Chapter 366: The girl's painful voice

When Tang Xiaowei and the others got off the ship and arrived on land, it was already three hours later.

At that moment, the sky had already turned dark.

On land, there were already luxurious cars waiting for them.

Su Jin had made a call in advance and instructed his men to prepare them.

Su Jin sent two cars to Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian. He asked them to bring along a maid and a bodyguard. As for the rest of the people, Su Jin would find them a house and let them live outside the palace.

After all, no one could enter the palace just because they wanted to. Therefore, this time, Ling Shitian, Tang Xiaowei, the maid, and the bodyguard only had six people in total.

Ling Shitian did not say anything. After all, everyone had rules in their territory, especially since they were from the royal family. Of course, they could not bring anyone in.

Therefore, a long fleet of cars drove past the streets and headed towards the luxurious and beautiful castle in the center of the island.

After more than a dozen checkpoints and inspections, the cars finally drove into the innermost part of the palace.

However, although Tang Xiaowei and her husband were guests, the queen and her husband had already left the country. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian did not need to go to see the queen. Instead, they were sent directly to the exquisite villa in the palace for guests.

After settling them down, Su Jin brought his sister along and said that they still had some matters to deal with. Then, Su Xiaoqi was taken away by him.

After the siblings left, Ling Shitian brought David along and told Tang Xiaowei that he was going to look for clues before leaving.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei's illness was about to flare up.

She did not even have the time to pack her luggage before rushing into the bathroom to vomit.

When Su Jin came over, he could faintly smell the stench of blood in the air. Moreover, the smell was coming from Tang Xiaowei's room.

He just felt uneasy. He always felt that something bad would happen if Tang Xiaowei and the others stayed here tonight. Therefore, after settling his sister down, he walked over .

Standing there, he smelled the stench of blood and walked into the villa where Tang Xiaowei lived.

Upon seeing him, the maids and bodyguards inside did not dare to stop him out of fear of his identity. They only said that Tang Xiaowei was resting and hoped that he would not disturb her.

Out of the blue, Su Jin pushed the maids and bodyguards away and rushed upstairs.

The further he went upstairs, the stronger the smell of blood was.

Finally, he walked into Tang Xiaowei's bedroom and realized that the smell of blood came from the bathroom. There, the lights were on, and he heard the girl's painful voice and the sound of vomiting.

Su Jin did not stop walking and quickly walked into the bathroom.

However, when he walked in, he realized that there were many drops of blood on the floor of the bathroom. Tang Xiaowei, on the other hand, looked like she was in so much pain that she wished she was dead. She was curled up and squatting on the floor, looking pitiful.

Su Jin did not know why, but his heart, which was originally unperturbed, suddenly felt a tingling pain when he saw this scene.

He could clearly feel that his heart ached for this girl, Tang Xiaowei.

He recalled the day on the ship when his sister had teased him and introduced him to Tang Xiaowei. He remembered that when he saw Tang Xiaowei, she was very calm, very weak, and very beautiful.

She was indeed the type of girl that he liked.

However, in his past life, he would never be distracted by anyone and be moved by them.

However, at this moment, seeing her in such pain, he was inexplicably reluctant to part with her.

He squatted down and stretched out his hand to put it on her shoulder. Using a voice that he could not believe, he asked her softly and gently, "Miss Tang, what's wrong?"

He found it strange. The blood in the bathroom was dripping strangely.

It was as if she was injured somewhere and kept dripping blood.

She was in so much pain that her entire body was trembling. Did she feel uncomfortable because she had just been attacked by someone else?

However, it was very safe here.

Tang Xiaowei was in great pain. She did not sense anyone approaching her until someone put his arm around her shoulder and a familiar voice came from beside her. She bit her lip, endured the pain, and raised her head.

When she raised her head, Su Jin was immediately shocked by her pale face, the tears in her eyes, and the blood stains on her mouth and nose.

He was extremely shocked. How could she be like this?

Could it be that all the blood on the ground was from her?

Then, was she really sick like her father had said?

What exactly was wrong with her?

"What's wrong with you?" He even forgot to call her Miss Tang and asked her in shock.

Tang Xiaowei was really in a lot of pain this time. She was unable to answer and blacked out before fainting.

Su Jin carried Tang Xiaowei, who had already fainted, and realized that her mouth and nose were still bleeding. Although there was not much blood, it was very frightening.

He frowned. This was the first time he had met a woman like her, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He lifted her and stood up. He carried her to the bed and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call. "Dr. Lu, I'm at the seventh villa. Someone is very sick here. Quickly come over and see what's going on."

On the other end of the phone, Dr. Lu quickly agreed upon hearing what Su Jin said.

After the call was hung up, Su Jin stayed in the room and did not leave.

He instructed the maid to come upstairs and clean up the bathroom. He also wiped the blood off Tang Xiaowei's face and body.

About ten minutes later, Doctor Lu rushed over. Doctor Lu looked like a man in his 40s or 50s. He was dressed in a very refined manner.

Tang Xiaowei's blood had stopped flowing.

Su Jin could not control himself and anxiously instructed Doctor Lu, "Doctor Lu, quickly take a look at her. She's bleeding non-stop. What happened?"

Doctor Lu asked in surprise, "Your Highness, who is this lady?"

"She's my friend." Su Jin thought for a moment. Tang Xiaowei could be considered his friend, so he spoke up.

This was the first time Lu had seen the prince speak of a woman as his friend. Moreover, judging from the prince's expression, he was indeed very anxious.

Although Doctor Lu wanted to gossip, saving Tang Xiaowei was still more important. Therefore, he resisted the urge to find out more.

He went forward and began to examine Tang Xiaowei, who had fainted on the bed.

Soon, his expression changed when he saw her face.

He stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at Su Jin in shock. "Your Highness, how do you know this young lady? Which country is she from? What's her name? Did she come to K nation alone? Did she have any family to accompany her here?"

"I am her family." Before Su Jin could reply, Ling Shitian's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

He pushed the door open and strode in.