan's anger turned into worry at the beginning. When she heard this, she finally felt happy.

"Yuyan, let's contact each other later. I'll go back to bed now. I have to wake up early tomorrow." Tang Xiaowei narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Tao Yuyan answered and then hung up.

However, when the call was hung up, Tang Xiaowei, who had been smiling, now frowned. Half a minute ago, her illness flared up again.

She had to endure it so that Yuyan would not notice. Otherwise, Yuyan would have to worry about her again.

At that moment, it was very dark outside.

She squatted down. Other than the bodyguards nearby, there was no one else around.

She endured the pain and suddenly felt very lonely.


The next day, Tang Xiaowei left the ancient castle together with Ling Shitian early in the morning.

However, she did not know that after she left, everyone in the ancient castle had been transferred to Ling Shitian's other ancient castle.

Only a few bodyguards were left to guard this castle, which suddenly became an empty castle.

Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian went straight to the international airport and took a plane.


In another country.

They were furious, crazy, and capricious for three days.

Huangfu Qiye finally calmed down.

At that moment, in his office, there was an innocent-looking girl sitting on the sofa next to him. This girl was the young model who was exposed together with him on the news.

Initially, on the news that had been shown, she and Huangfu Qiye had been smiling very sweetly.

However, at this moment, her face was pale, and she was trembling with fear as she sat on the sofa with her head lowered.

Only she, Huangfu Qiye, and the people around Huangfu Qiye knew that she was not Huangfu Qiye's girlfriend at all. She had only been hired by Huangfu Qiye to act.

In front of outsiders, especially reporters, she had to act very happy and get along with Huangfu Qiye very sweetly.

However, when there were no outsiders or reporters around, she was like an extra. Huangfu Qiye would not even spare her a glance.

Furthermore, sometimes, if she spoke out of turn, she would be taught a lesson by Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards. Therefore, the young model had learned her lesson. As long as there were no outsiders around, she would not speak and would not let her presence be felt.

Today, after entering the company with Huangfu Qiye smiling, at the entrance of the company in the morning and entering his office, he immediately pushed her away angrily. She sat on the sofa in fear and kept trembling.

"Yuan Qi, go and take a look at her. What is she doing?" After enduring for three days, he had also hired this actress to accompany him for three days. Huangfu Qiye did not believe that Tang Xiaowei had not seen the news about him and another woman.

He was angry for three days, but even now, he still did not want to believe that Tang Xiaowei really did not love him.

That was why he deliberately found another woman to act with him in order to provoke Tang Xiaowei.

Now, he just wanted to see how she would react.

Yuan Qi had been standing at the door of the office. Firstly, he could listen to Huangfu Qiye's orders at any time. Secondly, he would keep an eye on the young model when his young master was working, so as to prevent this young model from doing something that would make his young master angry. Then, she would be killed.

"Yes, young master. Your subordinate will go and investigate immediately." Yuan Qi did not need to ask to know who this 'she' was that his young master spoke of.