Chapter 363: Meeting a member of the Royal Family of Country K

"But didn't you get on the plane? And something happened on the plane." Ling Yijue was still shocked.

At the same time, he really wanted to talk to Tang Xiaowei right away so that he could have proof that she was still alive.

Although his adoptive father treated him much better than before, he was actually more worried about Tang Xiaowei's safety.

During this period of time, because of what had happened, and because he didn't know the truth, he had always regretted not being by Tang Xiaowei's side.

Especially when he found out that Huangfu Qiye had come to England, and that Huangfu Qiye was investigating about Xiaowei, about the plane accident, and that he wanted to find the Ling family.

He did not want to see Huangfu Qiye, especially since he found that his father's phone was connected, but Xiaowei's phone was switched off. However, he had never been able to contact his father and Xiaowei. Therefore, he handed over all the matters in the company to his trusted subordinates to manage, while he hid himself.

At that moment, he finally picked up his father's call. Hearing his father's voice, he could confirm that his father was not dead and Xiaowei might not be dead either. He heaved a sigh of relief but still wanted to talk to her.

"That was just a trap, a small plot," Ling Shitian explained. Then, he started to talk about serious matters. "Ah Jue, actually, I didn't go out with Xiaoqiang to accompany her on a trip. You don't know yet, right? Xiaoqiang's health is actually very bad."

Ling Shitian told Ling yijue about Tang Xiaowei's background and her health. Then, he continued, "So, this time, little rosette and I came here to look for the Song family first. If we meet someone who is easy to talk to, we can get the antidote. After a period of time when little rosette's health is better, we can come back. But if we meet someone from the Song family who is not a good person, maybe little rosette and I will be in danger. When that time comes, we will need you to bring people from the outside to save us. That's why I have been hiding it from you, afraid that no one will be outside when you come here. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Father, I understand everything you said. Then, can I talk to Xiaowei for a while?" Ling Yijue held back his shock and made a small request.

Only at this moment did he know that Xiaowei's health wasn't very good.

He started to worry, so he wanted to talk to Tang Xiaowei even more.

Ling Shitian heard this and sighed. This adopted son really liked Xiaoqiang very much. He kept talking about her.

But it was better this way. He hoped that Xiaoqiang would be doted on so that she wouldn't get hurt.

"She's resting now. You can call her later." After Ling Shitian said that, he hung up the phone.

Ling Yijue put down the phone. His heart was filled with excitement, worry, and even fear.

He was excited because Xiaowei was still alive and did not have an accident as was shown on the news.

He was worried and afraid because he had just found out that Xiaowei's condition was not very good, unless he could find an antidote.

However, he could not look for her at this moment. He could only wait here for the notification from his foster father.

... ...

Tang Xiaowei had to rest often. After all, she was feeling motion-sickness and seasickness, so because of her illness attacking her at different times, she had been hiding in the room.

The ship that was going to country K this time belonged to Ling Shitian. Therefore, other than Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian, there were only some chefs, maids, bodyguards, and no other people on the ship.

Tang Xiaowei met Ling Shitian every day except when they ate, and she almost always stayed in her own room.

Finally, three days later, the ship was about to reach country K.

In half a day, they would be able to go ashore.

At that moment, on the calm sea in front of them, another bigger and more luxurious ship was slowly approaching their one.

After Ling Shitian received the news, he felt that something was wrong, so he did not tell Tang Xiaowei. Then, he brought his bodyguards and David to the deck and took out binoculars to observe the situation of the other party.

Very soon, the other party revealed their identity. They were from the royal family of country K. They felt that Ling Shitian's ship was strange and wanted to search it.

There were many members of the Royal Navy of country K on the other party's ship, and every one of them had weapons in their hands.

Although Ling Shitian was unhappy that the other party wanted to search his ship, and he really wanted to reject it, he thought that this was after all a ship belonging to the royal family of country K. If he offended the other party, it might be very troublesome when he went to look for the Song family.

Therefore, Ling Shitian, who had not compromised for many years, was silent for a while. Then, he ordered David to let the navy come up and search.

In any case, he did not put any prohibited goods on his ship, so he was not afraid.

Very soon, when the two ships slowly approached, the opposing navy boarded Ling Shitian's ship. At the same time, a young and handsome man and a young and cute girl also boarded.

The girl looked to be in her teens. The girl looked around, looking innocent and cute. She looked low-key, but in fact, they were both wearing luxury brands. Behind her, there was a girl who looked submissive in a maid's uniform.

The young and handsome man looked to be a few years older than the girl. The two of them looked very similar and looked like brother and sister. The man's attire was also low-key, but it was not ordinary.

The man took a few steps forward and saw Ling Shitian. At a glance, he felt that the man in front of him was not simple. The man asked politely, "May I ask if you are from K nation?"

Ling Shitian was originally very angry that the other party wanted to search his ship, but he did not want to cause any trouble, so he could only let the other party board the ship.

At that moment, seeing that the other party's attitude was not bad, he was not that unhappy.

He nodded and was also very polite. "Yes, my nationality is British, but I'm actually of Chinese descent."

Upon hearing this, the man's smile became even more gentle. However, it did not reach his eyes. Although he appeared gentle on the surface, it seemed as if he had cultivated such gentleness. It was not the true emotions in his heart. "I see. No wonder I felt that you had an oriental profile just now. Oh right, my surname is Su, I'm from K nation. What's your surname, sir?"

"My surname is Ling." Ling Shitian could feel that although the man was smiling, it was only on the surface. However, he could also feel that the man did not have any ill intentions, but it was impossible for him to have any good intentions, either.

Therefore, Ling Shitian's attitude had always been very indifferent.

Su Jin had already felt that the owner of this ship was definitely not of humble means. Now that they had met, he felt even more so.

He smiled lightly, as if his smile would always be his mask. "Mr. Ling, can I take a look around your ship?''