Chapter 392: "Uncle Tian is in trouble and needs Su Jin's help. "

David said, "Before master went out today, he told me that if I couldn't contact him at 8 pm, something must have happened to him. At that time, he asked me to come and take you and the young master away."

The young master that David was referring to was the little boy.

When Tang Xiaowei heard that, she frowned. "Butler David, I will not leave uncle Tian alone and leave with the little boy. Back then, my health was not good and I might have died. It was only because Uncle Tian brought me here that I was able to take the antidote. Since something happened to Uncle Tian, tell me. Let's go and save Uncle Tian together. After that, we can leave together."

"Miss, I really want to save master, and I don't want to leave him behind. However, he has told me that if anything happens to him, I must send you and the young master away safely. So, I can't listen to you." Although David was worried about Ling Shitian, he didn't listen to Tang Xiaowei.

He said anxiously, "Miss, please carry the young master downstairs first. I'll get someone to come up and pack your clothes. I'll send you out of country K in a while."

"David, I said that I won't leave without saving Uncle Tian. You'd better tell me clearly what happened to him." Tang Xiaowei's attitude was very tough.

David was extremely helpless and could only sigh and say, "Alright, I'll tell miss then."

Hence, David then explained the situation to her.

The gist was that during the period of time he had come to k country, Ling Shitian had taken a fancy to a kind of natural resource in K country. This kind of resource was very marketable in other countries and was very profitable.

At the same time, this kind of resource was very rare in other countries, but there were many in K country.

Ling Shitian was originally a businessman. Seeing such a business opportunity, he was naturally hooked and did not want to let go.

However, in country K, these resources were all managed by the national government.

Unless one obtained a permit and did many things to smooth out their relationship, only then would it be possible to mine these resources.

Ling Shitian had originally obtained a permit and spent a lot of money to smooth out his relationship. However, today, when he was recruiting many people to mine, he suddenly met people from the government and the police. Then, Ling Shitian was arrested.

Today, Ling Shitian was taken away. Only David came back to report the news and shoulder the heavy responsibility of escorting Tang Xiaowei and her son away.

Originally, Ling Shitian had been arrogant all his life. Normally, he would not be afraid of the so-called government and police. However, this was country K after all. Moreover, Ling Shitian had brought very few people with him this time, so he was simply no match for the people here.

After listening to David's words, Tang Xiaowei knew the seriousness and danger of the matter.

She thought silently for a while.

Then, she asked David, "Butler David, I don't really understand these things. Do you think there's any way to save Uncle Tian now?"

David's expression changed when he heard that Then, he became a little troubled. "Miss, master only asked me to send you away. I've already gathered up the courage to do something by telling you the truth. If I tell you another way to help master, and you do it, master will punish me in the future."

"You mean that I really can help Uncle Tian, right?" Tang Xiaowei immediately understood what David meant and said anxiously, "Since that's the case, then tell me. I'll go and save Uncle Tian immediately."

"But..." David was a little hesitant.

Tang Xiaowei's face turned cold. "Butler David, if you don't say it, I won't leave if I can't save Uncle Tian."

David thought about it. After all, saving his master was more important. In the future, even if his master was angry and wanted to punish him, he couldn't care less.

So, he said in a low voice, "Miss, you go and find someone who can definitely help master."

"Who?" Tang Xiaowei was anxious.

David said a name in a low voice and did not continue.

Upon hearing that name, Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment.

He was actually looking for Su Jin.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it made sense. He was the prince of this country. Since the government and the police had captured Uncle Tian, then if Su Jin was found, as long as Su Jin appeared, he would definitely be able to save Uncle Tian.

Tang Xiaowei did not hesitate at all and said, "David, please help me contact him. I will go and see Su Jin in a while. I will definitely beg him to help save Uncle Tian."

"Really, miss?" David thought that Tang Xiaowei did not like Su Jin. Moreover, Su Jin had scared Tang Xiaowei and caused her to give birth prematurely. Therefore, David thought that Tang Xiaowei would definitely not go and see Su Jin.

He did not expect that she would be willing.

As expected, master did not dote on Missy for nothing. Missy was really like master's biological daughter. She was also thinking of master. David was touched.

"Yes, it's true. Go and prepare quickly. Save Uncle Tian as soon as possible. He won't suffer as much. After all, he's old and this is not his territory." Tang Xiaowei's tone was urgent and full of worry.

Therefore, David did not delay any further. He immediately went to find Su Jin's number and began to try to contact Su Jin.

After a while, David hurriedly handed the phone to Tang Xiaowei and said, "Miss, the call is through. His Highness Su wants to talk to you."

Tang Xiaowei took a deep breath and took the phone. Then, she asked in a calm voice, "Hello, is this Su Jin?"

"Yes, it's me. Is there something you need me for?" Su Jin's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was not cold, but it was not friendly either.

Tang Xiaowei could not tell what he was really feeling, but when she thought about how she had treated him before and how she wanted to ask him for help now, she became a little nervous.

She did not know whether he would agree or not.

If he did not agree, what should she do?

No, she had to make him agree to save Uncle Tian. No matter what conditions he offered, she had to save Uncle Tian.

Her life was saved by Uncle Tian. She could not ignore uncle Tian's life just because she survived.

Besides, Uncle Tian treated her like his own daughter. It was normal for her to save her adoptive father.

"Su Jin, I'd like to ask you for a favor. Can we meet and talk about it in detail?" Tang Xiaowei asked carefully.

When she rejected him in the past, she didn't like him and didn't want to delay him. She was also afraid that he would pester her, so she didn't treat him well.

Now, she had a request for his help. Although she was willing to subdue her pride, she was afraid that he would turn his back on her.

"Okay, I'm free later. In half an hour, we'll meet at the royal restaurant on XX road. I haven't had dinner yet, so I can have dinner there. By the way, do you need me to pick you up?" Unexpectedly, Su Jin agreed easily.