Chapter 365: Visiting the Imperial Palace

However, the two of them still shook hands and introduced themselves. Tang Xiaowei also introduced Ling Shitian as her foster father to the two siblings of the Su family.

Since they already knew each other, Su Jin ordered the navy to retreat and stop the search. Furthermore, at Su Xiaoqi's insistence, he planned to have lunch on Ling Shitian's ship before leaving.

Therefore, someone went to prepare lunch. Ling Shitian and Su Jin chatted for a while. Both of them had their own shrewdness, so not long after, Ling Shitian excused himself and wanted to rest for a while before returning to his room.

Meanwhile, Su Jin sat alone on the sofa on the deck, drinking tea.

Tang Xiaowei and Su Xiaoqi stayed in her room. The two of them were talking about what had happened since they had not seen each other for a while.

At the same time, Su Xiaoqi also told Tang Xiaowei about her identity.

After that, Su Xiaoqi was a little tired from talking, so she leaned on Tang Xiaowei's bed and fell asleep.

Tang Xiaowei pulled the blanket over Su Xiaoqi. Then, she remembered what Su Xiaoqi had said just now. She was still a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Xiaoqi's identity was so intimidating. She was actually the little princess of country K.

She had come to country K this time to enter the royal palace. She had thought that it would be difficult to enter, but the heavens had let her meet Xiaoqi again this time. Perhaps they were going to help her.

She had just asked Xiaoqi if there was a doctor surnamed Song in the Royal Palace of country K. Xiaoqi shook her head and said no.

Tang Xiaowei felt that this was strange, but she was still unwilling to give up. It was useless to be anxious now.

She wanted to go out and get some fresh air.

Therefore, after Su Xiaoqi fell asleep, she thought for a while and pushed the door open, preparing to go out.

However, just as she went out, she saw a person standing not far away from the door.

Everyone around seemed to have retreated, and that person stood there with his back facing her door.

Tang Xiaowei took a few steps forward and asked, "Mr. Su, are you here to look for Xiaoqi? She fell asleep in my room just now. Wake her up later when we're having dinner."

Upon hearing that, Su Jin turned around.

He had a feminine appearance, but he was still handsome.

There was a faint smile on his face, which made him look very amiable. However, a shrewd person could still tell that he was not as amiable as he appeared to be.

Tang Xiaowei could not tell, but she felt that it was not easy to get to know this person. Therefore, she wanted to leave after she finished speaking.

However, Su Jin spoke instead.

"Miss Tang, she told me everything about my sister's kidnapping. Thank you for saving her back then. I'll help her repay this favor. Whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I can help you."

Su Jin's tone was serious and solemn.

He scrutinized Tang Xiaowei. She was indeed a beauty, especially when she had a sickly pallor, which made her even more attractive.

However, he also knew that Tang Xiaowei's adoptive father was definitely not simple. Therefore, he could not touch a woman like Tang Xiaowei. So, he did not have any intention of treating her that way. Even if he did, he would be able to control himself.

Upon hearing his words, Tang Xiaowei suddenly wanted to ask him to bring her and Uncle Tian to the Imperial Palace to look for the Song family.

However, she did not want Su Xiaoqi to repay her for saving Su Xiaoqi back then.

She remained silent for a few seconds.

Just then, Su Xiaoqi, who had just fallen asleep, woke up. She pushed the door open and walked out of the room. She yawned and said, "Brother, what are you and sister Xiaowei talking about?"

Su Jin reached out to pat her head and said with a smile, "Nothing."

Tang Xiaowei smiled silently as well.

Su Xiaoqi, on the other hand, slowly came to her senses. She held Su Jin's hand and said with a smile, "Brother, sister Xiaowei is my savior. It's not easy for me to meet her. She's also here in our country. I want to invite sister Xiaowei to our home to enjoy our hospitality."

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment before he nodded stiffly and said, "Okay. " After all, the Su family's home was not an ordinary home. That was why he was taken aback.

"Brother is the best." Upon hearing that, Su Xiaoqi praised her brother happily before letting go of him. She ran over and held Tang Xiaowei's hand. "Sister Xiaowei, would you like to stay at my house? I really want you to stay at my house. I also want my mom and dad to have dinner with you. When I was saved previously, I told them that you were the one who saved me. They all said that they wanted to thank you."

"Is that okay?" Tang Xiaowei already knew that Su Xiaoqi's house was the Imperial Palace, so she was not sure if it was okay for her to follow Su Xiaoqi there.

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" Su Xiaoqi shook Tang Xiaowei's hand. "Sister Xiaowei, just come back to my house with me. We're nearly there. I'll be very sad if you don't go."

Just when Tang Xiaowei was at a loss for words, Su Jin said, "Miss Tang, my sister likes you very much. Our family is also very grateful to you for saving her back then. So, you can come to our house with your father for a few days."

"Alright then." Upon hearing Su Jin's promise, Tang Xiaowei agreed. She did not dare to agree just now because she vaguely felt that Su Jin was not as easy to get along with as he appeared to be. He was a little scary.

She was afraid that Su Jin would reject her and Uncle Tian entering the Imperial Palace because of their relationship, so she did not agree to it.

Now that he had agreed to it, entering the Imperial Palace this time would also help her look for the Song family members. Of course, she had to go.

Hence, the few of them had lunch on the ship.

The Su siblings returned to their ship and led the way.

Ling Shitian's ship followed behind them.

After the siblings left, Ling Shitian came to look for Tang Xiaowei.

After meeting, Ling Shitian closed the door. Once he was sure that no one was eavesdropping, he said seriously, "Little Qiang Wei, I didn't expect you to have such a fortuitous encounter with the Su family previously. However, this is a good thing. After entering the Imperial Palace with them this time, you should get along well with that little girl. I will be responsible for finding the Song family members. After finding them, if they are unwilling, as long as that little girl opens her mouth, the imperial family members will dote on that little girl. Therefore, the antidote will definitely be very easy to obtain."

Although Ling Shitian's words carried a hint of scheming, he was doing it for Tang Xiaowei's good.

Tang Xiaowei didn't nod or shake her head after hearing that. Instead, she said seriously, "Uncle Tian, I think our luck this time should be very good, so you don't have to worry too much. Everything will be fine."

"You're right. Uncle Tian won't do things that shouldn't be done. Otherwise, if we're unfamiliar with this place, Uncle Tian will also be worried about harming you." Ling Shitian knew what Tang Xiaowei meant. He probably meant to let nature take its course and not do any little tricks.

Tang Xiaowei nodded.