Chapter 364: Don't disturb her

"Sure," Ling Shitian replied with a smile, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

If it was in England or his territory, anyone who dared to make such a request to him would have been killed long ago.

However, the situation was different now. Ling Shitian clenched his fists tightly and asked himself to hold it in, or else he would have ruined all his preparations.

Thus, Su Jin began to 'observe' .

The young girl beside him also followed him. Similarly, there was a woman and a man behind the two of them. At a glance, it was obvious that they were maids and domestic helpers. They might both know some martial arts, so they followed closely behind the two of them. It was very obvious that they were protecting them.

Ling Shitian could roughly guess who this young man was, as well as the identity of this young girl.

Before coming to country K, he had investigated the situation there. He knew that there was a royal family here, and he also knew who the people in the royal family were.

Although the people in the royal family here had never exposed their photos.

However, the royal family here was surnamed Su.

Similarly, the Queen had two children. One of her eldest sons was already 24 years old.

The other was her youngest daughter, who was already 17 years old.

Just now, these people had said that they were from the royal family.

In that case, these two young men and girls were very supportive of this message, especially since they had brought the navy along and even took a luxurious ship.

Therefore, Ling Shitian recalled that he came here this time because he wanted to go to the Imperial Palace. Thus, he turned a blind eye to these people getting on his ship.

"Brother, look, the color of the room in front is so beautiful. Other than that one that was painted blue and white, the rest are all gray. It's so interesting." The girl saw that the outside of the room in front was painted blue and white. She thought it was very beautiful, so she pulled her brother and ran over there.

Su Jin stroked his sister's head lovingly and said with a smile, "It's nothing. If you like it, brother will get someone to paint all of our ships in this color."

The girl shook her head with a smile. "No need. It's too troublesome. Let's go over and take a look at this room."

Su Jin chuckled. This time, the smile finally reached his eyes. "Xiaoqi, aren't you afraid that there are people living inside and we might be disturbing others?"

As soon as Su Xiaoqi heard this, she stopped in her tracks. "Right, I forgot about this. There might be people living inside. Then I won't go over there. It's not good to disturb others."

Just as Su Jin was about to say something, Ling Shitian strode over and said calmly, with an irresistible authority in his tone: "Mr. Su, Miss Su, this is my daughter's room. She is not well and is resting. Please don't disturb her."

This special room was indeed Tang Xiaowei's room.

Su Jin was a prince in country K. Even though he always had a gentle smile on his face, it was all a disguise.

No one had ever dared to stop him like this. He suddenly felt a little comfortable.

However, Su Xiaoqi was naive and innocent. After hearing Ling Shitian's words, she hurriedly apologized in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I didn't know your daughter lived here. We'll go somewhere else now. I'm sorry."

After saying that, Su Xiaoqi wanted to pull her brother away. She could not bear to continue standing there, as it would disturb the sick girl inside.

Su Jin loved his sister the most. Apart from his family, he did not want to care about anyone else.

If it were not for the fact that he was a prince, he would not have pretended to be all smiles every day.

At that moment, he stopped in his tracks as his sister pulled him away.

At that moment, the blue-white door of the room was opened and a girl in a white dress walked out. Her face was pale, her figure was thin, and her long hair fluttered in the wind. However, none of this could hide her pure and noble beauty.

When she walked out and saw Ling Shitian, she asked, "Uncle Tian, what happened?"

She was reading a book when she suddenly heard a commotion outside. She put down the book and planned to ask him.

After asking Ling Shitian, she felt that her surroundings were different.

A few days ago, besides Uncle Tian and her, there were other maids, chefs, and bodyguards on the ship.

However, today, there seemed to be some other people on the ship.

She looked at Su Jin and behind him. However, before she could finish reading, Su Xiaoqi, who was beside Su Jin, suddenly shouted in surprise and threw herself at Tang Xiaowei. "Sister Xiaowei, why are you here? Why are you here?"

Upon hearing Su Xiaoqi's words and seeing her actions, everyone present was shocked.

Among them were Ling Shitian, Su Jin, as well as the other bodyguards and maids.

Only Tang Xiaowei regained her senses after a few seconds. She gently pushed Su Xiaoqi away and took a closer look at her face. Only then did she realize that she knew this girl.

This girl had just gotten to know Huangfu Qiye not so long ago. At that time, she thought that Huangfu Qiye had given up on her. She felt very happy and went to look for a job herself. In the end, she inexplicably became Huangfu Qiye's secretary.

But one day, she angered Huangfu Qiye and was chased away by him. She walked down from the forest manor alone and finally got on a bus that was kidnapped.

At that time, everyone on the bus was kidnapped, and Su Xiaoqi was also on it.

In the end, when she escaped, she even took Su Xiaoqi with her.

But after that, Su Xiaoqi said that her family was looking for her, so she left.

From then on, she never saw Su Xiaoqi again. She didn't expect to meet her here today.

Tang Xiaowei was also very happy. She held Su Xiaoqi's hand and smiled. "Xiaoqi, why are you here?"

Su Xiaoqi was very happy to see that Tang Xiaowei still remembered her. She hurriedly smiled and replied, "My brother and I came out to fish and play. Then we met your ship, so we asked your father for permission to board your ship to investigate."

She did not know that her brother had brought the navy up to search, so she only thought that he was here to play.

Tang Xiaowei did not understand what was going on. She nodded and asked, "Are you originally from K?"

As this place was very close to K, Su Xiaoqi said that she was here to fish. Therefore, it was very likely that she was from K.

"Yes, that's right." Su Xiaoqi nodded and reached out to pull her brother over. She introduced him to Tang Xiaowei, "Sister Xiaowei, this is my brother. His name is Su Jin. He's already 24 years old and is the prince of our country. He doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't have a princess either."