Chapter 395: "Don't cry, Milk Bun. "

He sat back down on the chair and his expression slowly turned cold. However, he revealed a hint of a smile.

He was not afraid of waiting. After all, he had waited for so long. She might not be able to accept such a proposal now, but after she calmed down.

After she ran into a wall again, she would definitely come back to look for him.

At that time, she could only agree to all of his requests.

Su Jin thought about how she would run into a wall outside and would have no choice but to come back to look for him in the end. He felt extremely excited about the time when she agreed to his proposal.

"Tang Xiaowei, you won't be able to escape. I'll wait for you."


Tang Xiaowei stumbled out of the private room. She only heaved a sigh of relief when she realized that no one was chasing after her.

She tidied up her clothes and emotions before walking out slowly.

Before she reached the door, she saw David and the bodyguards who had just arrived waiting for her at the door.

She hurriedly walked over.

Upon seeing her come out, David looked at her expectantly.

However, seeing that she did not look well, David did not ask her immediately.

Instead, he and another bodyguard walked out with her and got into the car outside.

When the car was about to leave, Tang Xiaowei, who had been silent since getting into the car, suddenly said, "Butler David, I had a falling out with Su Jin, so we'll think of other ways to save Uncle Tian after we go back."

Upon hearing that, David did not ask about the process of Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin falling out. He only nodded and said, "Okay, we'll think of a way to save master when we go back later."

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief when she saw David being so sensible.

She leaned against the back of the chair and closed her eyes.

Half an hour later, they returned to the villa.

Tang Xiaowei returned to her room immediately.

As expected, the moment the door opened, the maid in the room immediately revealed an excited expression. "Miss, you're finally here. Just now, young master started crying again after you hung up the phone."

"You can go out. I'll take care of him," Tang Xiaowei instructed the maid in a low voice before walking into the room.

There was a small bed beside her big bed.

At that moment, on the small bed, the little boy was crying quietly. His big eyes were red from crying.

The room was originally very quiet. Even if he was crying, he did not make a sound.

However, when Tang Xiaowei walked to the little boy's side and the little guy saw her, his crying immediately erupted.

Sob, sob, sob...

Tang Xiaowei saw the child's crying appearance and heard his crying. Her heart was immediately pulled up fiercely. The pain made her almost cry.

She rushed forward and picked up the little boy. Her heart ached as she wiped away his tears and comforted him, "Don't cry, little boy. Isn't mommy back already? Don't cry. A crying baby isn't a good baby. Don't cry, okay?"

She comforted the child and kissed his pink little face.

The little boy was quickly comforted by her and slowly stopped crying.

However, his little body was still trembling.

Tang Xiaowei could only carry him around the room and gently coax him.

Half an hour later, the little boy was finally coaxed to sleep by her.

Tang Xiaowei then heaved a sigh of relief and carefully placed the little boy on the small bed. She covered him with the blanket and went to the bathroom to get a warm towel to wipe the tears off the child's face.

After doing all this, she walked out of the room and called the maid in to take care of the little boy. Then, she went to look for David.

Downstairs in the hall.

At that moment, David had already contacted many people. However, the phones of everyone in the villa could only be used to make calls within country K. There was simply no way to make calls to other countries. Therefore, even if David wanted to find Ling Yijue to bring people to save Ling Shitian, it was simply impossible.

When Tang Xiaowei came over, she heard David's words and fell silent.

After a long while, she asked David, "Butler David, do you know how much money Uncle Tian brought over this time?"

When David heard this, he did not understand what Tang Xiaowei wanted to do, so he asked, "Miss, what do you want to do? Master's money is all managed by him. I actually don't know how much money master brought over, nor do I know where he keeps the money."

Tang Xiaowei explained, "I was thinking that if Uncle Tian brought more money, we could take the path of bribery. Anyway, Uncle Tian hasn't really exploited the resources here. As long as we pay the money and promise that we won't do it again in the future, it should be possible. However, since you and I don't know where Uncle Tian's money is, then this path of bribery won't work."

In fact, Tang Xiaowei had lived for so long and was already 20 years old, but she had never bribed anyone.

Today, she had thought of this method because it was important to save Uncle Tian.

Tang Xiaowei felt disappointed when she mentioned the fact that she was 20 years old.

In the past, she had many people accompanying her on her birthday.

This year, on her birthday, only Uncle Tian and Uncle song, as well as the unborn Little Milk Bun, accompanied her to celebrate a very simple birthday.

A few months had passed since her 20th birthday, but it was the loneliest birthday she had experienced in such a long time.

She shook her head and stopped thinking about her age and birthday.

She started to think of other ways.

At that moment, David suddenly stood up. He slammed the table hard. "Miss, why don't I bring people to the place where they are holding master and rescue him? When the time comes, you and the young master will go to the port first. I will prepare our ship for you. When I rescue master, we will leave together."

"But this is too risky. If there are too many of them and you are caught because of this, you will be convicted." Tang Xiaowei shook her head worriedly. She felt that David's suggestion could not be easily tested.

David fell silent. However, in his heart, David felt that his suggestion was very good. He planned to directly save his master in a while.

He thought that Tang Xiaowei would not allow him to take such a risk, so he wanted to send her away.

Thus, he opened his mouth and said, "Miss, it is already very late. I think that master should not be hurt by them tonight. We should rest first and think of a solution tomorrow morning."

Tang Xiaowei saw that David had said so and thought that David was tired, so she nodded. After all, David's age was about the same as Ling Shitian's. Although Tang Xiaowei still wanted to think of another way, she did not want to make things difficult for David. She nodded and said, "Then you guys go and rest first."

Thus, David brought the bodyguards beside him back to their respective rooms.

The place where they had just discussed things was the hall downstairs.

At that moment, they had all left, and Tang Xiaowei had also returned to her room.

She was not sleepy at all. She had not thought of a way to save Uncle Tian, so how could she fall asleep.

She went back to her room. She could take care of the little boy and think of a way at the same time.