Chapter 393: "accompany me for dinner. "

Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this. She then nodded repeatedly, "There's no need for that. I'll head over myself. That's all for now. I'll head over immediately. See you later."

Thus, the call ended.

Tang Xiaowei put away her phone. She said to the nervous David beside her, "He has already agreed to meet me. Butler David, send me to meet him in a while. I'll try my best to persuade him to help save Uncle Tian. When that time comes, once Uncle Tian is rescued, we'll immediately leave this place."

When David heard that, he nodded excitedly, "Young miss, thank you. Thank you for being willing to stay and save master. This is the first time I have seen someone so willing to make sacrifices for master. Even young master has never done this before." The young master that David mentioned was Ling Yijue.

Tang Xiaowei did not want to talk about these things at this time. She comforted David, "Butler David, don't worry. Uncle Tian will definitely be able to return safely. You go prepare the car first. I will give some instructions to the maids and let them take care of the Little Milk Bun."

David nodded and went downstairs, feeling touched.

Tang Xiaowei went back to her room. Seeing that the little boy was still sleeping, she called for the maid and instructed her to take good care of the child. She then changed into her clothes, grabbed her bag, and left.

Half an hour later, David and a young bodyguard accompanied Tang Xiaowei to the restaurant Su Jin mentioned.

However, just as they entered the restaurant, the waiter stopped them and said coldly, "Sorry, guests. Our restaurant is booked for tonight. Come back another day."

Just as Tang Xiaowei was about to explain, two bodyguards walked into the restaurant. They were dressed in black bodyguard uniforms and looked fierce.

They went to the cold waiter and threatened, "This is the guest our highness is waiting for. How dare you stop his Highness's guest? Do you want to die?"

The waiter was frightened and immediately trembled. He hurriedly apologized to Tang Xiaowei, "I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't know you were his highness's guest. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You should take me to see his Highness." Tang Xiaowei didn't have time to talk nonsense with these people. She waved her hand to dismiss the waiter and then said to the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards looked at the young bodyguard and David behind Tang Xiaowei and said seriously, "Miss Tang, his Highness said that only you are allowed to see him. You can't bring anyone else."

Hearing this, David became anxious, "Miss, I have to follow by your side to protect your safety. Otherwise, if anything happens to you, master will definitely kill me."

David knew very well how much his master liked this daughter. Although this miss was not his biological daughter, David knew that his master had already completely treated Tang Xiaowei as his biological daughter. Therefore, although David had the courage to ask Tang Xiaowei to come over and ask Su Jin to help save Ling Shitian, he did not dare to disregard Tang Xiaowei's safety.

"Don't worry, Our Highness will definitely not hurt Miss Tang." The two bodyguards hurriedly guaranteed THIS with sincere and earnest looks on their faces.

Tang Xiaowei did not say anything else. She only said that she would let David rest assured that nothing would happen to her. Then, she followed one of Su Jin's bodyguards into the restaurant, while the other bodyguard stayed where he was and stared at David and the others, not allowing them to follow them.

Tang Xiaowei followed the bodyguard along a winding road and arrived at the entrance of a private room.

The bodyguard pushed the door open and stood aside respectfully. He said, "Miss Tang, his Highness is inside. Please go ahead."

Tang Xiaowei did not know why, but she was actually so nervous that she started to tremble.

However, thinking that Uncle Tian might be suffering right now, and seeing how anxious David was, Uncle Tian would definitely not be released easily.

Therefore, she could only ask Su Jin for help.

Besides Su Jin, Su Xiaoqi was the only person she knew who was of high status here.

However, Su Xiaoqi was just a little girl who did not know anything and did not have much power. There was no way she could help her.

The only person who could help her was Su Jin.

Although Su Jin had been pestering her every day, she had felt that he was being very improper.

However, Su Jin was a god in the hearts of many people in this country, and he had a lot of power in his hands.

Therefore, it was no wonder that people said that he was the prince charming in the hearts of all the girls in K nation.

She rejected him because she had already met the person she loved.

Otherwise, she might have been moved by his previous actions.

She saw that after the door was opened, the lights in the private room were very bright. She could see that the interior decoration was very elegant and there were even green potted plants.

She walked in and the door behind her was closed by the bodyguards.

She saw that there was a set of cloth couches and a dining table. Beside the dining table were chairs.

This private room also had floor-to-ceiling windows. At thatmoment, the curtains were pulled open and Su Jin was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his back facing her. She did not know what he was looking at.

After she walked into the room, she fell silent for a few seconds subconsciously, not knowing how to speak.

Fortunately, Su Jin turned around at this moment.

He was wearing a custom-made, high-class, handmade suit. It was gray and suited him very well. His handsome face was filled with a gentle smile.

"You're here?"

He walked over and slowly approached her.

She subconsciously took a step back and said nervously, "Su Jin, I want to ask you for a favor. I don't know..."

"I haven't had dinner yet, why don't you have dinner with me? After dinner, we can talk about other things, hmm?" Su Jin's attitude was very good, but his words were so domineering that it was impossible for anyone to refuse or resist.

Especially since she was here to ask for his help, she didn't dare to say anything more and could only nod. "Okay."

The two of them sat down beside the dining room. Su Jin picked up his phone and gave some instructions. Immediately, someone pushed the door open and entered. Then, he handed the menu to Su Jin and said, "Your Highness."

Su Jin pushed the menu in front of Tang Xiaowei and said, "Xiaowei, what do you want to eat? Order it yourself."

Tang Xiaowei had already had her dinner. Now, she could not eat anything at all.

She shook her head and said, "I've already eaten."

Su Jin did not force her. After seeing that her expression seemed to be genuine, Su Jin kept the menu and randomly ordered a few dishes.

While waiting for the dishes, Tang Xiaowei tried to speak a few times, but Su Jin deliberately ignored her.

It was not until the dishes were served that Su Jin began to eat. Tang Xiaowei did not want to disturb him anymore, so she did not mention anything about asking him for help.

Su Jin did not say anything else after he started to eat.

Tang Xiaowei sat quietly at the side and waited.

Just then, her phone rang.

She took out her phone and looked at it. It was a call from the maid who was taking care of the Little Milk Bun.

Her expression changed and she frowned. Could it be that something had happened to the Little Milk Bun?